Essay Lesson 2: TP 1
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 1)
Psalms 17:8 “Keep me as the apple of your eye
Proverbs 28:3 “A ruler who oppresses the poor is like a driving rain that
leaves no crops.”
Eph. 5:22 “Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord.”
Eph. 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave
himself up for her.”
“The snow was blinding to look at, as if it had just been sown with blue-white,
glittering diamonds.”
Hans Christian Anderson, “The Ice Maiden”
Write 3 similes about – a dog, cloud, turkey, flower, brother, or car.
May use any combination and add other words.
_______________________________________ as/like _______________________________________
_______________________________________ as/like _______________________________________
_______________________________________ as/like _______________________________________
Essay Lesson 2: TP 2
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 2)
Line 1 = 5 syllables Where?
Line 2 = 7 syllables What? (simile)
Line 3 = 5 syllables When?
Trees Trees
Growing in forest
Surrounded by fence,
Branches bend like dancing arms
Barking like a horn blowing
Somewhere in the night
All through the long night
Each poem consists of three, unrhymed lines.
State action or factual information about topic.
The second or middle line must be a simile.
Each line has a specific number of syllables.
17 total syllables
1. Select a topic
2. Write words or a phrase that tells where action could be occurring.
3. Write words or a phrase that tells what could be happening.
4. Write words or a phrase that tells when it could be happening.
5. Adjust the syllables and words to fit the Haiku pattern.
Class subject matter – singing, motorcycle, baseball, or cats
Essay Lesson 2: TP 3
© Copyright 2011, 2012
Essay Checklist
1. Paragraph Form: Indent & 1 inch margins
2. Double Space & Times New Roman #12
3. Word count: every paragraph must have 100 – 230 words
4. Begin each sentence with a capital letter and end with the correct
5. Subject and verb in every sentence
6. Begin sentences with different words in each paragraph.
7. Starting sentences of each paragraph should start with different words
8. Be positive – Use words correctly – No slang
9. Title taken from conclusion, typed and centered
Add to list:
10. Use 3
person only:
he, she, him, her, his, hers, they, them,
their, theirs
Essay Lesson 2: TP 4
© Copyright 2011, 2012
Essay No List
1. No incomplete sentences
2. No run-ons
3. No questions
4. No exclamation marks
5. No parentheses
6. No quotations marks / quotes
7. No dialogue – conversation
8. No …
9. No colons
10. No contractions
11. No slang
12. No announcements
13. No 1
or 2
person: I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours,
you, your, yours
Essay Lesson 2: TP 5
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 3)
Rewrite in 3
person without using any 1
or 2
Use: he, him, she, her, they, them, their
No: I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours
I believe that God created the earth.
God created the earth.
It is my opinion that abortion is wrong.
Abortion stops a beating heart.
Just because I own guns, does not make me a killer.
Owning guns does not make someone a killer.
Essay Lesson 2: TP 6
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 4)
Person Practice
Rewrite each sentence, changing to 3
person: he, him, she, her, they, them, their
No: I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours, you, your, yours
1. I believe to own a business in the USA you should speak clear English.
2. My opinion is that tattoos make older people look ugly.
3. I have the right to raise my children the way I want to.
4. I pity anyone who takes unfair advantage of anyone else.
5. To me, Charles Dickens’ books contain an overkill of details, but I think they are still well
6. In the opinion of the author, young men drive too fast.
7. This writer believes cats are better than dogs.
8. You should always want to do what is right.
9. You should always obey your parents because they love you.
10. God created us to follow him.
Essay Lesson 2: TP 7
© Copyright 2011, 2012
Brainstorm Example
New setting: Small town
New characters: father (small business owner – house painter), 2 sons
1. Introduction: Starting event – States problem – immature son, Hard working house
painter had two sons, younger told father wanted any money he could get now.
Said father wasted life as painter.
2. Situation encountered – Immature son wasted but realized mistake. Father hurt,
gave son what money he had. Son undisciplined self-indulgent, wasted
everything, humbly going home, confess; not deserve called his son. Learn to
become responsible man. Started walking home.
3. Rising action – Fully reinstated as son, joyful return. When long way off, father
ran out, embraced and kissed. Son speech, father not listening. Clean clothes,
welcome home. Get best steaks and grill for feast, son home, invite everyone
over, given up for dead, now alive.
4. Solution – Older working (obedient), came home to celebration. Older son
working all day helping dad. When day’s work done, approached house, heard
music, questioned employee, told brother home, father ordered steaks for brother.
5. Results – Sibling mad, father explains actions. Older mad, refused join in,
father tried talking, no listen. Older served father perfectly, never threw him
party, brother wasted money, have feast. Older brother did not lose anything.
6. Conclusion – (What was taught: lesson) Had to celebrate, brother dead, now
alive, was lost, now found. God welcomes both repentant sinners and obedient.
Essay Lesson 2: TP 8
© Copyright 2011, 2012
Three-Paragraph Outline Example
I. A hard working house painter had two sons; younger told father wanted
money now. Father wasted life. States problem – immature son
A. Father hurt, gave son what money he had.
B. Immature son wasted but realized mistake
1. undisciplined self-indulgent, younger wasted everything
2. Humbly going home; not deserve called his son. Learn to
become responsible man.
3. Started walking home.
II. Fully reinstated as son, joyful return
A. Long way off, father ran to, embraced and kissed
B. Son speech, father not listening.
C. Clean clothes, welcome home.
D. Get best steaks and grill for feast
E. Son home, invite everyone over given up for dead, now alive.
III. Older son working all day helping dad.
A. Older working (obedient), came home to celebration.
1. Day’s work done, approached, music, questioned employee
2. Told brother home, father ordered steaks for brother.
B. Sibling mad, father explains actions.
1. Older mad, refused join in, father tried talking, no listen.
2. Older served father perfectly, never got party, brother worthless,
have feast.
3. Father – Older brother did not lose anything.
IV. Celebrate, brother dead now alive, lost now found. God loves repentant
sinners and obedient.