Essay Lesson 1: TP 1
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 1)
Organize Notebook – 8 tabs
1. Assignments (Papers and notes for current independent work
instruction & completed independent work due)
2. Checklists (Current Checklist and No List for editing independent
3. Word Lists (As introduced, keep here for easy reference)
4. Lesson
Notes (Other papers and notes)
5. Reading List (For required outside reading)
6. Graded Work (Graded paragraphs & poetry)
7. Worksheets (Copies to be used and for independent work)
8. Mind Benders® (Ready for independent work)
Essay Lesson 1: TP 2
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 2)
Favorite Colors
The favorite colors of Betty, Carol, Dick, and Joe are green, pink, red, and
1. No person’s name has the same number of letters as his or her favorite
2. Carol and the girl who likes pink are in different grades.
3. Red is the favorite color of one of the boys
Find each person’s favorite color.
green pink red yellow
Source: The Critical Thinking Co.
Mind Bender® is registered trademark of The Critical Thinking Co Mind Bender problem reproduced
with the permission of The Critical Thinking Co.
Deductive Thinking Skills
Mind Bender®
Essay Lesson 1: TP 3
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 3)
Essay Lessons 1 – 15
The No List
1. No incomplete sentences – each sentence must be a complete thought which
starts with a capital letter and ends with a period.
2. No run-ons
3. No questions
4. No exclamation marks
5. No parentheses (use commas)
6. No quotations marks / quotes
7. No dialogue – conversation
8. No …
9. No colons
10. No contractions – Letters replaced by an apostrophe. Examples: can’t,
won’t, shouldn’t, it’s
11. No slang – Casual, playful words used as replacements for standard.
Examples: hot, sweet, lots, awesome, cool
12. No announcements – Stating the obvious Ex.: That is the reason… Here
is a list… These are the topics… Like it says above… There are many
reasons why…
13. _____________________________________________________________
Essay Lesson 1: TP 4
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 4)
Essay Checklist (MLA Format)
1. Paragraph Form: Indent & 1 inch margins
2. Double Space & Times New Roman font 12
3. Word count: every paragraph must have 100 – 230 words
4. Begin each sentence with a capital letter and end with the correct
5. Subject and verb in every sentence as complete thoughts.
6. Begin sentences with different words in each paragraph.
7. Starting sentence of every paragraph should begin with different words.
8. Be positive – Use words correctly – No slang
9. Title taken from conclusion: Typed and centered
10. _____________________________________________________________
11. _____________________________________________________________
12. _____________________________________________________________
13. _____________________________________________________________
14. _____________________________________________________________
15. _____________________________________________________________
16. _____________________________________________________________
Essay Lesson 1: TP 5
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 5)
1. “The Sermon on the Mount is not a set of rules and regulations: it is a
statement of the life we will live when the Holy Spirit is getting His way with
us.” Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, pg. 207
2. “If you want to be of use to God, get rightly related to Jesus Christ and He
will make you of use unconsciously every minute you live.” Oswald Chambers, My
Utmost for His Highest, pg.139
3. “Yielding to Jesus will break every form of slavery in any human life.” Oswald
Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, pg.74
Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Discovery House, 1963.
Essay Lesson 1: TP 6
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 6)
Skeleton Outline
Essay Lesson 1: TP 7
© Copyright 2011, 2012
Example Outline
I. Matthew 5:1
A. More than just the disciples there
B. Multitudes of crowds
C. What a disciple is
1. Talmidim
a. Age
Typical upbringing
Typical education
How jobs were attained
Typical jobs
Unusual jobs
Jewish view of water
Family life
How to know
b. How many
Typical Rabbis
How Jesus was different
2. Jewish Education
D. How the Rabbis Taught
E. What the mountain would have looked like
II. Matthew 5:2
A. Opened his mouth
1. New Testament idiom
a. Matthew 13:35
b. Acts 8:35
c. Acts 10:34
d. Acts 18:14
2. With Old Testament roots
a. Job 3:1
b. Job 33:2
c. Dan. 10:16
Essay Lesson 1: TP 8
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 7)
The Story of the Lost Son
“Then he said, ‘There was once a man who had two sons. The younger
said to his father, ‘Father, I want right now what’s coming to me.’
So the father divided the property between them. It wasn’t long
before the younger son packed his bags and left for a distant country.
There, undisciplined and dissipated, he wasted everything he had. After
he had gone through all his money, there was a bad famine all through
that country and he began to hurt. He signed on with a citizen there who
assigned him to his fields to slop the pigs. He was so hungry he would
have eaten the corncobs in the pig slop, but no one would give him any.
That brought him to his senses. He said, ‘All those farmhands
working for my father sit down to three meals a day, and here I am
starving to death. I’m going back to my father. I’ll say to him, ‘Father,
I’ve sinned against God. I’ve sinned before you; I don’t deserve to be
called your son. Take me on as a hired hand.’ He got right up and went
home to his father.
When he was still a long way off, his father saw him. His heart
pounding, he ran out, embraced him, and kissed him. The son started
his speech: ‘Father, I’ve sinned against God, I’ve sinned before you; I
don’t deserve to be called your son ever again.’
But the father wasn’t listening. He was calling to the servants,
‘Quick. Bring a clean set of clothes and dress him. Put the family ring
Essay Lesson 1: TP 9
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 7)
on his finger and sandals on his feet. Then get a grain-fed heifer and
roast it. We’re going to have a feast! We’re going to have a wonderful
time! My son is here – given up for dead and now alive! Given up for
lost and now found!’ And they began to have a wonderful time.
All this time his older son was out in the field. When the day’s work
was done he came in. As he approached the house he heard music and
dancing. Calling over one of the houseboys, he asked what was going
on. He told him, ‘Your brother came home. Your father has ordered a
feast – barbecued beef! – because he has him home safe and sound.’
The older brother stalked off in an angry sulk and refused to join in.
His father came out and tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t listen. The
son said, ‘Look how many years I’ve stayed here serving you, never
giving you one moment of grief, but have you ever thrown a party for
me and my friends? Then this son of yours who has thrown away your
money on whores shows up and you go all out with a feast!’
His father said, ‘Son, you don’t understand. You’re with me all the
time, and everything that is mine is yours – but this is a wonderful time,
and we had to celebrate. This brother of yours was dead, and he is alive!
He was lost and he is found!’”
The Message (MSG)
Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson
Essay Lesson 1: TP 10
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 8)
Original Brainstorm
Original setting:
country estate in days of Jesus
Original characters:
wealthy father, 2 brothers
1. Introduction: Starting Event –
States problem – immature child. wealthy man, two sons,
younger told father wanted inheritance now (Main characters? Names? Where do they live?
How does rebellious child demand inheritance?)
2. Situation encountered
Immature son wasted but realized mistake. Divided property, self-
indulgent younger wasted all, humbled, going home, confess; not deserve called son. Work as
hired hand, treated better than him (Father’s response? Where does rebellious child go?
Wastes money how? Lowly job? Comes to senses how and why? Thoughts?)
3. Rising action –
Fully reinstated as son, joyful return. Long ways, father ran out, embraced,
kissed. Son speech, father not listening. Ordered servants, clean clothes, family ring on finger,
sandals. Best heifer, roast for feast, son home, good as dead, now alive. (Returns home how?
Humble? Father’s response? Shows full acceptance how? Party details? Food?
Entertainment? Games? Important people? Size of party?)
4. Solution (explain, clarify) –
Older working (obedient), came home to celebration. Older in
field working. Day’s work done, approached house, heard music, questioned houseboy, brother
home, father ordered feast for brother. (What had sibling been doing? How did he find out
what was happening? Response? Sibling’s attitude?)
5. Results (consequences) –
Sibling mad, father explains actions. Older mad, refused join, father
talk, no listen. Older served father perfectly, never got party, brother wasted money, feast.
Older brother not lose anything. (Reaction of sibling to father? Father’s response to sibling’s
Conclusion –
(What was taught: lesson) Celebrate, brother dead, now alive, was lost, now
found. God welcomes both repentant sinners and obedient.
Essay Lesson 1: TP 11
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 9)
Narrative Brainstorm Example
New setting: Small town
New characters: father (small business owner – house painter), 2 sons
1. Introduction: Starting event – States problem – immature child, Hard working house
painter had two sons, younger told father wanted any money he could get now.
Said father wasted life as painter.
2. Situation encountered – Immature child wasted but realized mistake. Father hurt,
gave son what money he had. Son undisciplined self-indulgent, wasted
everything, humbly going home, confess; not deserve called his son. Learn to
become responsible man. Started walking home.
3. Rising action – Fully reinstated as child, joyful return. When long way off,
father ran out, embraced and kissed. Son speech, father not listening. Clean
clothes, welcome home. Get best steaks and grill for feast, son home, invite
everyone over, given up for dead, now alive.
4. Solution – Older working (obedient), came home to celebration. Older son
working all day helping dad. When day’s work done, approached house, heard
music, questioned employee, told brother home, father ordered steaks for brother.
5. Results – Sibling mad, father explains actions. Older mad, refused join in,
father tried talking, no listen. Older served father perfectly, never threw him
party, brother wasted money, have feast. Older brother did not lose anything.
6. Conclusion – (What was taught: lesson) Had to celebrate, brother dead, now
alive, was lost, now found. God welcomes both repentant sinners and obedient.
Essay Lesson 1: TP 12
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 10)
Narrative 3 Paragraph Outline
I. IntroductionBackground
A. Situation
B. Starting action
1. Details
2. Details
II. Rising Action – what happens
A. What happens
B. What happens
C. What happens
D. What happens
III. Solution & Results
A. Solution – How/Why/What
1. Details
2. Details
B. Results – consequences
1. Details
2. Details
IV. Conclusion: What was taught - lesson
Essay Lesson 1: TP 13
© Copyright 2011, 2012
Narrative Three Paragraph Outline Example
I. A hard working house painter had two sons; younger told father wanted
money now. Father wasted life. States problem – immature son
A. Father hurt, gave son what money he had.
B. Immature son wasted but realized mistake
1. undisciplined self-indulgent, younger wasted everything
2. Humbly going home; not deserve called his son. Learn to
become responsible man.
3. Started walking home.
II. Fully reinstated as son, joyful return
A. Long way off, father ran to, embraced and kissed
B. Son speech, father not listening.
C. Clean clothes, welcome home.
D. Get best steaks and grill for feast
E. Son home, invite everyone over given up for dead, now alive.
III. Older son working all day helping dad.
A. Older working (obedient), came home to celebration.
1. Day’s work done, approached, music, questioned employee
2. Told brother home, father ordered steaks for brother.
B. Sibling mad, father explains actions.
1. Older mad, refused join in, father tried talking, no listen.
2. Older served father perfectly, never got party, brother worthless,
have feast.
3. Father – Older brother did not lose anything.
IV. Celebrate, brother dead now alive, lost now found. God loves repentant
sinners and obedient.
Essay Lesson 1: TP 14
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Your Name
Teacher’s Name
Essay Writing
4 September 2010
Return of the Wayward Son
A hard working house painting businessman had two sons who both worked for him. The
younger of the two grew bored with the exhausting labor and told his father that instead of inheriting
the family business someday, he wanted money now. He felt his father had wasted his life when
there was so much pleasure waiting. Disappointed in his foolish son, the father gave him money for
half the business. Instead of reinvesting in another business, the son left and quickly squandered it
on drugs and an irresponsible party life. Once penniless and jobless, his eyes were opened to see
how his undisciplined, self-indulgent spending was destroying him. Humbly he decided going home
was the smartest thing to do, but he did not deserve to be called his father’s son. His only desire
became to learn how to become a responsible man like his dad. So, he started walking home. (150)
Expecting nothing more than a job as one of his father’s employees and thankful for that, he
grew anxious as he walked closer to home. Remembering ugly things he said to his father, he knew
he could never become even half the man his father was. From a long way off his father saw him
coming and overcome with joy came running to him, embraced and kissed him. The son began his
speech, but it was futile because his father was not listening. When at the house, his father sent him
immediately to shower and dress in the clothes that were waiting for him. To let him know how
welcome he was, his father called for the best steaks to grill for a feast. He was thrilled that his son,
whom he had given up for dead, was not only alive, but home. Immediately, a celebration was
prepared with everyone in town invited. (153)
Meanwhile, the older son had been working hard in the blistering sun. Driving home, he
longed for a relaxing evening watching baseball. Approaching the house, he heard loud music and
Notice the 1” margin
Essay Lesson 1: TP 15
© Copyright 2011, 2012
laughter. People were everywhere. Without delay he questioned one of his dad’s employees and
was told that his brother came home, so his father ordered his best steaks grilled for a party.
Immediately becoming insanely jealous, the sibling went to his father screaming irrationally.
Refusing to join in the festivities, he pointed out how he had faithfully worked for his father, yet not
once did his father ever celebrate anything in his honor. But, when his worthless brother comes
home the renegade is honored with a feast to end all feasts. When he finished his whining and
complaining, his father gently told him nothing had changed. The older brother would still receive
everything he would have anyway. It would be wrong however, to deny the father a celebration of
the return of his wayward son, who was once lost but had come home. God, like the father, loves the
repentant and the obedient just the same. (186)
Essay Lesson 1: TP 16
© Copyright 2011, 2012
(WS 11)
(Syllable format)
Line 1 = 5 syllables Where?
Line 2 = 7 syllables What?
Line 3 = 5 syllables When?
Trees Dog
Inhabit forest Surrounded by fence,
Bending, swaying, protecting Guarding his territory
In sunshine and storms Throughout day and night
Each poem consists of three unrhymed lines.
State action or factual information about topic.
Each line has a specific number of syllables.
17 total syllables
1. Select a topic
2. Write words or phrases that tell where action could be occurring.
3. Write words or phrases that tell what could be happening.
4. Write words or phrases that tell when it could be happening.
5. Adjust the syllables and words to fit the Haiku pattern.
Practice topics – raccoons, buzzards, lizards, frogs, turtles