IDDSI Audit Tool
Product or food tested
If heated, heating method(s)
Temperature when tested at:
C/F time of service
C/F 15 mins after serving
C/F 30 mins after serving
Level 4 Pureed critical tests include Appearance + Fork Drip Test + Spoon Tilt Test OR if these are not available Finger Test. Chopstick test not appropriate.
The food item must pass or meet criteria for any row marked *
Meets criteria at
Time of
15 mins
after serving
Critical: Appearance
* No lumps
Yes No
Yes No
Critical: Fork Drip Test (metal dinner fork needed)
* Food sits in a mound above the dinner fork (a small amount may form a tail below the dinner fork)
Yes No
Yes No
* Does not drip or flow continuously through dinner fork
Yes No
Yes No
Critical: Spoon Tilt Test (teaspoon needed)
* Holds shape on teaspoon
Yes No
Yes No
* Food slides off teaspoon with little food left on teaspoon (i.e. not sticky)
Yes No
Yes No
May spread or slump slowly on a flat plate
Yes No
Yes No
Alternative if Fork or Spoon not available: Finger Test
* Hold a sample on fingers without it dripping through continuously
Yes No
Yes No
* Food slides smoothly and easily between fingers
Yes No
Yes No
Food may leave noticeable residue on fingers but is not sticky
Yes No
Yes No
Preferred but not critical: Fork Pressure Test
Prongs of fork make clear pattern on surface OR food briefly retains dinner fork indentation marks
Yes No
Yes No
OVERALL CONCLUSION: Does the sample meet the criteria for:
Level 4 Pureed?
Yes No Yes No
Yes No
Notes: * A puree needs to be able to be put in the mouth and swallowed whole. No chewing and no bolus formation skills should be needed to eat this
* If the sample is gelled or compressed so that it is firm enough to pick it up with your fingers and bite a piece of it at serving temperature, the sample is
not a puree and poses a choking risk.
Please see also http://iddsi.org/framework/food-testing-methods/.
Version: AuditToolL4Pureed26Sep2020