IDDSI Audit Tool
Product or food tested
If heated, heating method(s)
Temperature when tested at:
C/F time of service
C/F 15 mins after serving
C/F 30 mins after serving
Level 7 Easy to Chew critical tests include Fork/Spoon Separation Test and Fork/Spoon Pressure Test OR if these are not available Finger Test.
The food item must pass or meet criteria for any row marked *
Meets criteria means answers ‘Yes’ to all critical tests.
Meets criteria at
15 mins
after serving
30 mins
after serving
Critical: Fork/Spoon Separation & Pressure Test (metal dinner fork or teaspoon needed)
* Must be able to break food apart easily with the side of a fork or spoon
Yes No
Yes No
* When pushing down on a 15mm x 15mm sample with a dinner fork or teaspoon, with enough pressure
that the thumb nail turns white, the food breaks apart, can be squashed and will not return to original
Yes No
Yes No
Alternative if Fork or Spoon not available: Finger Test
* Must be able to break food apart easily with fingers
Yes No
Yes No
* When pushing down on a 15mm x 15mm sample using thumb, with enough pressure that the thumb nail
turns white, the food can be squashed and will not return to original shape
Yes No
Yes No
* Food feels moist
Yes No
Yes No
Optional: Chopstick Test
Chopsticks can puncture Easy to Chew food
Yes No
Yes No
OVERALL CONCLUSION: Does the sample meet the criteria for:
Level 7 Easy to Chew?
Yes No
Yes No
Notes: * Biting ability is required for this texture. Chewing and oral processing abilities are needed for this texture.
* Please see also http://iddsi.org/framework/food-testing-methods/.
Version: AuditToolL7EasyToChew26Jun2020