Cerritos College
Part-time Faculty
The District will allocate funds to each division for payment of adjunct office hours based
on the Division’s percentage of adjunct instructors teaching for credit classes at the
beginning of the fall and spring semester.
Each adjunct faculty member may request up to eight office hours per semester
(fall/spring). Adjunct office hours will be paid at rate of $40.00/hour.
Adjunct Office Hours Requests must be submitted to the Division Dean within the first
week of classes of each session. The Division Dean will notify the adjunct faculty
member of the outcome of the requests no later than 10 calendar days after the
submission deadline.
Office hours are contingent on available funds and adequate space being identified in all
Divisions/Units. Office hours must be on campus and included in amended course
Number of office hours requested:
Time when office hours will be rendered:
Dates when office hours will be rendered:
Location where office hours will be rendered (please indicate room/building):
Determination: Disapprove Approve
If approved, number of office hours approved: As requested As stated below
achurch/../pt office hours request_rev 1-9-13
Created: 1/3/13