Open Hearts, Open Doors Virtual Event & Auction
Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Thursday, October 14, 2021
8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Virtual Event & Auction
9:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Q&A Afterparty
Through the generosity of partners like you, Doorways helps our most vulnerable neighbors survive
crisis, rebuild their lives, and achieve brighter futures.
Whether someone needs an advocate at their side in a moment of crisis, or a full continuum of
support, your generosity enables us to serve survivors and those facing homelessness across their entire
journey, from shelter to independence. Doorways creates pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence,
and sexual assault through supportive housing and programs like mental health counseling, financial guidance,
and employment counseling.
As the world is starting to return to a new normal, Doorways’ clients will still be facing the impacts of
this pandemic for years to come, especially the majority of our clients who are people of color. The adults in
our shelter and housing programs are still underemployed or unemployed, and their children face learning
gaps that will take time and targeted support to overcome. The trauma and economic toll of this pandemic
have long roads to healing and recovery. Your sponsorship and support of Doorways’ Open Hearts, Open
Doors virtual event is the answer. Your sponsorship will change lives.
Please join us on October 14th to celebrate what our clients and community can achieve when we
invest in people. Together, we can prevent violence, end homelessness, and build brighter futures for
thousands of our neighbors in need.
If you have any questions, please contact Jami Fancher, Community Partnership and Events Manager,
at or (703) 504-9289.
Sponsorship Levels:
(Tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $9,750, if party bags are received)
Unlimited Event Tickets
10 guest party bags
Media release and prominent placement in Doorways’ weekly e-newsletter for the months of
September and October
Opportunity to send a 30-second partnership video to be played during event and on social media
Social media sponsorship toolkit
Branded premiere item and opportunity for additional promotional items to be included in party
boxes delivered to all event attendees
Event acknowledgement: recognition in event welcome remarks, partnership video played during
event, and name/logo visible throughout event
3 tagged, boosted Instagram/Facebook posts put out by Doorways to our audience
Name/logo on all promotional materials
Tagged in all event social media promotions
Dual-branded virtual background provided for all guests/employees
Post-event acknowledgement: name/logo featured in our “Thank You” to event attendees, and
year-round recognition as a Doorways Corporate Ambassador
1 sponsorship yard sign
(Tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $4,750, if party bags are received)
50 event tickets
10 guest party bags
Media release and prominent placement in Doorways’ weekly e-newsletter for the month of
Social media sponsorship toolkit
Opportunity to send a 30-second partnership video to be played during event and on social media
Branded premiere item and opportunity for promotional items to be included in party boxes
delivered to all event attendees
Event acknowledgement: recognition in event welcome remarks, partnership video played during
event, and name/logo visible throughout event
2 tagged, boosted Instagram/Facebook posts put out by Doorways to our audience
Name/logo on all promotional materials
Tagged in all event social media promotions
Dual-branded virtual background provided for all guests/employees
Post-event acknowledgement: name/logo featured in our “Thank You” to event attendees, and
year-round recognition as a Doorways Corporate Ambassador
1 sponsorship yard sign
(Tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $2,350, if party bags are received)
30 event tickets
6 guest party bags
Prominent placement in Doorways’ weekly e-newsletter for the month of October
Social media sponsorship toolkit
Opportunity to provide promotional item in event boxes delivered to all event attendees
Event acknowledgement: recognition in event welcome remarks and name/logo visible throughout
1 tagged, boosted Instagram/Facebook post put out by Doorways to our audience
Name/logo on all promotional materials
Tagged in all event social media promotions
Dual-branded virtual background provided for all guests/employees
Post-event acknowledgement: name/logo featured in our “Thank You” to event attendees, and
year-round recognition as a Doorways Corporate Ambassador
1 sponsorship yard sign
(Tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $900, if party bags are received)
10 event tickets
4 guest party bags
Social media sponsorship toolkit
Opportunity to provide promotional item in event boxes delivered to all event attendees
Visible name/logo throughout event
Name/logo on all promotional materials
Dual-branded virtual background provided for all guests/employees
1 sponsorship yard sign
(No corporate partners at this level, please)
(Tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $425, if party bags are received)
5 event tickets
3 guest party bags
Name on all promotional materials
Name mentioned on sponsors slide during event
Virtual sponsorship background provided for guests
1 sponsorship yard sign
(No corporate partners at this level, please)
(Tax-deductible portion of sponsorship is $200, if party bag is received)
2 event tickets
2 guest party bags
Name on all promotional materials
Name mentioned on sponsors slide during event
Virtual sponsorship background provided for guests
1 sponsorship yard sign
(Add on to any sponsorship package to host an outstanding viewing party at your home or business.
Tickets for guests need to be purchased separately or included in a sponsorship.)
Appetizer platter serving 10 guests
3 additional bottles of bubbly
Purple house decorations
Selfie photo props
Doorways balloons
Kids activity
Yard Sign
(Tax-deductible portion of ticket purchase is $25, if party box is received)
1 event ticket and 1 guest party bags
Yes, I want to change lives! I offer my support at the following level:
Home of My Own Sponsor ($10,000)
($9,750 is tax-deductible)
Safe and Sheltered Sponsor ($500)
No corporate sponsors at this level, please.
($450 is tax-deductible)
Healing Hopes Sponsor ($5,000)
($4,750 is tax-deductible)
Open Hearts Sponsor ($250)
No corporate sponsors at this level, please.
($225 is tax-deductible)
Brighter Days Sponsor ($2,500)
($2,350 is tax-deductible)
House Party Add-on ($200)
($0 is tax-deductible)
New Beginnings Sponsor ($1,000)
($900 is tax-deductible)
Single Ticket ($50)
($25 is tax-deductible)
I cannot attend, but I would like to make my donation of $___________ to support children,
families, and survivors at Doorways
I DO NOT wish to receive the party box(es) associated with my sponsorship/ticket purchase, so that
100% of my sponsorship will be tax-deductible.
Name Organization (Please list as you would like it to appear in event materials)
City State Zip Code
Phone Number E-mail
Please email your high-resolution logo to Jami Fancher at
Please make checks payable to:
c/o Open Hearts, Open Doors Event
PO Box 100185
Arlington, VA 22210
Contact: Jami Fancher
Community Partnership and Events Manager