G:\Multi\Property Management\Teton Mesa\Lease Up\TM App 15-TC Application Package Instructions 04-2017.doc
App 15-TC
Revised 04/2017
Thank you for your interest in our apartment community. By scheduling an appointment when returning the application package, the
application process can often be expedited. If you are unable to deliver the application in person, you may return the application by
mail. We will be happy to place you on the Waiting List once we have received a complete application and the application fee.
Potential residents must meet certain, verifiable income requirements. It is important that you answer each question on the
application and sign the application and other forms contained with in the application package. Please call The Housing
Company at ( 208 ) 481-7355 to schedule an appointment.
“ADULT” DEFINED: Any person 18 years or older or an emancipated person.
When returning the application package, please provide the following forms of identification:
Valid identification for all adult persons.
If you are personally delivering the application, copies of identification will be made at the office.
If you are mailing the application, please provide a legible copy of valid identification.
Copies of Social Security cards (or other evidence of number) for all household members (TC & HOME only).
If social security cards or other evidence of number is not available, contact Resident Manager for required forms.
The application package includes the following forms, which must be filled out completely.
Application (App 1): Pages 1 thru 4: Answer every question. Be sure to provide complete mailing addresses and
accurate telephone numbers. Please sign and date the application.
Supplement to Application (App 1A): If there is more than one adult in your household and they have different
landlord or professional references, this form must be completed and signed by the adult(s).
Each adult member of the household must complete and sign a separate form for each of the following documents:
Records Release & Hold Harmless
Credit & Criminal Report Request: This form accommodates a Head of Household and Co-Head. If there are more
than two adult applicants, complete additional forms.
Landlord Verification: Please sign this form, which will be used to obtain references from your former landlords. If
co-applicants have separate landlord references, the co-applicant(s) must also sign Landlord Verification form(s).
a. Residency References: If you do not have 5-years’ previous landlord history, please sign the Residency Reference
form, which will be used to obtain references from persons who you lived with during the last five years. If co-
applicant(s) do not have Landlord references, they, too, must sign Residency Reference form(s).
Application Process Acknowledgement: The Resident Selection Policy is enclosed for your review. Please sign the
Child Support and Child Custody Documentation when applicable:
a. Please provide a copy of Divorce Decree or Court Order if available.
Household Demographic Form: At the option of applicant(s), separate forms are to be completed by each adult
member of the household and separate forms are to be completed by parent or guardian for each child under 18 years of
Application Fee: Include a check or money order for the application fee of $25 for each adult.
The Housing Company provides equal opportunity to all persons with disabilities and provides accommodations to meet the needs of persons with disabilities upon
request, if the accommodation is both reasonable and financially feasible. Management requires verification that the applicant/resident is disabled and is in need of the
accommodation because of the disability. Request for accommodation will be promptly processed.
The Housing Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and
activities. The person in the position named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department
of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations implementing Section 504 (24CFR,Part 8 dated June 2, 1988) Position: Regional Property Manager, The Housing
Company P. O. Box 6943, Boise, ID 83707-0943 Voice: 208-331-4890; Hearing Impaired (TDD) 1-800-545-1833 ext. 628
App 1-TC
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G:\Multi\Forms\Occupancy\APP 1-TC Application - 04-2017.doc
Revised 05/2019
Date: Requested Bedroom Size: Special Needs:
Time: Date Occupancy Desired: Gross Annual Income $_________________
Tax Credit Unit Type: Market 60% 50% 40% 30%
Resident Manager Signature: _____________________________ Unit # - Add on to Existing Household__________
Name of Apartment Complex:
Applicant Name: (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Telephone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( )
Current Mailing Address: City: State: Zip:
Email Address:
How did you hear about this apartment community? Flyers or Brochures; Newspaper; Yellow Pages;
Website; Drive By; Housing Assistance Listing; Resident Referral (Name of Resident________________________)
Do you have a housing voucher? (If yes, supporting documentation required) ........................................... YES NO
Are you on a Waiting List to receive a housing voucher? (If yes, supporting documentation required) .... YES NO
Were you referred to us by another agency? YES NO If yes, which one?
Are you a veteran of the US Armed Forces? (optional) ........................................ YES NO Decline to Answer
Do you have an animal that will be moving with you? ................................................................................. YES NO
A.HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION – Please list all names of those who will occupy the unit, even on a part-time basis
Name (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Relationship to
Date of Birth
Social Security #
Yes or No
Full-time student is defined as any individual who attends full-time (for a minimum of five months per
calendar year), an educational organization which normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum. (This
includes kindergarten and elementary school children.)
App 1-TC
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G:\Multi\Forms\Occupancy\APP 1-TC Application – 04-2017.doc
If all household members are students as defined on previous page, answer the following questions by checking
“Yes” or “No”. ................................................................................................................................ YES NO
1. Have you been or will you be a full-time student for five months during the current calendar year? ......
If YES, who: ______________________________________________________________________
2. Do you receive assistance under Title IV of the Social Security Act? ......................................................
3. Are you enrolled in a job training program receiving assistance under the Job Training Partnership
Act, or under other similar Federal, State, or local laws? .........................................................................
4. Are you a single parent with children who are not a dependent of another individual other than the
parent of such children? ............................................................................................................................
5. Are you the dependent of another individual? If YES, who:____________________________ ............
6. Are you married, and are you eligible to file a joint income tax return? ..................................................
7. Are you receiving or have you ever received Foster Care assistance? .....................................................
B. RESIDENCE HISTORY – The last 5 years (If you need additional space, please attach a separate sheet of paper):
Please provide detailed information regarding where you lived for the last five years. Include places where you lived with
friends, family, or someone else and include their contact information as the “landlord”. If you owned a home, complete
section 1, cross out the remaining sections and check the box at the bottom.
1. Name of Present Landlord Monthly Rent: $
Address of Present Landlord City State Zip
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Present Address: ________________________________ City_________ State __________ Zip________
Telephone of Present Landlord: Dates of Residency: to
2. Name of Prior Landlord:_______________________________________ Monthly Rent: $_________________
Address of Prior Landlord:______________________________ City ___________ State _________ Zip ______
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Prior Address: __________________________________ City____________ State _________ Zip______
Telephone of Prior Landlord:____________________________ Dates of Residency:__________ to __________
3. Name of Prior Landlord:_______________________________________ Monthly Rent: $_________________
Address of Prior Landlord:______________________________ City ___________ State _________ Zip ______
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Prior Address: __________________________________ City____________ State _________ Zip______
Telephone of Prior Landlord:____________________________ Dates of Residency:__________ to __________
4. Name of Prior Landlord:_______________________________________ Monthly Rent: $_________________
Address of Prior Landlord:______________________________ City ___________ State _________ Zip ______
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Prior Address: __________________________________ City____________ State _________ Zip______
Telephone of Prior Landlord:____________________________ Dates of Residency:__________ to __________
Make ______________________________ Model _____________ Year __________________ License #___________
Make ______________________________ Model _____________ Year __________________ License #___________
App 1-TC
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D. ELIGIBILITY for ALL members of household - ** Members do not need to be related.** YES NO
1. Have you or any members of your household been evicted for non-payment of rent or damages? ............................
2. Are you or any member of your household currently an illegal user of a controlled substance? .................................
If the answer is YES, has that person successfully completed a controlled substance recovery
program, or are they presently enrolled in such a program? .. .......................... ..........................................................
3. Have you or any member of your household ever been convicted of illegal manufacture or distribution
of a controlled substance? ...................................................... .......................... ..........................................................
4. Have you or any members of your household been evicted from federally assisted housing for drug-related
criminal activity? .................................................................... .......................... ..........................................................
5. Have you or any members of your household been convicted for a sexual offense or a violent crime? ......................
6. Are you or any member of your household required to register as a Sex Offender under any lifetime State
sex offender registration programs? .. .................................... .......................... ..........................................................
7. Have you or any members of your household been convicted of a felony, misdemeanor (other than traffic
violation), or crime involving fraud or dishonesty? ............... .......................... ..........................................................
If YES: In What state?________; Type of Conviction________________; Date of Conviction__________
8. Are you or any member of your family currently abusing alcohol? ................ .........................................................
9. Is any member of your family currently charged with criminal activity? ....... .........................................................
10. Has any member of your household ever been responsible for willful damage of property? ...................................
11. Do you understand that only persons listed on this application may live in the unit unless you
obtain prior written approval from management? .................. ........................ .........................................................
12. Do you understand that if any false or incomplete information is included on this application, it is
grounds for rejection of your application or termination of your tenancy? ....... .........................................................
E. INCOME INFORMATION Please list the name of the household member receiving the type of income and circle
the correct source. If none, write N/A:
Household Member Name Source of Income Gross Monthly Amount
Unemployment - Worker’s Comp
Social Security - SSI - SSD - SSDI
Food Stamps - Public Assistance
Child Support - Alimony
Family Support (Not living in the unit)
Veteran’s Benefits - Military Pay
Cash Assistance (AFDC-TANF-AABD)
Student Income
(Financial Aid, scholarships, grants)
Medicare - Medicaid
Pensions - Annuities - Life Insurance
Other: Self Employment - Real Estate
Rentals - Bank Account Interest
Lump sum payments from inheritances,
lottery winnings, insurance settlements,
capital gains, etc.
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F. ASSETS: List all assets owned by household members:
Type of Account
Account Balance
Location of Account
Asset Owner
(Household Member)
% Annual
Checking Accounts
Savings Accounts
Real Estate
Pensions/Retirement &
Personal Property held
as an Investment
Have you sold or given as gifts any real property or other assets in the past two years? YES NO
If yes, please explain:__________________________________________________________________________________
G. List all states in which you have lived or had a license to drive in the last five years:
In Case of Emergency Notify:
Name____________________ Address _________________________Telephone ___________________
Name____________________ Address _________________________Telephone ___________________
PLEASE NOTE: This is a preliminary application. Additional information may be requested at a later date to complete the application
process. Your signature below certifies that the statements made in this application are true and correct, and gives consent to the
Management to verify the information contained in this application, to order credit reports and to request criminal background histories.
Applicant's Signature_____________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Co-Applicant's Signature__________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Other Adult’s Signature___________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Other Adult’s Signature___________________________________________________ Date ______________________
The Housing Company does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, handicap, familial status, national origin
or because applicant is a recipient of federal, state or local public assistance.
The Housing Company does not discriminate against persons with disabilities in its housing services and structures. The Housing Company
provides equal opportunity to all persons with disabilities and provides accommodations to meet the needs of persons with disabilities upon request
if the accommodation is both reasonable and financially feasible. Management may require verification that the applicant/resident is disabled and is
in need of accommodation because of the disability, if the need is not readily apparent to Management. Requests for accommodation will be
processed as quickly as possible. The person in the position named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination
requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's regulations implementing Section 504 (24CFR, Part 8 dated June 2,
1988). Position: Regional Property Manager, The Housing Company, P. O. Box 6943, Boise, ID 83707-0943, Voice: 208-331-4890, TDD: 800-
545-1833, ext. 628
G:\Multi\Forms\Occupancy\APP 1-TC Application – 04-2017.doc
App 1A
Revised 04/2017
NAME: (Last, First, MI)_______________________________________________________
RESIDENCE HISTORY - The last 5 years (If you need additional space, please attach a separate sheet of paper):
Please provide detailed information regarding where you lived for the last five years. Include places where you lived with
friends, family, or someone else and include their contact information as the “landlord”. If you owned a home, complete
section 1, cross out the remaining sections, and check the box at the bottom.
1. Name of Present Landlord:_____________________________________ Monthly Rent: $_________________
Address of Present Landlord:___________________________ City_________ State __________ Zip________
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Present Address: ________________________________ City_________ State __________ Zip________
Telephone of Present Landlord:__________________________ Dates of Residency:__________ to __________
2. Name of Prior Landlord:_______________________________________ Monthly Rent: $_________________
Address of Prior Landlord:______________________________ City ___________ State _________ Zip ______
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Prior Address: __________________________________ City____________ State _________ Zip______
Telephone of Prior Landlord:____________________________ Dates of Residency:__________ to __________
3. Name of Prior Landlord:_______________________________________ Monthly Rent: $_________________
Address of Prior Landlord:______________________________ City ___________ State _________ Zip ______
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Prior Address: __________________________________ City____________ State _________ Zip______
Telephone of Prior Landlord:____________________________ Dates of Residency:__________ to __________
4. Name of Prior Landlord:_______________________________________ Monthly Rent: $_________________
Address of Prior Landlord:______________________________ City ___________ State _________ Zip ______
Relationship: Landlord Family Friend Other_____________________________________________
Your Prior Address: __________________________________ City____________ State _________ Zip______
Telephone of Prior Landlord:____________________________ Dates of Residency:__________ to __________
Owned Home
Tax Credit Revised February, 2015
Certification of Student Status
Head of Household Name
Unit Number
Students include individuals attending public or private elementary schools, middle or junior high schools, senior high schools,
colleges, universities, technical, trade or mechanical schools. Students do not include individuals participating in on-the-job
training or correspondence courses.
Please choose one option below that best describes your household:
The household contains no occupants who are students (full-time or part-time).=
The household contains at least one occupant who is not a student and has not been and will not be a student for five
months or more out of the current calendar year (months need not be consecutive).
List non-student here:
The household contains all students, but is qualified because at least one occupant is a part-time student. Verification of
part-time status is required.
List part-time student here:
The household contains all full-time students for five months or more out of the current and/or upcoming calendar year
(months need not be consecutive). If yes, you must answer all five questions below.
Are the students married and entitled to file a joint tax return? (attach an affidavit or tax return)
Are all adult members single parents with child(ren), and not a dependent of someone else, and the child(ren)
is/are not dependent(s) of someone other than the parent(s)?
Is at least one student receiving Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)?
Does at least one student participate in a program receiving assistance under the Job Training Partnership Act,
Workforce Investment Act, or under other similar federal, state, or local laws? (attach verification of participation)
Does the household consist of at least one student who was previously under foster care? (provide verification of
Under penalties of perjury, I/we certify that the information presented in this certification is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge
and belief. I/we agree to notify management immediately of any changes in this household’s student status. I/we understand that providing
false representations constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading, or incomplete information may result in the termination of the lease
This form must be signed by each household member age 18 and older.
Resident Signature Date
Resident Signature Date
Resident Signature Date
Resident Signature Date
G:\Multi\Forms\Application Forms - Tenant\TAX CREDIT-Specific Application Forms\App2-TC Records Release and Hold Harmless.doc
App 2-TC
Revised 6-6-05
I, the undersigned, hereby authorize the management and authorized representatives of the The
Housing Company to contact any agencies, police departments, including the Idaho State Police, or
any other organization for the purposes of obtaining background information to assist in determining
whether or not I will be suitable as a tenant in the Apartments. I hereby grant The Housing Company
authority to request such background information including but not limited to criminal records,
specifically to include felony convictions, history of violent crimes or behavior, injury to persons or
damage to property, production and sale of illicit drugs, and sexual offenses. Further, I hereby
authorize such agencies and police departments to release such records to the Apartments’
management and/or authorized representatives.
I hereby hold harmless and indemnify The Housing Company, its owners, management, employees
and authorized representatives from any and all liability associated with the obtaining, using and
retaining of all information released hereunder pursuant to review of my eligibility as a tenant in the
complex, or subsequently during my tenancy, if such tenancy is approved. I further authorize that all
information provided below be verified.
I understand that The Housing Company through its management, including the resident manager,
may receive inquiries from police or other law enforcement officers concerning information about me
and/or other household members residing with me or my guests. I agree that The Housing Company
through its representatives may provide information regarding identification, work and residence
addresses and telephone numbers and information directly related to a law enforcement agency’s
criminal investigation or in case of emergency as determined by such law enforcement or emergency
agency. I understand that, other than the release of this specific information for an emergency or
criminal investigation, my files or information contained therein will be released only if a subpoena is
presented for such information. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify The Housing Company, its
directors, management, employees and authorized representatives from any and all liability
associated with release of information in the event of a criminal investigation or emergency or if
released in response to a subpoena.
The Housing Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted
programs and activities. The person in the position named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements
contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations implementing Section 504 (24CFR,Part 8 dated June 2, 1988).Position:
Regional Property Manager,
The Housing Company P. O. Box 6943, Boise, ID 83707-0943 Voice: 208-331-4890; Hearing Impaired (TDD) 1-800-545-1833 ext. 628
G:\Multi\Forms\Application Forms - Tenant\TAX CREDIT-Specific Application Forms\App7-TC Credit & Criminal Request.doc
App 7-TC
Rev 6/1/2010
RESIDENT MANAGER___________________________________
I/we hereby authorize The Housing Company to access my/our credit profiles and criminal history from
any or all credit repositories and criminal data sources.
____________________________________________ _________________________
Signature of Applicant Date Signed
____________________________________________ _________________________
Signature of Spouse/Co-Applicant Date Signed
APPLICANT NAME: (please print)
_______________________________ ___________ ____________________________________
(First Name) (MI) (Last Name)
Social Security Number _______________________________ DOB_____/______/______
Current Street Address: _____________________________ City:____________ State: ________ Zip:___________
Current Mailing Address: ___________________________ City:____________ State: ________ Zip:___________
(if different than Current Street Address)
Previous Street Address:____________________________ City:____________ State:________ Zip:___________
Employer’s Name:___________________________________________ Phone # (____) ________________
Employer’s Address:_______________________________ City:___________ State:_________ Zip:___________
SPOUSE/CO-APPLICANT: (please print)
_______________________________ ___________ _____________________________________
(First Name) (MI) (Last Name)
Social Security Number _______________________________ DOB_____/______/______
Current Street Address: _____________________________ City:____________ State: ________ Zip:___________
Current Mailing Address: ___________________________ City:____________ State: ________ Zip:___________
(if different than Current Street Address)
Previous Street Address:____________________________ City:____________ State:________ Zip:___________
Employer’s Name:___________________________________________ Phone # (____) ________________
Employer’s Address:_______________________________ City:___________ State:__________ Zip:___________
G:\Multi\Forms\Application Forms - Tenant\TAX CREDIT-Specific Application Forms\App7-TC Credit & Criminal Request.doc
App 5-TC
Revised 11/12/04
Date: ___________________
To Former Management Company or Landlord:
______________________________ From:
______________________________ ______________________________
Return this verification to the person listed here
RELEASE: I hereby authorize the release of the requested information.
______________________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
Subject: Verification of Information, Supplied by an Applicant, for Housing Assistance.
Name of Applicant:________________________ Applicant’s Former Address: ________________________
Information Being Requested: ________________________
1. How long was tenancy: Move In Date: _____________ Move Out Date: _______________
2. Was Proper Notice Given: Yes (__) No(__) Was Lease fulfilled? Yes (__) No(__)
3. Was deposit returned? Yes (__) No(__) How was unit left at move-out? ____________________
4. Amount of Monthly Rent $____________ Paid on time? Yes (__) No(__)
5. How many times was rent late? ____________ How many NSF checks? _____________
6. Did Tenant maintain the housing safe, clean, and in good condition? Yes (__) No(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
7. Did Tenant have unauthorized person or pet at any time? Yes (__) No(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
8. Did Tenant have a history of violating rental agreement? Yes (__) No(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
9. Did Tenant or household members cause destruction/damage to housing? Yes (__) No(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
10. Did Tenant have a history of violence or harassment to neighbors? Yes (__) No(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
11. Was there any knowledge of drug related or criminal activity? Yes (__) No(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
12. Would you rent to this Tenant again? Yes (__) No(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
Information Provided By:
_____________________________ ___________________________ _________________
Please Print Name Title Date
_____________________________ ____________________________
Signature Telephone Number
G:\Multi\Forms\Occupancy\App 6-TC Professional Reference 04-2017.doc
App 6-TC
Revised 04/2017
(Family, Friends, Other)
Date: ____________________________ From: _____________________________
To: ____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ _____________________________
____________________________ Return this verification to the person listed here
RELEASE: I hereby authorize the release of the requested information.
________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of Applicant Date
Subject: Verification of Information Supplied by an Applicant for Housing Assistance.
Name of Applicant: ________________________
Information Being Requested
1. Please list the dates of residency that the individual named above resided with you during the last five years:
From __________/_________ to __________/__________
From __________/_________ to __________/__________
2. What is your relationship to the individual named above?
3. How long have you known the Applicant? ___________________________________
4. Does the Applicant keep their portion of the residence clean and in good condition? YES(__) NO(__)
Comments: _____________________________________________________________
6. To your knowledge does this applicant have a history of drug related or criminal activity? YES(__) NO(__)
Explain: _______________________________________________________________
7. If you were a Landlord would you rent to this Applicant? YES(__) NO(__)
Comments: _____________________________________________________________
8. Are there any other comments that you would like to make about this applicant?
Information provided by:
_____________________________ ___________________________ _____________
Please Print Name Title Date
_____________________________ ____________________________ _____________
Signature Telephone Number Time
G:\Multi\Forms\Application Forms - Tenant\TAX CREDIT-Specific Application Forms\App3-TC App Process Ack.doc
Revised 6-6-05
RE: Resident Selection Plan
I have been given the opportunity to read a copy of the Resident Selection Plan for
Please check one of the following:
(__) I have read and understand the Resident Selection Plan.
(__) I have declined the opportunity to read the Resident Selection Plan.
(Applicant Signature) (Date)
(Co-Applicant Signature) (Date)
(Resident Manager Signature) (Date)
Resident Manager: Forward this Acknowledgement to the main office with application.
RM 47
Race and Ethnic Data Reporting Form 8/27/15
** Required Information ** One Form for Each Household Member **
Teton Mesa 855 Lomax St, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Name of Property Address of Property
Name of Owner/Managing Agent Type of Assistance or Program Title:
Name of Head of Household Name of Household Member
** Voluntary Information ** If you choose not to provide this information, please be
sure to check the last box, sign, and date this form
Ethnic Categories*
Select One
Hispanic or Latino
Not-Hispanic or Latino
Racial Categories*
Select All that Apply
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Disability Status*
Check if applicable
Is a household member (or members) disabled as
defined on reverse side of this form?
*Definitions of these categories may be found on the reverse side.
I do not wish to provide this information.
Thank you for assisting us in our federal reporting requirements. Be assured there is no penalty should
you decide you do not wish to provide the information.
_____________________________________ ____________________________
Signature Date
The Housing Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities. The person in
the position named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations
implementing Section 504 (24CFR,Part 8 dated June 2, 1988).
RM 47
Race and Ethnic Data Reporting Form 8/27/15
** Required Information ** One Form for Each Household Member **
Teton Mesa 855 Lomax St, Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Name of Property Address of Property
Name of Owner/Managing Agent Type of Assistance or Program Title:
Name of Head of Household Name of Household Member
** Voluntary Information ** If you choose not to provide this information, please be
sure to check the last box, sign, and date this form
Ethnic Categories*
Select One
Hispanic or Latino
Not-Hispanic or Latino
Racial Categories*
Select All that Apply
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Disability Status*
Check if applicable
Is a household member (or members) disabled as
defined on reverse side of this form?
*Definitions of these categories may be found on the reverse side.
I do not wish to provide this information.
Thank you for assisting us in our federal reporting requirements. Be assured there is no penalty should
you decide you do not wish to provide the information.
_____________________________________ ____________________________
Signature Date
The Housing Company does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities. The person in
the position named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations
implementing Section 504 (24CFR,Part 8 dated June 2, 1988).
Instructions for the Voluntary Disability, Race and Ethnic Data Reporting
A. General Instructions:
To provide annual reporting which is required by the federal funds used to develop this
property, management is required by the Federal Government to request that heads of
household wishing to be served (applicants) and those that are currently served (tenants)
complete this form strictly on a voluntary basis.
Owner and agents are required to offer the applicant/tenant the option to complete the form.
Once the form is completed it need not be completed again unless the head of household or
household composition changes. There is no penalty for persons who do not complete the
1. The two ethnic categories you should choose from are defined below. If both apply to
persons in your household, check both.
1. Hispanic or Latino. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central
American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term “Spanish
origin” can be used in addition to “Hispanic” or “Latino.”
2. Not Hispanic or Latino. A person not of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or
Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
2. The five racial categories to choose from are defined below: You should check as many
as apply to you.
1. American Indian or Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains
tribal affiliation or community attachment.
2. Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East,
Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China,
India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam
3. Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial
groups of Africa. Terms such as “Haitian” or “Negro” can be used in addition to
“Black” or “African American.”
4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the
original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
5. White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle
East or North Africa.
3. Definition of Disabled Person: Under federal law, an individual is disabled if he/she has a physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such an impairment or
is regarded as having an impairment. (“Substantially limits” suggests that the limitation is “significant” or “to a
large extent”. “Major life activities” means those activities that are of central importance to daily life such as seeing,
hearing, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for one’s self, learning and speaking (this list of major
life activities is not exhaustive)).
The "Term" physical or mental impairment includes, but is not limited to, such diseases and conditions as
orthopedic, visual, speech and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, autism, epilepsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple
sclerosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, human immunodeficiency, virus infection, mental retardation, emotional
illness, drug addiction and alcoholism. This definition doesn’t include any individual who is a drug addict and is
currently using illegal drugs or an alcoholic who poses a direct threat to property or safety because of alcohol use
(24 CFR Part 8.3).
Resident Selection Policy
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Revised 7-23-2021
INTRODUCTION: The procedures used for selection of residents shall be implemented in compliance with the applicable
local, state and federal statutes and regulations applicable to the development.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: The management agent shall comply with all federal, state and local fair housing and civil rights
laws and with all equal opportunity requirements as required by law, including without limitation HUD administrative
procedures. Federal laws forbid discrimination based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status, or
national origin. Discrimination against a particular social or economic class is also prohibited (for example: welfare
recipients; single parent households, etc.) These requirements apply to all aspects of tenant relations including without
limitation: accepting and processing applications, selecting residents from among eligible Applicants on the waiting list,
assigning units, certifying and re-certifying eligibility for assistance, granting accommodation and terminating tenancies.
General Rules:
1. Household must meet eligibility criteria for the specific apartment community:
a. Family Apartment Communities do not restrict occupancy to a certain population.
b. Senior Apartment Communities restrict occupancy for the majority of units to households with at least one person 55
years of age or older;
2. Each household member must provide consents for verification of all sources of income or other information relative to
occupancy in the community.
3. The household must evidence ability to meet the financial responsibilities of residing in the apartment community
including payment of rent and utilities.
Rules applicable to apartments federally assisted with Housing Credits or a combination of Housing Credits and
federal HOME funding:
The household’s income may not exceed applicable Income Limits designated for affordable units. The limits which
apply vary by county and income target for specific apartments.
Management will require verification of family composition when it is necessary to do so in order to determine
income eligibility.
Restrictions apply to households in which all occupants are full-time students as defined herein.
Rules applicable to apartments federally assisted with only federal HOME funding:
The household’s income may not exceed applicable Income Limits designated for affordable units. The limits which
apply vary by county and income target for specific apartments.
Each member of the household who is 6 years or older must provide a valid social security card (or evidence of Social
Security Number acceptable to management) or evidence application for the card if social security number has not been
Applicant must submit Social Security numbers (for all household members 6 years or older) within 60 days of
application in order to remain on the waiting list.
ELIGIBILITY OF SINGLE PERSONS: Eligible Single Persons include those persons 18 years of age or older or a Single
Person under 18 years of age who has been emancipated through marriage under Idaho law.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Anyone who wishes to secure housing must fully complete the application form
provided by management. The information provided must contain enough information for management to make an initial
determination of the income eligibility of the household; the size of unit desired or needed and sufficient information to screen
Applicant’s prior landlord history. Applicants must consent to management’s requirement to secure a credit and criminal
background history and must provide sufficient information to enable management to secure such reports. Incomplete
applications will not be processed.
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income changes to an amount which is no longer eligible under the limitations of the assistance program by the time the
application reaches the top of the waiting list, written notice will be given advising the Applicant that: (1) they are not
presently eligible; (2) the Applicant could become eligible if the household income decreases, the number of household
members changes, or the Income Limit changes, and (3) asks whether or not the Applicant wishes to remain on the waiting
If an Applicant’s Family composition changes resulting in a need for a different apartment size, management will, upon
notification by Applicant, place the Family on the appropriate waiting list, maintaining their current waiting list status.
OCCUPANCY STANDARDS: Occupancy standards have been established to ensure that units are not overcrowded or
underutilized. The number of occupants in a unit must be in accordance with the occupancy standards as set forth by The
Housing Company based upon local law and Agency regulations. These occupancy standards are subject to change during
the lease term if changes in laws, ordinances, or regulations much such changes necessary. The minimum occupancy limit
will correspond to the number of bedrooms. The maximum occupancy limit will depend on local law and regulations, and
the square footage of usable sleeping areas as defined by local law and suggested Agency guidelines. Notwithstanding the
above, The Housing Company shall have the right to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities and
may adjust occupancy limits to further the goal of providing reasonable accommodations. Minimum and maximum limits are
as follows:
Generally, the presumptive standard is two (2) persons per bedroom. Household composition will be considered when
applying this general rule.
balance the need to avoid overcrowding with the need to make the best use of available space and to avoid unnecessary
subsidy in federally assisted units. To determine how many bedrooms a Family may have, the management agent shall count:
all full-time members of the household;
children who are away at school but live with the Family during school recesses;
children who are subject to a joint custody agreement but live in the unit at least 50% of the time;
an unborn child or children who are in the process of being adopted or whose custody is being obtained by an
foster children or children who are temporarily absent due to placement in a foster home;
live-in attendants; and
foster adults.
The management agent shall not provide bedroom space for persons who are not members of the household, such as adult
children on active military duty, permanently institutionalized Family members or visitors.
or larger than needed by the Applicant, may be assigned if doing so will not cause serious overcrowding. The action may not
conflict with local codes. Larger units than indicated by the number of household members may only be issued if no units of
appropriate size are available. In such cases, the Family must agree to move to the correct sized unit, at its own expense,
when one becomes available. After move-in, if a unit becomes overcrowded or under-used because of changes in household
composition, the management agent will require the Family to move to an appropriate sized unit when one becomes available.
The decision regarding such transfers will be made subject to income eligibility rules and other applicable requirements of
governing regulations. In such instances, transfers will take priority over any preference or chronologically-placed Applicants
on the waiting list.
following criteria to determine over-crowded utilization for market rate units. In determining overcrowded status,
management will count:
all full-time members of the household;
children who are away at school but live with the Family during school recesses;
children who are subject to a joint custody agreement but live in the unit at least 50% of the time;
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an unborn child or children who are in the process of being adopted or whose custody is being obtained by an adult;
foster children or children who are temporarily absent due to placement in a foster home;
live-in attendants; and
foster adults.
Under-utilization is not a consideration in a market rate apartment.
PREFERENCES: Management will observe preferences listed below. The number of preferences per household and then the
date/time the application was received determines the location on the wait list.
Preference will be given for a minimum of 60% of the units to persons who are on Public Housing Authority Waiting
Waiting list preference in leasing will be given to persons with HUD Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)
Permanent Supportive Housing.
Waiting list preference in leasing will be given to households that contain one or more members with a handicap as
defined in the Fair Housing Act.
Accommodation for Existing Residents: Requests for reasonable accommodation from existing residents requiring unit
transfers will take priority over all waiting list Applicants. Accommodation results when a third-party-verified disability
requires a change or repairs which make it easier for the existing resident to reside in the community. Reasonable costs
associated with unit transfers or repairs will be covered by management, unless doing so will cause an undue financial and
administrative burden.
Units Specifically Designed for Disabled or Handicapped Persons: When attempting to fill a unit that has features
designed to meet the needs of disabled persons, management will grant a preference to households with Disabled members
(who otherwise qualify) and need the accessible features of the unit. For example, units designed for accessibility to
individuals with mobility, hearing or vision impairments, will be rented to households that require the features provided in
those units. This preference will be granted upon proper notification by Applicant and verification of need by management.
Preference for Applicant’s Receiving Rental Assistance or who are on Housing Authority Waiting Lists for Rental
Assistance: Applicants who provide evidence that they are recipients of rental assistance or a statement from a public housing
authority indicating that they are on a waiting list for rental assistance will be given priority on the waiting list over applicants
who do not receive rental assistance or who are not on a housing authority waiting list. This preference will be given for
100% of the total residential units and applied first to applicants who have received rental assistance and secondly to
applicants who are on the waiting list.
Transfers for Existing Tenants: Regardless of the Rental Assistance Preference, no waiting list preference shall be granted
to households transferring between units in a specific apartment community or between apartment communities located
within the same market area which are owned or managed by The Housing Company. Households seeking such transfers
shall receive only chronological status on the waiting list.
PROCESSING STEPS: The development shall be rented and occupancy maintained on a first-come, first-served basis with
preferences taken into consideration. All persons wishing to be admitted to the development or placed on the waiting list must
complete an application, supply all documents required and pay an application fee. Prospective tenants submitting incomplete
applications will not be considered for occupancy. The initial application shall be timed and dated when received, and the
resident manager shall maintain at the rental office a chronological list of all Applicants (categorized on a bedroom size and,
when applicable, income target requirement). Applicants may be included on one or more waiting list, depending upon the
needs of the Family and management’s determination of overcrowding or under-utilization. Preference households and
existing residents requiring unit transfers because of accommodation will move ahead of chronological status Applicants.
Applicants shall be offered housing (after meeting all selection criteria requirements including the verification process),
placed on the waiting list, or declined. Potentially eligible Applicants who have met tenant selection criteria and for whom
the right size and/or income target unit is not available will be placed on the waiting list and contacted when an appropriate
unit becomes available. The Applicant must contact the development’s resident manager every 90 days to remain on the
waiting list. Applicants who fail to provide acceptable landlord references, credit history or who have a criminal background
will be notified that they have been removed from the waiting list.
When an appropriate unit is available, the waiting list shall be reviewed to identify the Applicant who meets preference
criteria or whose name is chronologically at the top of the list. The resident manager shall interview the Applicant; confirm
and update all information provided on the application; update credit reports older than one year; obtain current information
regarding income and Family composition as applicable and necessary to certify eligibility and determine resident’s rent
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payment. The Applicant shall be informed that a final decision on eligibility cannot be made until all verifications are
complete and current income has been verified.
Applicants, whose position on the waiting list enables application processing, will receive only two consecutive notices of
housing availability. If the Applicant is unable or decides not to complete the application process, the Applicant shall be
removed from the waiting list upon receiving the second notice and must reapply for eligibility. The waiting list shall be
updated every three months and may be closed for one or more unit sizes when the average wait for admission is more than
a year.
Applicants for apartments funded solely with federal HOME funding will be required to supply a Social Security number
and verification of the same for each Family member, age six years or older.
SCREENING CRITERIA: The following factors shall be considered in screening Applicant for occupancy:
Demonstrated ability to meet financial obligations and to pay rent on time.
History as a good resident.
History of disturbing neighbors or destroying property.
Applicant’s credit history.
Ability to maintain (or with assistance would have the ability to maintain) the housing in a decent and safe condition
based on living or housekeeping habits and whether such habits adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the
household and other residents in the community.
Ability to meet all obligations of tenancy.
Current use or history of using illegal drugs or current use or history of abusing alcohol in a way that may interfere
with the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of others.
History of felony or misdemeanor convictions by any household member involving crimes of physical violence against
persons or property, fraud, dishonesty and any other criminal activity including, but not limited to, Drug-Related Criminal
Any household member, including a Live-In Aide, has been evicted from assisted housing within three years as a result
of Drug-Related Criminal Activity.
Any household member has Registered Sex Offender status, or is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under at
State sex offender registration program.
Income Limit qualification.
Full-time student status for Applicants seeking housing in units federally assisted with Housing Credits.
Note: Live-In Aides will be screened for drug abuse and criminal activity and must sign required release forms.
REFERENCES; CRIMINAL AND CREDIT HISTORY: Management will require consent of all adult household
members and Live-In Aides for verification of references and permission to seek criminal background history.
Landlord References: Landlord references will be required for up to five (5) years, including the present landlord.
Applicants, who have been previous homeowners, must be able to demonstrate that they have made mortgage payments in a
timely manner.
Applicants, who have had no previous rental or homeownership history, must provide references from present and former
employers, teachers or clergy. Further, such Applicants must agree to monthly inspections of their apartment to continue until
management deems that the Applicant is maintaining the apartment in a clean, safe and sanitary condition.
Unfavorable landlord or professional references may result in removal from the waiting list.
Credit History: Credit reports will be ordered for each Applicant. The credit report will be reviewed to determine the
Applicant's history of meeting financial obligations including payments for rent, utilities, loans, revolving credit cards, and
other obligations. Applicant's credit history must be acceptable to management before they will be approved to occupy a unit.
The credit report will be reviewed to:
confirm current address;
confirm credit sources included on the application;
confirm current and past employment listed on the application; and
to determine whether the Applicant has an acceptable credit history.
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Applicants, whose credit histories are unacceptable, will be declined and removed from the waiting list. An unacceptable
credit history is one that reflects consistent, past-due payments of more than 90 days; a history of repeated insufficient fund
checks; derogatory credit (repossessions, foreclosures, judgments, collections, charge-offs, liens, bankruptcy not yet
discharged etc); delinquent or charge off debt due other apartment communities; or unpaid utility company collections which
would prohibit applicant from obtaining services. The lack of credit history or past due payments or derogatory credit relating
to medical expense or student loans will not be considered as grounds for declining an Applicant. Consideration will be
granted when current credit history demonstrates a pattern of improvement; history of rent payment overshadows other debt
issues or Applicant can demonstrate acceptable reasons for credit history. Applicants may wish to provide an explanation that
evidences efforts to correct credit deficiencies through payment plans or other work out solutions. If such explanation is
acceptable to management, further screening may be conducted and written confirmation of payment plans may be required
from the creditor(s).
In the event of decline based upon credit, the Applicant has 14 days to provide an explanation and request further
consideration. Management will provide a copy of Applicant's credit report upon request. It is the Applicant's responsibility
to contact the credit-reporting agency to resolve any items that have been incorrectly reported.
Criminal Activity Reports:
A criminal activity report will be ordered for each Applicant, and an Applicant with a history that includes felonious crimes,
serious misdemeanors, Drug-Related crimes violent crimes or sexual crimes will be declined and removed from the waiting
list. Reports will be obtained from local and/or state records. Consideration will be granted to applicants with past non-violent
criminal records occurring five years or more ago with no further criminal record. If the Applicant has resided in a state other
than Idaho and has a past felony conviction, a report will be required from that state or federal organization. Applicants will
be required to certify that they or members of their household are not Registered Sex Offenders. Registered Sex Offenders
will not be admitted to the apartment community.
DECLINING APPLICANTS: Applicants may be declined if any one of the following categories applies:
Failure to meet one or more of the screening criteria.
Information required by the application and income verification process is not provided.
Failure to respond to written requests for information.
Declaration by Applicant that they are no longer interested in housing.
Unacceptable credit history.
Income exceeds the appropriate Income Limit if applicable.
Inability to appropriately maintain housing in a decent safe and sanitary condition.
Applicant is single, under 18 years of age and has never been emancipated through marriage under Idaho law.
Family size is too large for available units, and serious overcrowding would result in providing a smaller unit.
History of unjustified and chronic nonpayment of rent and financial obligations.
History of disturbing the quiet enjoyment of others.
A risk of intentional damage or destruction to the unit or surrounding premises by the Applicant or those under the
Applicant’s control.
History of violence and harassment of others.
History of violations of the terms of previous rental agreements such as destruction of a unit or failure to maintain a
unit in a decent, safe, and sanitary condition.
Criminal history includes felony or misdemeanor conviction for Drug Related Activity, violent crimes, sexual crimes,
physical violence against persons or property, fraud, dishonesty or any other criminal activity (excepting traffic
violations) which, at the sole discretion of management is deemed a risk to the well being of the community.
Illegally using a controlled substance or abusing alcohol in a way that may interfere with the health, safety and well being
of other residents. Waiver of this requirement is subject to Applicant demonstrating they are no longer engaging in such
activity and producing evidence of participation in or completion of a supervised rehabilitation program.
Applicant or a member of the household is a Registered Sex Offender under any state sex offender registration
Applicant or a household member has engaged in or threatened abusive or violent behavior towards any staff member
of management or another resident.
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Applicant or a member of household was evicted from housing within three years as a result of Drug-Related Criminal
Application is incomplete, or is found to contain false information.
Appropriately sized housing is not and will not be available in the apartment community.
Apartments federally subsidized with Housing Credits: All household members are full-time students and do not qualify
for student exemptions. If all household members are full-time students, they must meet at least one of the following
exemptions to be eligible for an affordable unit:
Receive assistance under Title IV of the Social Security Act;
Be enrolled in a job-training program receiving assistance under the JTPA or other similar federal, state or local
Be a single parent with children who are not dependents of another individual; or
Students who are married have filed and will file a joint income tax return.
If an Applicant is declined, Applicant will be notified in writing with an explanation of the reasons for decline. The Applicant
will be notified that they have 14 days to respond in writing or to request a meeting to discuss the decline. All declined
applications and supportive documentation shall be maintained at the management agent’s home office in a manner that
assures confidentiality.
Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005: In accordance with the Act, admission to the
apartment community will not be denied on the basis that the Applicant is or has been a victim of domestic violence, dating
violence or stalking if Applicant otherwise qualifies for admission. Applicant may request protection under the Act by
completing the Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking (HUD form 50066) and Management will
verify the certification as allowed by the Act.
APPLICANT includes all adult members of the Family or household.
DISABLED PERSON is a person with a disability as defined by Section 223 of the Social Security Act or as generally
defined in 42 USC Section 6001(8) as a severe, chronic disability which:
is attributable to a mental/or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments;
was manifested before age 22;
is likely to continue indefinitely;
results in substantial limitations in three (3) or more of the following areas of major life activities: self care, receptive
and responsive language, learning mobility, self direction, capacity for independent living, and economic Self
reflects the person’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic care, treatment,
or the other services which are of lifelong, or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated; and
is a person with a physical or mental impairment that:
is expected to be of long, continued and indefinite duration;
substantially impedes the person’s ability to live independently; and
is such that the person’s ability to live independently could be improved by more suitable housing
Is a person with a developmental disability.
DRUG RELATED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY Drug Related Activity means the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution or use
of a drug or the possession with the intent to manufacture, sell or distribute a controlled substance. Drug-Related Criminal
Activity does not include the use or possession, if the household member can demonstrate that they:
have an addiction to a controlled substance, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an
impairment; and
have recovered from such addictions and do not currently use or possess controlled substances. The household
member must submit evidence of participation in, or successful completion of, a treatment program as a condition
to being allowed to reside in the unit.
FAMILY is one or more persons in a household whose income and resources are available to meet the Family's needs.
FULL-TIME STUDENT is defined as an individual who attends full-time (for a minimum of five months per calendar year)
an educational institution which normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum. This definition applies to school aged
children, including kindergarten and elementary students.
INCOME LIMITS are defined as those income limitations published by organizations regulating the development.
LIVE-IN AIDE/ATTENDANT is a person who lives with an Elderly or Disabled individual(s), is essential to that
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individual’s care and well being, is not obligated for the support of the person, and would not be living in the unit except to
provide the support services. While a relative may be considered to be a Live-in Aide/Attendant, the relative can reside in the
unit as a Live-in Aide/Attendant only if the tenant requires special care. The Live-in Aide qualifies for occupancy only as
long as the tenant requires supportive services and may not qualify for continued occupancy as a Remaining Family Member.
A household may NOT designate a Family member as head of household solely to qualify the Family as a Senior Household.
Live-In Aides may be evicted for violation of house rules.
REMAINING MEMBER HOUSEHOLD is a person who remains in a unit following a decrease in Family composition.
SENIOR HOUSHOLD is a household households with at least one person 55 years of age or older.
SINGLE PERSON is a person who intends to live alone.