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(Check One)
- I am your Landlord and this is the Tenant’s official notice that their lease dated on the
____ day of __________________, 20___ will be terminated on the ____ day of
__________________, 20___. Termination for the Landlord must be at least
__________________ (___) days from the next payment date.
- I am your Tenant and this is the Landlord’s official notice that their lease dated on the
____ day of __________________, 20___ will be terminated on the ____ day of
__________________, 20___. Termination for the Tenant must be at least
__________________ (___) days from the next payment date.
After I move out, please mail the security deposit to:
Street Address ________________________________ City of __________________
State of __________________ Zip Code __________________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The day of move-out, both parties should walk through the apartment to perform the
move-out inspection. The time for this should be on the termination date or on any
date agreed upon by landlord and tenant.
Tenant agrees to arrange for all of the utilities to be TURNED OFF upon move-out. If
the landlord would like to transfer the accounts to their name they should inform the
tenant as soon as possible.
Signature ___________________ Date: _____________________
Print Name __________________
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I certify that on the _____ day of ____________________, 20_____ I served this notice
to __________________ by:
- delivering it personally to the person in possession.
- delivering it on the premises to a member of his/her family or household or an
employee of suitable age and discretion with a request that it be delivered to the person
in possession.
- first-class mail addressed to the person in possession.
Signature ___________________________