Online/DE Hybrid Course Review Checklist
LPC Distance Education Committee
Completing each item in the checklis
t below ensures that your Distance Education course not only meets the accepted
ractices for development, but completion will also ensure that accreditation and legal requirements are met.
Those requirements include: Regular Effective Contact (state), Regular and Substantive Interaction (federal), student
authentication and attendance monitoring (federal/ACCJC), the Americans with Disabilities Act (federal/state), equitable
access to learning support services (ACCJC), and student privacy (federal).
Course (e.g. English 1A):
se Title:
Term exp
ected to offer course (e.g. Fall 2023):
1. Course i
ncludes a distinct starting point. Yes No
2. Clear instructions are provided for students to begin the course. Yes No
3. Instructor contact information is easily located and includes preferred method(s) of communication/contact and
expectations for response times, grade turnaround and feedback times, along with expectations for instructor
participation. Yes No
4. Cour
se syllabus is easily located (use of the Syllabus link in Canvas is recommended). Yes No
5. Course syllabus includes:
Textbooks and materials (including any technical requirements, software, and purchase
Student participation expectation
Online attendance expectations and policy
Explanations of grading methods (including rubrics), late submission or makeup policies
Guidelines and policies for online behavior and academic honesty, including plagiarism.
Accessibility and accommodation information and resources.
6. Course n
avigation menu is intuitive and only includes items that students will use. Yes No