Las Positas College
3000 Campus Hill Drive
Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 424-1631
Online: LPC Facility Rentals
Facility Rentals are subject to the following conditions:
1. Agreement may be cancelled at any time prior to use should facilities be needed for college
☐I agree to this condition
2. The District may require security or other personnel as condition of use whenever it is deemed
to be in the District’s best interests.
☐I agree to this condition
3. Future facility requests may be denied on grounds including, but not limited to, abuse or misuse
of District property, failure to pay promptly for any damage to District property or failure to pay
promptly for facilities use.
☐I agree to this condition
4. No structures, electrical modifications, facility modifications, or mechanical apparatus may be
erected or installed on District property without specific written approval by the Director of
Maintenance & Operations.
☐I agree to this condition
5. No alcoholic beverages, intoxicants, controlled substances, or tobacco in any form shall be
brought onto the property of the District. Persons under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, or
controlled substances shall be denied participation in any activity.
☐I agree to this condition
All spaces include an instructor computer, overhead projector, screen, and a set number of
tables and chairs. If your event requires registration tables and chairs, please note the number
6 Foot Tables: __________________ Folding Chairs: _______________
In response to your application, our office will provide a quote of Custodial and Campus Safety hours. Please reference
the LPC Fee Schedule
for hourly rates.
*2 Hour minimum charge for all Campus Safety and Custodial Support