Title of Event and Event Contact Name/telephone number
Type of Event
Detailed Description of Event
Date and Time of Event (entry and exit times)
Whether you will you need a rehearsal
Number of performers on stage
Describe backdrops and set pieces
Las Positas College
Main Theater Rental Questionnaire
The Main Theater has a capacity of 464.
Availability of the Main Theater will depend upon your event and whether we have staff to support it.
Please provide complete details of the event, including:
Describe lighting requirements
Describe audio requirements
Describe any drape requirements
Describe all other requirements you may have (screen, projector, risers, piano, orchestra shell,
eviewed by:___________________________
Main Theater Availability: _
Assigned Stage Techs: _________________________________
All Mertes Center, Main
Theater inquiries are reviewed by our Performing Arts Coordinator for
availability of space and staffing. To ensure a proper response, please very detailed when completing this
Note: it may take up to two weeks for a response.
Las Positas College
Main Stage Inquiry Questionnaire
Las Positas College
Main Stage Inquiry Questionnaire
r Internal Use Only