State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
CS-4 Rev. 7/2019
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Court Case Number
IN THE _____________ COURT OF _______________ COUNTY, ALABAMA
v. Defendant
This case having been heard on the__ day of ____________ , ____ , this Court finds that it has jurisdiction over the parties
and the subject matter.
This Court further finds that the Defendant was properly served with a summons and petition by:
personal service; certified mail.
The following persons were present:
Plaintiff: Pro se Plaintiff’s Attorney _________________________
Defendant: Pro se Defendant’s Attorney _______________________
State’s Attorney _________________ Other _______________________
This case being submitted upon the pleadings and upon the evidence presented or upon the agreement reached by the parties,
the Court finds that the Defendant is obligated to pay support for the minor child(ren) named as follows: _____________________ .
This Court finds that health care coverage is unavailable, unavailable at reasonable cost, or is not accessible.
(If applicable): The Defendant is also obligated to pay support for ____________________ , spouse/former spouse.
1. The Defendant is ORDERED to pay the sum of $ _____ per _______ commencing on _________________
for the
support and maintenance of the minor child(ren) named above.
That the award of child support made herein was determined by application of the Child Support Guidelines established by
Rule 32, Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration. The Child Support Guidelines (CS-42) and the Child Support Obligation
Income Statement/Affidavit (CS-41) forms have been filed herein and are made a part of the record in this case.
The Court finds that deviation is appropriate based on the Child Support Guidelines established by Rule 32, Alabama Rules
of Judicial Administration. The findings are noted in the Child Support Guidelines Notice of Compliance (CS-43).
2. The child support payments shall continue until discharged as provided by law.
3. The child support payments shall be made payable to: Alabama Child Support Payment Center at P.O. Box 244015, Montgomery,
AL 36124-4015.
4. The Defendant OR the Plaintiff, wherever employed, shall include the child(ren) named above on any health care coverage
policy at his or her place of employment and shall provide proof of the coverage within thirty (30) days of the date of this order
to the other party in non-Title IV-D cases OR to the ________ County Department of Human Resources in Title IV-D cases.
The Defendant OR the Plaintiff shall include the child(ren) named above on any health care coverage policy which he or she
shall purchase and shall provide proof of the coverage within thirty (30) days of the date of this order to the other party in non-
Title IV-D cases OR to the _____________ County Department of Human Resources in Title IV-D cases.
The Defendant is ordered to pay ___ % and the Plaintiff is ordered to pay ___ % of all unreimbursed health expenses. The
parties must submit within 30 days any unreimbursed health expenses to the other party and payment of the expenses must be
made within 30 days of this submission.
The Defendant is ordered to pay the sum of $______ per ______ commencing on _________ for the medical support
of the minor child(ren) named above, as health care coverage is not accessible, not available, or is not available at a
reasonable cost.
Other arrangements regarding health care coverage: _________________________________________ .
State of Alabama
Unified Judicial System
CS-4 Rev. 7/2019
Page 2 of 2
Court Case Number
5. The Defendant shall notify ____________ County Department of Human Resources as to any change of address,
employment, or lapse or change in health care coverage.
6. The Defendant is ordered to pay the following:
$ ___ representing retroactive child support to be paid at the rate of $______ per ____ commencing on _______ .
$___ representing previous medical expenses to be paid at the rate of $___ per____ commencing on __________
These sums are hereby reduced to a judgment for which let execution issue. Interest will continue to accrue on this judgment
until it has been satisfied in full as provided in Ala.Code 1975, Section 8-8-10.
7. (If applicable) The Defendant is ordered to pay the sum of $ ___ per _______ commencing on ____________ for the
support and maintenance of spouse/former spouse which support shall continue until further Order of the Court.
8. (If applicable) The spousal support payments shall be made payable to: Alabama Child Support Payment Center at P.O. Box
244015, Montgomery, AL 36124-4015.
9. Costs of these proceedings are taxed as follows:
against Plaintiff, for which let execution issue; against Defendant, for which let execution issue; waived.
10. Reference is hereby made in this Order of Support to a separate income withholding order, the entry of which is required of this
Court by law, and which is specifically incorporated herein as a part of this Court’s Order in this case.
11. In cases where payments are ordered paid directly to the Clerk of the Court, there shall be paid an additional $1.00
administrative fee as provided in Ala.Code 1975, Section 12-19-26, with each periodic payment.
12. Other: ___________________________
Ordered this the ___ day of __________ , ____ .
Signature of Judge