Thank you for choosing Anchor Accounting & Tax, Inc. to assist you with preparation of your
tax return. This letter confirms the terms of our engagement with you and outlines the
nature and extent of the services we will provide.
1. Complete Information Required
We will prepare your federal and state income taxes and will depend on you to provide the
information we need to prepare complete and accurate returns.
• Complete the Tax Organizer form(s) provided.
Provide copies of all W2s, 1099s, 1098s, 1095s, etc
New clients: Provide also provide a copy of your prior year's tax return
2. Secure Portal
Your privacy and protection of your identity and financial information is important to us. For
this reason, we process all messaging, tax info, documents, tax returns, and e-signatures, and
payment of our fees through our secure client portal.
Email is not secure. Do not email with tax information or documents. Instead,
correspond with us securely via the “Compose Message” feature at the portal. Send documents
via the portal’s “Upload Documents” feature.
Access the portal at: To log in,
enter (a.) the primary taxpayers social security number -or- if business entity, the EIN number
and (b.) your password. If you need/forget your password, leave the password block empty,
and click the “need password” link. One will be emailed to the primary taxpayer's email on file.
3. Bookkeeping not included
Bookkeeping services are not included in our standard tax preparation fees. To avoid
additional fees, please total up your receipts and provide total dollar amounts in the
appropriate spaces on the Business Worksheet. By “Bookkeeping services” we mean the
following activities performed by us, such as:
Adding up/categorizing income and expenses from bank statements, receipts, invoices,
hand-written paperwork, etc.
Reviewing and adjusting client prepared QuickBooks files or spreadsheets
Working with data, records, and information presented in any format other than
provided in the Questionnaire, Business Organizer, Rental Property or other
1228 Progressive Dr, Ste 202, Chesapeake VA 23320
Tel: 757-312-0098 Fax: 757-324-5717
If requested, we will perform bookkeeping services only as needed to prepare your tax returns.
Our work will not include procedures to find defalcations or other irregularities. Accordingly,
our engagement should not be relied upon to disclose errors, fraud, or other illegal acts, though
it may be necessary for you to clarify some of the information you submit. We will, of course,
inform you of any material errors, fraud, or other illegal acts we discover.
4. IRS Penalties
The law imposes penalties when taxpayers underestimate their tax liability, file late, pay late,
and/or fail to make quarterly estimated tax payments. In addition, filing an “Automatic
Extension of Time to File” with the IRS only grants an extended time to file; it does not extend
your time to pay the taxes due. Please call us if you have concerns about such penalties.
5. Tax Laws
Should we encounter instances of unclear tax law, or of potential conflicts in the interpretation
of the law, we will outline the reasonable courses of action and the risks and consequences of
each. We will ultimately adopt, on your behalf, the alternative you select.
6. Fees
Our fee will be based on the time required at standard billing rates plus out-of-pocket
expenses. Payment of an initial retainer is required to begin preparation of your return, as
$150 for Form 1040 Returns, including self employed and small business
$275 for Form 1065 / 1120 / 1120-S Business Entity Returns
The balance of our fee is due and payable once the return preparation is complete. To the
extent permitted by state law, an interest charge may be added to all accounts not paid within
thirty (30) days of completion of our preparation services. We will not file the return until all
prep fees have been paid. Cash, check, or credit card payments are accepted.
Note: We will not take part of your refund as payment, nor do we offer refund anticipation
7. Filing Your Return
Once the return preparation is complete, we will provide a “REVIEW Copy” of your return via
our secure portal, along with authorization-to-file documents for either your wet signature or
digital signature (“E-SIGN”). Review your Review Copy carefully before signing the
authorization-to-file documents.
We will file the return electronically upon receiving your “E-SIGN” or digital authorization. If you
do not elect to have us e-file your return, then you will be solely responsible to paper file (mail)
the return with the appropriate taxing authorities. Our engagement to prepare your tax return
will conclude with the delivery of the completed return to you (if paper-filing) or your signature
and our subsequent submittal of your tax return (if e-filing).
1228 Progressive Dr, Ste 202, Chesapeake VA 23320
Tel: 757-312-0098 Fax: 757-324-5717
8. Client Records
If you provide original “hard copy” records for preparation of your return, we will make them
available to you for pickup at the end of the engagement. We can mail them to you, if
requested, subject to a mailing and handling fee. You should securely store these records, along
with all supporting documents, canceled checks, etc., as these items may later be needed to
prove accuracy and completeness of a return.
9. Consent to Disclosure
Unless authorized by law, we cannot disclose your tax return information to third parties
for purposes other than those related to the preparation and filing of your tax return without
your consent. If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information, Federal law may
not protect your tax return information from further use or distribution.
By completing the form, you authorize us to comply with your future requests to
forward tax information to mortgage companies, banks, lending institutions,
insurance companies, and so on.
In providing tax services, we must disclose your tax return information to third party software
vendors, tax preparers and other service providers that we partner with. Because this impacts
the quality of service we provide and the costs we incur, we may decline to provide you with
tax services or change the terms (including the cost) of the services that we provide to you if
you do not sign this form.
If you agree to the disclosure by signature below, your consent is valid for one year from
the date of signature.
x ______________________/_________ x ______________________/_________
Taxpayer Date Spouse (if filing jointly) Date
_______________________|_______________ ____________________|_____________
Taxpayer Printed Name Social Security No. Spouse Printed Name Social Security No.
_______________________|_______________ _________________|_________________
State of Residency
Spouse Date of Birth State of Residency
Taxpayer Date of Birth
______________________|________________ ___________________|_______________
Taxpayer Email Cell Phone Spouse Email Cell Phone
________________________________ ________________________________
Street Address City, State, Zip
Filing Status (check one):
Married Married Filing Separately Single Head of Household Widow(er)
1228 Progressive Dr, Ste 202, Chesapeake VA 23320
Tel: 757-312-0098 Fax: 757-324-5717