Further guidance on the required documents is available on http://smart-visa.boi.go.th
6 M
1 Y
Completed application form of qualification endorsement for smart visa S
Copy of valid passport (first page and all pages with Thai visa stamps)
Financial evidence showing a deposit of no less than 600,000 Baht or equivalent in a bank
account in Thailand or overseas which has been held for at least 3 months.
*In the case of being accompanied by spouses and children, an additional amount of deposit of
no less than 180,000 Baht per person or equivalent is required in a bank account in Thailand or in
the country of his/her nationality or residence, which has been held for at least 3 months
Health insurance policy covering entire course of stay in Thailand, with coverage for
hospitalization treatment of no less than 500,000 Baht
* Submission of this document can be done separately at a later date before a notification letter is
Pitch deck
Shareholder list (not more than 3 months old) or/and transfer slip
Evidence of the incubation or accelerator program acceptance
Evidence of startup promotion activities participation
Company profile, company annual report, brochures or catalogues
A letter of verification issued from the country of his or her nationality or residence stating that
the applicant has no criminal record, certificate of incorporation, memorandum of association in
Thailand, may be requested on a case-by-case basis.
Mandatory If applicable
I confirm that I have read the guidance and there are no other documents to submit. For document are not in
English, I have provided a certified translation.
I hereby authorize One Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permit and related govenmental institutions to share
this information provided among the agencies involved in this qualification endorsement process.
I understand that a decision may be made on my application based on these documents only.
I understand that I may be contacted or requested for additional documents or information from government offices
or its representative.
* All processes may take approximately 30 working days to process providing that you are able to provide all complete
documents at the start, so please allow considerable time to begin the process before your immigration stamp expires.
For Official Use Only
Registered Number: Received Date: Due date:
Submission Officer’s Name Signature
Previous application number
Required Documents for Qualification Endorsement for Smart visa “S” (Startup)
BOI Smart Visa Type S 13/05/2020
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Items to be covered in Pitch deck (Startup Business Plan)
a. 1-page Executive Summary
b. The Company/ Background
c. Mission & Vision
- Mission Describe your organization’s mission
- Vision Describe your organization’s vision
d. Management Team Show the People behind the idea and briefly describe their role.
e. Products Describe features and benefits of your products and services.
f. Technology and Innovation Applied Explain why your startup is innovative.
g. Industry Description/ Competition/ Trends
- Industry Description Explain how your startup impacts to the targeted industry*.
- Competition Explain who is your competitors? (which company or business) How are you different from others?
What can you do better that really matters to consumers or profitability?
- Trends
h. Marketing & Sales Strategy
- Marketing Strategy - Explain who is your target customers or clients? How are you going to promote and
distribute products/services?
- Sales Strategy How are you going to get customers or clients to buy products/services?
i. Financial Plan/ Exit Strategy/ Funds Required
- Financial Plan Explain funding & investment plan (How are you going to seek and use money? What are you
going to do with the money?)
- Exit Strategy
- Funds Required
j. Revenue model Explain how is the startup going to make money? Average of money does the startup receive?
Who does the startup get money from?
k. Growth Strategy Explain your growth objectives and how you intend to develop your startup business.
l. Thailand’s Benefit
- Thailand Destination Explain why did you choose Thailand as your destination for your startup?
- Benefit to Thailand Explain how your business would benefit Thailand?
Remark: *Targeted industries
Next-Generation Automotive
Smart Electronics
Affluent, Medical and Wellness Tourism
Agriculture and Biotechnology
Food for the Future
Automation and Robotics
Aviation and Logistics
Biofuels and Biochemicals
Medical Hub
Human Resource Development in Science and Technology
Environmental Management and Renewable Energy