Office of Graduate Studies
Graduate Faculty Nomination Form
Program: __________________________________
Department or School Submitting Nomination:
New appointment as Regular Graduate Faculty Reappointment as Regular Graduate Faculty
New appointment for Associated Graduate Faculty Renewal for Associated Graduate Faculty
Last Name: _______________________ _______________________
_____________________ _________________________ ___________________
Academic Degrees of Nominee: Please indicate institution, degree and date conferred for all academic degrees.
________________________________ ____________ ____________
________________________________ ____________ ____________
________________________________ ____________ ____________
________________________________ _________________________________________
Is the nominee a current grad student?
Employer:Current Position:
Date conferred:Degree:Institution:
Date conferred:Degree:Institution:
Date conferred:Degree:Institution:
Email address:
Postal/Zip Code:Province/State:City:
Business or mailing address:
First Name:
New appointment for Special Graduate Faculty
University of Guelph faculty only (Select one)
If the nominee is a Research Associate or PostDoctoral Fellow, please provide the name of their faculty advisor or
If yes, please provide current graduate program and institution.
Tenure Track Contractually Limited Emeritus/Emerita
Category and Role:
Regular Graduate Faculty (University of Guelph tenure-track faculty only)
Associated Graduate Faculty 4-year term (See guidelines)
Student’s name: _______________________________ ____________________________Student’s Advisor:
Special Graduate Faculty (See guidelines)
Advisory Committee Member
Student’s name: _______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________
_______________________________ _____________________________Student’s Advisor:Student’s name:
Student’s Advisor:Student’s name:
Student’s Advisor:
_______________________________ ________________
_______________________________ ________________Exam Date:Student’s name:
Exam Date:Student’s name:
Masters Defence Committee Member
_______________________________ ________________
Course: _______________________________ ________________
Reason for nominating this person (Please elaborate on research, disciplinary expertise, experience and graduate
Attach a current Curriculum Vitae which includes:
- graduate supervision
- advisory committees (number of advisory committees, type of degree and role)
- QE examination committees
- defence committees
- graduate courses
Teach graduate course(s)
_________________________ _____________
_________________________ _____________Date:Signature of College Dean:
Date:Signature of Chair/Director or Graduate Coordinator:
The nominee has been contacted by the Chair/Director or Graduate Coordinator and has agreed to the
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Authorization: Senate, on the recommendation of the Board of Graduate Studies
Approved: June 4, 2012; amended December 5, 2012; amended February11,2013
The following policy and procedures document, to a large degree, parallels the processes with respect to review of
Graduate Faculty status, which existed under Faculty Policies, prior to the certification of the University of Guelph Faculty
Association (UGFA). The particular category of Graduate Faculty status recognizes the University’s expectations for, and
the individual’s opportunity for, participation and contribution to graduate education at the University of Guelph.
[A] Categories of Graduate Faculty Status There are three categories of Graduate Faculty at the University of Guelph.
Each category of Graduate Faculty contributes to graduate education. The categorization of Graduate Faculty is to a large
degree intended to ensure an appropriate and accurate accounting of those who have been approved for the opportunity
to engage in the various aspects of graduate education, and also to ensure a clear articulation of the University’s
expectations for an individual’s engagement in graduate education. The document recognizes and acknowledges that
there will be times when an individual is meeting all other performance expectations and, through no fault of their own,
may not be able to participate in some or all aspects of graduate education. In these circumstances, to ensure the
continued appropriate and accurate accounting of the institutional capacity for engagement in graduate education, the
status will not be revoked but may be placed in non-active status for a period of time. Such status, as detailed in this
document, may be reactivated once the expectations and/or opportunities to engage in graduate education are re-
Regular Graduate Faculty: Regular Graduate Faculty are tenured and tenure stream faculty at the University of Guelph.
(Contractually-limited appointments are not included in this category — see Associated and Special Graduate Faculty.) In
most cases, Regular Graduate Faculty are expected to hold a PhD or the most senior degree in their particular area of
expertise with an appropriate level of scholarship. Exceptions to this guideline must be accompanied by justification to the
Board of Graduate Studies outlining the nature and extent of the experience or other training that equips the nominee for
membership of Regular Graduate Faculty. To retain active status, individuals nominated to Regular Graduate Faculty
must be involved on a regular basis with aspects of graduate education including advising students (as principal advisor
or as co-advisor) and examining students and teaching graduate courses. Departments, programs and schools are
expected to provide support in the form of mentoring for faculty newly appointed to the University, especially individuals
who do not possess previous experience advising students. As part of the commitment to mentoring, a newly appointed
Faculty Member may be required to serve as co-advisor linked in the early part of his/her career with a more experienced
Faculty Member. Such decision shall normally not extend beyond three years from the date of appointment, and shall be
reviewed by the Dean in his/her annual meeting with the Faculty Member, and the dean shall decide, in consultation with
the Faculty Member, when the Faculty Member may commence serving as principal advisor. It is expected that the
performance of Regular Graduate Faculty will be assessed as an integral part of the Promotion and Tenure process.
Where there are substantiated concerns in the Faculty Member’s performance of aspects of graduate education, the
Faculty Member may continue to hold active Regular Graduate Faculty status; however, restriction(s) may be placed on
some or all of his/her graduate education activities.
Associated Graduate Faculty: Associated Graduate Faculty are appointed to serve as co-advisors and may participate
in all other aspects of graduate education, but they may not serve as primary advisors. Associated Graduate Faculty
status is not normally for members of the tenure stream of faculty at the University of Guelph, but rather for individuals
who are Professor Emeritus/Emerita, University Professor Emeritus, or hold a senior academic degree in their particular
area of expertise and have appropriate research experience. Tenure track Faculty Members who are not engaged in all
aspects of graduate education may hold this status if they continue to be involved in some aspect of graduate education.
Associated Graduate Faculty should have experience serving on graduate student advisory committees. Departments,
programs and schools are expected to provide support for Associated Graduate Faculty that is appropriate to their
particular situation, graduate student advisory experience, and role(s) in the graduate program. Appointments are for a
four-year term, renewable upon application and a satisfactory performance review conducted by the host program,
department, or school.
Special Graduate Faculty: Special Graduate Faculty are appointed for specific tasks in support of graduate programs,
such as teaching graduate courses and serving on advisory and/or examination committees, but they may not serve as
advisor or co-advisor. The roles and responsibilities of the nominee must be defined at the time of nomination, and each
revision of the roles and responsibilities must be submitted for approval by the Board of Graduate Studies. Although
senior academic qualification and experience is desirable for Special Graduate Faculty, this is not essential. The term will
be consistent with the nature of the appointment.
With rare exception, graduate students are not permitted to serve as graduate course instructors. Graduate students are
also not permitted to serve as members on either the advisory or examination committees of another graduate student.
Research associates and post-doctoral fellows may not be nominated as advisory committee members for students
supervised by their faculty advisor and/or supervisor.
[B] Application and Renewal Process Graduate programs nominate individuals to one of the three Graduate Faculty
categories, as outlined in Section [A] above, and make recommendations to the appropriate College Dean. Such
nominations, which must be presented on the form above, must be accompanied by an up-to-date curriculum vitae and
the approval signature of the appropriate College Dean. Nomination materials must be forwarded electronically to the
Office of Graduate Studies at If there are concerns or questions about the categories, these
should be forwarded to the Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies and Program Quality Assurance).
To be granted and to retain some category of Graduate Faculty Status, all Faculty Members are expected to demonstrate
and maintain a satisfactory record of sustained scholarly research and/or creative activity, and must teach at the graduate
level and/or serve as primary Graduate Advisors or Co-advisors or members of Advisory or Examination Committees.
[C] Review Process Regular Graduate Faculty: Departments must review, against established and approved
Departmental Guidelines and criteria, all tenured Regular Graduate Faculty Members’ scholarly productivity and
mentorship of graduate students on at least a biennial basis, as part of the Performance Assessment process. For
probationary Faculty Members, performance in the areas of scholarly productivity and mentorship of graduate students
must be reviewed against established and approved Departmental Guidelines and criteria on an annual basis.
In addition to the biennial review (tenured members of faculty) and annual review (probationary faculty), a review of
Regular Graduate Faculty status may be requested at any time by the Chair, Dean, Graduate Advisor, or Assistant Vice-
President (Graduate Studies and Program Quality Assurance). Such review shall be conducted by the Dean, in
consultation with the Chair and the Graduate Coordinator.
Associated Graduate Faculty: Associated Graduate Faculty Members are appointed for an initial four year term. Such
appointment is renewable pending a positive review and recommendation from the Dean or his/her designate to the
Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies and Program Quality Assurance), with final approval by the Board of
Graduate Studies. As part of the renewal process, and no later than six months prior to the end of the four year term, the
Associated Graduate Faculty Member will be expected to complete and submit to the Dean a report which outlines his/he
contributions to graduate training through involvement as a co-advisor of graduate students, member of graduate student
advisory committees and examinations, or in the teaching of graduate courses, during the current term. The Dean’s
review may also include consultation with the Department Chair, Graduate Program Coordinator, and considerations from
a Review Committee. The Review Committee, when convened by the Dean, shall be chaired by the Dean and shall be
comprised of at least three Faculty Members, in the same department as the Faculty Member, who hold Regular
Graduate Faculty status. The review will be based on the information provided by the Associated Graduate Faculty
Member and direct knowledge of performance of the Associated Graduate Faculty Member available from such
individuals as graduate students, graduate student co-advisors and committee members, graduate coordinators and
Chairs. Such input, to be considered as part of the review process, must be in writing and include an authenticated
signature of the author.
Special Graduate Faculty: Special Graduate Faculty are appointed for specific tasks in support of graduate programs.
The Chair and Dean will be responsible for reviewing the performance of Special Graduate Faculty in the context of the
specific task for which he/she was appointed.
[D] Unsatisfactory Performance Should the Dean believe there may be sufficient grounds to support a finding of
unsatisfactory performance of some or all aspects of the Faculty Member’s involvement in graduate education, the Dean
will conduct an investigation. For Faculty Members who are covered by the terms and conditions of the UGFA Collective
Agreement, such investigation shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the UGFA Collective Agreement
(Article 39). The Dean will decide whether constructive action will be taken. Such action may include a recommendation to
the Assistant Vice-President (Graduate Studies and Program Quality Assurance) (link to form) that restrictions be placed
on some aspects of the Faculty Member’s graduate education activities; or that graduate advisor status be revoked.
[E] Amendment to Non-Active Status or Placement of Restrictions or Revocation of Graduate Faculty Status
Documented complaints (e.g. from graduate students, other members of an Advisory or Examination Committee,
Graduate Students) regarding the performance of a member of the Graduate Faculty who is a member of the UGFA
should be brought to the attention of the College Dean, and investigated in accordance with the terms of the UGFA
Collective Agreement.
A Faculty Member’s Graduate Faculty status may be placed in non-active status or have restrictions placed on some
aspects of involvement in graduate education, or may be revoked for one or more of the following reasons:
i) The Faculty Member has not demonstrated adequate scholarly contributions, as defined by approved
artment Guidelines for Tenure, Promotion and Performance Assessme
nt; and/or
ii) The Fa
culty Member has been deemed not to have performed adequately and appropriately in her/his role.
iii) The Faculty Member has not taught at the graduate level or served as primary graduate advisor over the
immediate past period of four years.
Following the Review Process outlined in [C] above, the Dean will make his/her recommendation to the Assistant Vice-
President (Graduate Studies and Program Quality Assurance) who will decide, in consultation with the Provost, if
restrictions will be placed on aspects of the Faculty Member’s graduate education activities, or Graduate Faculty status is
to be placed in non-active status, or revoked.
The Dean will be informed immediately, to ensure implementation of the decision. A Faculty Member placed in non-active
status or whose status is revoked may not teach graduate courses or serve on Graduate Advisory or Examination
A Faculty Member whose Graduate Faculty status has been deactivated, or where restrictions on his/her graduate
education activities have been in place, or where status has been revoked, may reapply for reactivation, or removal of
restrictions, or reinstatement of his/her previous Graduate Faculty status, in accordance with the process outlined in [B]
Protection of Privacy: We are committed to protecting your privacy. Personal information is collected under the authority of the University of
Guelph Act and pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have questions about the use and disclosure of
your personal information, call the Office of Graduate Studies at (519) 824-4120 ext. 56833. You can also find more information about access to
information and protection of privacy at the University of Guelph from the University Secretariat.