© 2021 Bank of Melbourne – A Division of Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. BOMW0454 0121
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Non-Resident and Temporary VISA Applicants
Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) approval
First Home Owner’s Grant (FHOG).
Copy of signed and completed FHOG Application form. Original sent to relevant state aligned address
Signed and certified supporting documentation as required by the relevant state
If name changed then copy of Name Change Document (e.g. Marriage Certificate) must be provided
Note: Document MUST be signed and certified by a JP as a true and exact copy
Ongoing Commitments and Liabilities.
Ongoing Rent/Board
For each ongoing rent or board commitment, one of:
Current signed and dated lease/rental agreement (no older than 12 months) detailing the rental amount,
frequency/cycle, property address and name(s) of tenants
Letter from licensed property manager/agent (no older than 3 months) detailing the rental amount,
frequency/cycle, property address and name(s) of tenants
Rental ledger from licensed property manager/agent (no older than 6 weeks) detailing rental amount,
frequency/cycle and name(s) of tenants
Bank statement or transaction listing (no older than 6 weeks), covering 2 payment cycles, with a detailed
narrative which aligns to the rental outgoing and detailing the rental amount and payment date.
Account number/account name must be able to be matched to the applicant
For Board only – Statutory declaration made by the relevant applicant(s)
Child Support, Spouse or De-Facto Maintenance
For each child support, spouse or de‑facto maintenance commitment, one of:
Court order or child support agency letter dated within last 12 months confirming the amount of the
ongoing obligations
Bank statement or transaction listing covering 2 payment cycles (no older than 6 weeks)
Last 2 payslips showing the deduction
Existing Debt(s) not Being Refinanced by this Loan. E.g. Housing/investment loans, personal loans,
car loans, margin loans, tax debts, credit card and/or store card, one of:
Statements (Latest < 6 weeks old, must include account holders name and account number and cover
a period of at least one month)
Internet Banking Statement (Latest < 6 weeks old, must include account holders name and account
number and cover a period of at least one month)
Loan Transaction Listing (Latest < 6 weeks old, must include account holders name and account number
and cover a period of at least one month)
Account Summary Printout (Latest < 6 weeks old, must include account holders name and account
number and cover a period of at least one month)
Stamped and dated letter or printout from other financial institution evidencing account details
(Date < 6 weeks old and must include account holders name and account number)
For Tax Debts, Australian Taxation Office (ATO) letter or printout from ATO Portal evidencing the formal
payment plan with the ATO