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8. Declaration and signature
Please ensure that you have read the entire disclosure document(s) that you received when you applied for ANZ OneAnswer Personal Super
and any subsequent updates.
By completing this form, I:
• acknowledge that there is incorporated material about this product, which forms part of the PDS, in the Fees Guide, Investment Funds
Guide, Buy-Sell Spread Guide, OneAnswer Hedge Funds Guide and Additional Information Guide which may assist me in making my
• authorise the collection, use, storage and disclosure of my personal information (including where authorised and required, health and other
sensitive information) as described in ANZ’s Privacy Policy which is available at anz.com/privacy and OnePath Custodians’ Privacy Policy which
is available at onepath.com.au/superandinvestments/privacy-policy. If I have provided information about another person in this application,
I declare that I have the permission of that person to do so. I understand that ANZ and OnePath Custodians require me to inform the person
concerned that I have done so and direct them to the relevant Privacy Policies so they may understand the manner in which their personal
information may be used and disclosed by ANZ and OnePath Custodians
• authorise OnePath Custodians, or a third party engaged by OnePath (or Custodians (or a related group company) to provide administration
services relating to this product, using and sharing (but only as necessary) my Tax File Number with authorised recipients and approved
recipients to provide services (including account consolidation if I/we have requested it) and products to me
• acknowledge that OnePath Custodians or its related group companies do not guarantee the repayment of capital, the performance of, or
any rate of return of an investment in the Fund. I further acknowledge that my investment is subject to investment risk, including possible
repayment delays and loss of income and principal invested
• acknowledge that I am not aware and have no reason to suspect that my investment is derived from, related to or used to fund money
laundering, terrorism financing and other similar activities and my instructions related to my investment will not result in OnePath
Custodians or any of its related group of companies breaching any related laws or regulations in Australia or any other country
• acknowledge that OnePath Custodians or its related group companies may be required to pass on my personal information about my
investment to the relevant authority in compliance with the Anti-Money laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) and
OnePath Custodians or its related group companies can delay or decline to process a transaction and report it to the relevant regulatory
authority if OnePath Custodians or its related group companies are required to do so under the law
• authorise OnePath Custodians, and its related companies to use my personal information to send me information about their products or
services from time to time. I also authorise OnePath Custodians disclosing my personal information to organisations, including those in an
arrangement or alliance with OnePath Custodians or its related companies, to share information for marketing purposes and to enable those
alliance partners to send me information about their products and services. If I do not want OnePath Custodians, its related companies or
alliance partners using and disclosing my information for this purpose, I understand that I may phone 133 665 to advise that I do not want
my personal information used or disclosed for marketing purposes
• authorise my financial adviser to receive and access my personal information for the purposes of managing my investment and to use the
InvestmentLink service and/or the online service. Where there is any change relating to my financial adviser, I will notify you of the change
in writing
• acknowledge that the performance of any investment fund is not guaranteed by OnePath Custodians or any other person, unless
• declare, in the case of contributions, that I have read and understood the contribution eligibility rules in the PDS and any subsequent
updates and that I am eligible tomake, or have contributions made, for my benefit and will notify OnePath Custodians if I am no
• declare that in the case of transfers, I am aware I may ask my superannuation provider for information about any fees or charges that may
apply, or any other information about the effect this transfer may have on my benefits, and do not require any further information
• acknowledge that for transactions by direct debit, the unit price will be the one determined on the day funds are received in our bank account
• declare that in the case of transfers, I am aware I may ask my superannuation provider for information about any fees or charges that may
apply, or any other information about the effect this transfer may have on my benefits, and do not require any further information
• confirm that I have read and agree to the above declarations and the terms, conditions and acknowledgements in my PDS and any
subsequent updates and agree to the provisions of the Trust Deed and rules of the Retirement Portfolio Service (Fund)
• declare that the statements made in this form are true and correct.
Signature of member
(sign clearly within box)
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)