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Sensitive (when completed)
NAT 71121-11.2014
Notice of intent to claim or vary a deduction
for personal super contributions
n Print clearly using a black pen only.
n Use BLOCK LETTERS and print one character per box.
n Place
in ALL applicable boxes.
The instructions contain important information about
completing this notice. Refer to them for more information
about how to complete and lodge this notice.
6 Fund name
7 Fund Australian business number (ABN)
8 Member account number
9 UniqueSuperannuationIdentier(USI)(ifknown)
Section B: Super fund’s details
Section A: Your details
1 Taxlenumber(TFN)
The ATO does not collect this information provided on this form. This form is to assist you in providing details to your
superfund. Your super fund is authorised to request your personal details, including your TFN, under the Superannuation
Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and the Taxation Administration Act 1953. It is not an
offence not to provide your TFN. However, if you do not provide your TFN, and your super fund doesn’t already hold your TFN,
they will not be permitted to accept the contribution(s) covered by this notice. For more information about your privacy please
contact the entity you are providing this form to.
5 Daytime phone number (include area code)
3 Date of birth
Day Month Year
2 Name
Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other
Family name
First given name Other given names
4 Current postal address
Suburb/town/locality State/territory Postcode
Country if outside of Australia
(Australia only) (Australia only)
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Sensitive (when completed)
Is this notice varying an earlier notice? No Yes
10 Personal contribution details
11 Financial year ended 30 June 20
12 Mypersonalcontributionstothisfundintheabovenancialyear
13 TheamountofthesepersonalcontributionsIwillbeclaimingas
a tax deduction
Section C: Contribution details
If you answered ‘No’ complete the Original Notice to Claim a Tax Deduction section below.
If you answered ‘Yes’ complete the Variation of previous valid notice of intent section below.
14 Financial year ended 30 June 20
15 Mypersonalcontributionstothisfundintheabovenancialyear
16 Theamountofthesepersonalcontributionsclaimedinmyoriginalnotice
of intent
17 TheamountofthesepersonalcontributionsIwillnowbeclaimingasatax
Section D: Declaration
This form has a declaration where you say the information in it is correct and complete. Please review the information before you
sign the declaration. If you provide false or misleading information, or fail to take reasonable care, you may be liable to administrative
penalties imposed by taxation law.
Day Month Year
Name (Print in BLOCK LETTERS)
Complete this declaration if you have not previously lodged a valid notice with your super fund for these contributions.
I declare that at the time of lodging this notice:
n I intend to claim the personal contributions stated as a
n I am a current member of the identified super fund
n the identified super fund currently holds these contributions
and has not begun to pay a superannuation income stream
based in whole or part on these contributions
n I have not included any of the contributions in an earlier
valid notice.
I declare that I am lodging this notice at the earlier of either:
n before the end of the day that I lodged my income tax
return for the income year in which the personal
contributions were made, or
n before the end of the income year following the year
inwhich the contribution was made.
I declare that the information given on this notice is correct
and complete.
Send your completed notice to your super fund. Do not send it to us. The information on this notice is for you and your
super fund. We don’t collect this information; we only provide a format for you to provide the information to your super fund.
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Sensitive (when completed)
Day Month Year
Name (Print in BLOCK LETTERS)
Send your completed variation notice to your super fund. Do not send it to us. The information on this notice is for you and
your super fund. We don’t collect this information; we only provide a format for you to provide the information to your super fund.
This form has a declaration where you sign to indicate that the information in it is correct and complete. Please review the
information before you sign the declaration. If you provide false or misleading information, or fail to take reasonable care, you
may be liable to administrative penalties imposed by taxation law.
Complete this declaration if you have already lodged a valid notice with your fund for these contributions and you wish to
reduce the amount stated in that notice.
I declare that at the time of lodging this notice:
n I intend to claim the personal contributions stated as a tax
n I am a current member of the identified super fund
n the identified super fund currently holds these contributions
and has not begun to pay a superannuation income stream
based in whole or part on these contributions.
I declare that I wish to vary my previous valid notice for these
contributions by reducing the amount I advised in my
previous notice and I confirm that either:
n I have lodged my income tax return for the year in which the
contribution was made, prior to the end of the following
income year, and this variation notice is being lodged before
the end of the day on which the return was lodged, or
n I have not yet lodged my income tax return for the relevant
year and this variation notice is being lodged on or before
30 June in the financial year following the year in which the
personal contributions were made, or
n the ATO has disallowed my claim for a deduction for the
relevant year and this notice reduces the amount stated in
my previous valid notice by the amount that has been
I declare that the information given on this notice is correct
and complete.
This transaction is available online through the Netwealth website. The Netwealth offline transaction fee will apply if you choose to undertake this
transaction offline using this form. If you do not currently have access to your Netwealth account you can contact your adviser to arrange the transaction
or arrange online access using a 'Change of details' form available from the Netwealth website.