1 of 2 Choosing your super fund
Asgard Innity eWRAP Super Account
Choosing your super fund
Asgard Customer Relations: 1800 731 812 Email: ewrap@asgard.com.au
You can generally ask your employer to pay your super contributions to the super fund of your choice.
By completing this form you’ll be asking your employer to pay your super contributions to your Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account.
Alternatively, you can request your employer to pay your super contributions into your chosen super fund by completing the Standard
choice form available from your employer or the ATO (ato.gov.au).
There may be limited circumstances where your employer isn’t required to accept this form, eg if you have already exercised Super
Choice in the last 12 months.
Employee details
Employee identification
number (if applicable)
Tax File
Number (TFN)
111 111 111
You don’t have to provide your TFN, but if you don’t, your super contributions may be taxed at a higher rate. Your TFN also helps you
keep track of your super and allows you to make personal contributions to your super account.
Details of your chosen super fund
Australian Business Number (ABN) of your chosen super fund
90 194 410 365
Super fund’s name
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account
Unique Superannuation
Identifier (USI)
1111111 11 11
Account name
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
11/ 11/ 1111
Once you’ve completed this form, hand it to your employer. Please don’t send this form to the ATO or to us.
How to make super payments
Employers can make SuperStream compliant super contributions for employees using the fund details provided above.
Employers who are not yet making contributions in compliance with SuperStream can refer to our website asgard.com.au/choice for
alternative payment options.
This section is for your employer to read and to complete
Don’t send a copy of this form to us or to the ATO. You must keep a copy for your own records for a period of five years.
Provided all fields are completed and this form is signed by your employee, any super contributions you make in the two months after
receiving this form can be made either to your nominated super fund (your default fund) or the employee’s new chosen super fund. Super
contributions after the two months must be made to the employee’s new chosen super fund.
Date form received:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
11/ 11/ 1111
Date you act on your
employee’s choice:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
11/ 11/ 1111
Complying fund statement
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account is a complying super fund and a resident regulated super fund within the meaning of the
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. The Trustee of Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account is not subject to a written notice
from the regulator directing the Trustee not to accept any contributions made to the fund by an employer-sponsor.
Contribution acceptance statement
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account accepts all super contributions from any employer.
Yours sincerely
Brad Cooper, Chief Executive
On behalf of the Trustee,
BT Funds Management Limited
1 of 1
BT Funds Management Limited ABN 63 002 916 458 AFSL 233724 RSE L0001090 is the Trustee of Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account, which is part of Asgard Independence Plan —
Division 2 ABN 90 194 410 365.
Asgard Infinity eWRAP Super Account – Choosing your super fund
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