Mandatory Scoping Sheet
Engineering Department
City of Bismarck
221 N. 5
P.O. Box 5503
Bismarck, ND 58506
For Office Use Only:
Date Received:
(Complete all applicable items)
Page 1 of 2 January 1, 2018
Section 1 - To Be Completed by Applicant
(Return to the City of Bismarck Engineering Department)
Project Information:
Site Address:
Lot & Block Number:
Project Classification:
Residential Lot Site Plan Application Plat Application
City Contracted Development or Redevelopment Not Requiring Land Use Approval
Project Size:
Land Disturbance:
Impervious Surface Created:
Part of a larger common plan of development or sale that will disturb greater than or equal to one (1) acre?
Yes No
Contact Information:
Fax: _____________
Contact Name:
Mailing Address:
State _____
Zip Code ___________
Project Description (Attach a Location Map showing the project in reference to the City Public Storm Sewer System)
Stormwater Management System (Describe the Point(s) of Discharge to the Public Storm Sewer System and attach a Drainage Map
noting at a minimum the project site, contours indicating the overall drainage of the region, and Point(s) of Discharge)
Proposed Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs (Provide a description of the proposed BMPs to mitigate impacts to water quantity
and quality impacts. Include additional sheets if necessary.)
Mandatory Scoping Sheet
(Complete all applicable items)
Page 2 of 2 January 1, 2018
Section 2 - To Be Completed by the City
(At a minimum, all boxes checked by the City on this sheet shall be incorporated into the SWMP for the PCSMP application to be deemed complete
and ready for review. Additional requirements may be identified during the permit application review process.)
Stormwater Management Plan Submittal Requirements
Based upon the information provided in Section 1, the following represents the minimum requirements for a complete submittal for a Post-Construction Stormwater
Management Permit. However, this list should not be used in lieu of the City of Bismarck Zoning Ordinances, the City’s Stormwater Design Standards Manual, or
accepted engineering fundamentals and practice. Compliance with these requirements does not constitute permit or project approval.; Additional site specific
information may be required to allow review and approval of the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit. Note: Upon scoping sheet submittal, ensure
completed form has been signed in the space provided below:
Applicable Previous Completed Studies, Master Plans or Stormwater Management Plan (The project SWMP is required
to meet the recommendations of previously completed plans for the project site)
Watershed Master Plan _____________________________
SWMP _____________________________
Other Plan _____________________________
Summary of Previous Recommendations for Project Area (If applicable, the following are the City Engineers findings regarding
general recommendations for the project site based on previous studies. Additional requirements may be outlined in the studies referenced above)
Post-Development % Impervious _____________________________
Post-Development Pervious CN _____________________________
Post-Development Flow Rates _____________________________
Required Improvements _____________________________
Other _____________________________
Known drainage issues in the vicinity of the Project and other applicable information
Requirements for SWMP Submittal (If project specific stormwater post-construction BMPs are required, or the proposed project
exceeds the regional BMP sizing criteria, the following design standards shall be met by the project specific BMP)
Point(s) of Analysis _____________________________
Expedited PCSMP Application (1) Yes
Standard PCSMP Application (2) Yes
Stormwater Quantity BMP
Stormwater Quality BMP
Required Improvements
Other _____________________________
(1) Projects eligible for an Expedited PCSMP Applications are located inside of a Regional BMP service area or a common project with a
previously approved local BMP. Expedited applications shall include information necessary to demonstrate consistency with the regional or local
facility sizing criteria noted above. (2) Standard PCSMP applications must propose water quality and water quantity BMPs.
This form shall be included as an attachment, inside of the front cover, of the SWMP submitted with the Post-Construction Stormwater
Management Plan application submittal. Failure to include the approved Mandatory Stormwater Management Scoping sheet with the SWMP will
result in the application being deemed incomplete for processing.