(Complete all applicable items)
Page 2 of 10 January 1, 2018
Stormwater Management Plan Narrative
Provide a SWMP Narrative consistent with the requirements of the SWDSM and the approved Mandatory Stormwater Scoping Sheet. Attach this
checklist to the SWMP Narrative that matches the outline as defined in Section 3.4.2 of the SWDSM
Recommendations for the Project Area 3.4.2 of the SWDSM
Summary Table by Lot & Block of allowable Post-Construction
Pervious CN and % Impervious for future Expedited SWMP or Basis of
Design Reports.
Summary Table of the Existing Conditions and Post-Construction peak
flow and volumes at the Point(s) of Analysis for all storm events
required by Table 4-1 of the SWDSM.
Required Easements for Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs
Inter-Lot Drainage Requirements to be Addressed by Future Grading
Plans and CSMP.
Post-Construction Stormwater BMPs Required to be Implemented by
Future Development
Additional Project Specific Recommendations as Necessary
Project Stormwater Management Summary 3.4.2 of the SWDSM
The SWMP shall include a brief description of the following items.
Description of the Point(s) of Analysis
Description of the Point(s) of Discharge
Description of existing channels, pipes, culverts, or other stormwater
Description of existing wetlands on and adjacent to the project including
the source (i.e. field delineation, NWI, LWI, etc.)
Identify FEMA FIRM map and location.
Report the NRCS soil types for the project area. Note if NRCS soils are
listed as Hydric Soils.
Description of how Project proposes to manage post-construction
stormwater runoff consistent with the requirements of the SWDSM.
Hydrologic Analysis Summary 3.4.2 of the SWDSM
The SWMP shall include a description of each catchment by Point of Analysis
that includes a brief description of the existing and post-construction conditions
of each catchment. The design engineer can utilize sub-catchments to define
specific areas within the overall Point of Analysis.
Description of Existing Zoning & Land-use
Summary Table for the Existing Conditions Catchment by Point of
Analysis that Includes:
1. Tributary Area (both onsite and off-site run-on);
2. Impervious Coverage Area;
3. Impervious Coverage Curve Number;
4. Pervious Coverage Area;
5. Pervious Coverage Curve Number; and
6. Time of Concentration.