Bismarck - Mandan MPO Urban Roads Program Application
1. Name of Jurisdiction:
3. Urban Program Application Year:
2. Contact Information
Name: Telephone #: E-mail:
6. Please provide a purpose and need statement for the proposed project. Include the specific type of work to be performed and items
such as right-of-way and utility impacts:
5. Please provide the project location and physical extents (distance of project including starting and ending points by nearest cross-street):
7. Anticipated project cost and proposed funding by entity (cost should be in year of expenditure considering a 4% per year inflation rate):
Total Federal State Local
8. Proposed bid date: 9. Proposed construction year(s):
10. Has any preliminary work been initiated on this project including any engineering, survey, NEPA, or Right of Way acquisition?
Yes or No
11. Has the project gone before a City or County Commission and been officially endorsed?
Yes or No
12. Will adequate local matching funds be available to fund the project in the identified time frame?
Yes or No
13. Identify the Functional Classification of the roadway within the 2013 Urban Limits as identified on the NDDOT maps of either the
Bismarck or Mandan
Principle Arterial or Minor Arterial or Collector
4. Considering all your Urban applications what is your jurisdiction's preferred ranking for this project (1 highest priority):
Attachment B
All projects are evaluated according to the following MPO LRTP goals.
Please review the following 7 goals and the objectives that support each goal. Check any and all objectives this project will meet and
provide a summary explanation.
Explain how this Project will meet the checked objectives for this goal:
(If yes, the project may need to be reviewed against the Bismarck-Mandan Regional ITS Architecture and the Statewide ITS Architecture for consistency.)
If Yes
Yes or No
15. Does the project contain any Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) elements?
Examples could include but are not limited to: In-pavement sensors; video detection or surveillance equipment; remote traffic monitoring; traffic
signal installation or coordination; traffic signal pre-emption; traffic signal prioritization; fiber optic cable connection; and/or message signs. If
you are unsure if the project contains an ITS element please contact Bismarck-Mandan MPO staff.
17. Is the project an "Expansion" project or a "Rehabilitation" project?
Expansion or Rehabilitation
18 a. If the project is an "Expansion" project is it included in the Bismarck-Mandan MPO 2015-2040 Long Range Transportation Plan
Yes or No
16. Please list the first year this project was applied for:
18 b. If so is it listed in the Short, Mid or Long Term phasing?
MidShort Long
19. Goal 1: Maintain and Improve Regional Mobility and Connections
Objective 1A: Implement projects and programs that reduce travel delays.
Objective 1B: Leverage the existing transportation system by emphasizing low· cost, low impact solutions that may include
incremental system improvements, system preservation, and technology applications.
Objective 1C: Provide and maintain corridors that facilitate longer-distance travel within the region.
Objective 1D: Improve the continuity of the multimodal system through improved network connections and reduction of system gaps.
Objective 1E: Manage and plan for a street and highway system that provides an appropriate functional balance of land access and
travel mobility.
Current ADT
14. Identify current and future Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and source:
Future ADTSource Source
Explain how this Project will meet the checked objectives for this goal:
21. Goal 3: Maintain the Transportation System in a State of-Good-Repair
Objective 3A: Maintain pavement quality and bridges at acceptable levels.
Objective 3B: Improve street signage and visibility.
Objective 3C: Maintain the current bicycle and pedestrian system.
Objective 3D: Maintain transit fleet, equipment, and facilities in a state-of-good-repair.
Explain how this Project will meet the checked objectives for this goal:
22. Goal 4: Coordinate Transportation Planning with the Natural and Built Environment
Objective 4A: Promote transportation investments that support infill, mixed use development patterns.
Objective 4B: Provide transportation infrastructure design guidance that fits within the context of the built environment.
Objective 4C: Plan for and address multimodal transportation system impacts / sufficiency when planning new developments.
Objective 4D: Minimize the transportation system's impacts on the natural and built environment.
Objective 4E: Ensure that mobility-challenged populations, such as low income, disabled, and senior citizens, have travel options in the
20. Goal 2: Enhance Regional Alternatives to Automobile Travel
Explain how this Project will meet the checked objectives for this goal:
Objective 2A: Improve transit route efficiency, system productivity, and community awareness.
Objective 2B: Improve transit and rideshare opportunities for travelers commuting into Bismarck-Mandan from outside the urban area.
Objective 2C: Ensure reliable public transit service that is easily understandable to the public.
Objective 2D: Create multimodal connections between bicycle, pedestrian, automobile, and transit travel.
Objective 2E: Improve bicycle and pedestrian system accessibility and connectivity opportunities while maintaining safety.
Objective 2F: Improve the awareness and safety of bicycling, and educate both bicyclists and motorists on rules and responsibilities.
What non-traditional funding has been identified for this project?
25. Goal 7: Identify Transportation-Supportive Funding and Policy Opportunities
Objective 7A: Identify non-traditional funding opportunities to support transportation needs.
27. Is there other information we should know about this project that has not been addressed.
24. Goal 6: Provide a Safe and Secure Transportation System
Explain how this Project will meet the checked objectives for this goal:
Objective 6A: Reduce the incidence of all multi-modal crashes, with an emphasis on serious injury and fatal crashes and crash
Objective 6B: Provide a safe and secure environment for transit system riders.
Objective 6C: Enhance transportation security and reliability by developing strategies to address critical transportation assets
23. Goal 5: Provide a Transportation System that Effectively Moves Goods and Enhances the Local Economy
Explain how this Project will meet the checked objectives for this goal:
Objective 5A: Enhance the efficient and safe movement of freight and goods.
Objective 5B: Manage freight movement's impacts on the community, including addressing the movement of hazardous materials
through the region.
Objective 5C: Promote transportation investments that enhance the local economy.
26. The current financial environment limits our region’s ability to increase roadway capacity through infrastructure enhancement and, as
a result, increases the importance of managing traffic on our current system. The Federal Program TSM&O (Transportation Systems
Management and Operations) strives to increase capacity that can be lost due to congestion, traffic incidents, construction, weather, poor
signalization, etc. Explain if and how this project meets TSM&O objectives.
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