Application to Participate in the National Certified Counselor (NCC)
for Participating Universities Application Option
University Name: ___________________________________________________
Please print the contact information for your university below.
Campus Coordinator
Telephone Number:
Department Chair
Telephone Number:
Secondary Coordinator
University Contact Information
Graduate Programs Offered
Semester/Quarter Hours
(sample) MA-Counseling
Mental Health Counseling / School Counseling
Please list below all graduate degrees for which you plan to submit the Application to Participate.
60 sem. hours / 48 sem. hours
Email the application and
supporting materials to
Telephone Number:
ducational Requirements to Change in 2024
October 2023 will be the last examination cycle in
which regionally accredited programs will be
allowed to participate with this application option.
Supporting Documentation
Please submit the following information for each program listed in the table:
1. Curriculum sheets or course of study plans pertaining to each program/track.
2. A completed Verication of Coursework Form for each program/track indicating which classes students will
take to meet NBCC’s coursework requirements.
3. Departmental course descriptions from the current graduate catalog.
4. Current syllabi for all courses submied on the Verication of Coursework Form.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to participate in this application option, you must demonstrate that each student from your program(s)
will meet NBCC’s educational requirements prior to graduation. Specically, each student must meet the following
standards in order to apply using this application:
*Please initial under each statement to indicate your understanding of and agreement with each policy.
Participating universities must designate a campus coordinator that agrees to communicate the purpose of
the NCC application to each eligible student and will ensure that eligible students are informed that they are
applying for a national board certication and not simply applying to take an examination.
Degree-seeking counseling students are eligible to apply for the NCC. They must be currently enrolled in a
degree-granting counseling track in a master’s, specialist, or doctoral program. Students enrolled in certicate
programs or taking additional courses for licensure are not eligible to apply.
Prior to graduating, applicants must complete a minimum of 48 semester hours/72 quarter hours of graduate-level
coursework in counseling and must fulll all coursework requirements for the NCC. If a student does not complete
the appropriate degree and coursework, they will not be eligible for certication.
Before submiing an NCC application, students must be well advanced in their program of study. At a
minimum, they must have completed coursework in six of the eight required subject areas and be enrolled in
the nal two during the semester of the exam. It is preferred that students be submied on the roster once they
have completed those courses and are in the practicum/internship stage in their degree.
Departmental decisions regarding waivers of graduate-level coursework will not be honored by NBCC.
Students are required to complete all NBCC required coursework areas. Transfer courses must appear as
program credits on the ocial transcript.
Deviations from the curricula included in this application are not guaranteed acceptance by NBCC.
NCC Application- Examination Requirement
The NCC Application completed by
students at participating universities includes registration for either the National
Counselor Examination (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMCHE). Information
regarding the examination is included in the NCC application completed by the student. All exams are administered
at Pearson VUE test centers. Students are contacted by Pearson VUE and make arrangements to take the exam at a
Pearson VUE Select Test Center. Students are responsible for checking with their state licensure board regarding specic
examination requirements if they plan on using the certication exam for the purpose of state licensure.
Content Area
1. Human Growth and Development Theories in Counseling
Studies in this area provide an understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at all
developmental levels, relevant to counseling practice. These include but are not limited to the
a. Theories of individual and family development and transitions across the life span;
b. Theories of learning and personality development;
c. Human behavior, including an understanding of developmental crises, disability,
addictive behavior, psychopathology, and environmental factors as they aect both
normal and abnormal behavior;
d. Counseling strategies for facilitating development over the life span; and
e. Ethical considerations.
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NBCC® and NCC® are registered trade and service marks of the National Board for Certied Counselors®.
2. Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling
Studies in this area provide an understanding of issues and trends in a multicultural and
diverse society that impact professional counselors and the counseling profession, including but
not limited to the following:
a. Multicultural and pluralistic trends, including characteristics and concerns of
counseling individuals from diverse groups;
b. Aitudes and behavior based on factors such as age, race, religious preferences,
physical disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity and culture, family paerns, gender,
socioeconomic status, and intellectual ability;
c. Individual, family, and group counseling strategies with diverse populations; and
d. Ethical considerations.
3. Helping Relationships in Counseling
Studies in this area provide an understanding of counseling and consultation processes,
including but not limited to the following:
a. Counseling and consultation theories, including both individual and systems
perspectives as well as coverage of relevant research and factors considered in
b. Basic interviewing, assessment, and counseling skills;
c. Counselor or consultant characteristics and behaviors that inuence professional
counseling relationships, including age, gender, and ethnic dierences; verbal and
nonverbal behaviors; and personal characteristics, orientations, and skills;
d. Client or consultee characteristics and behaviors that inuence professional
counseling relationships, including age, gender, and ethnic dierences; verbal and
nonverbal behaviors; and personal characteristics, orientations, and skills; and
e. Ethical considerations.
4. Group Counseling Theories and Processes
Studies in this area provide an understanding of group development, dynamics, and counseling
theories; group counseling methods and skills; and other group work approaches, including but
not limited to the following:
a. Principles of group dynamics, including group counseling components,
developmental stage theories, and group members’ roles and behaviors;
b. Group leadership styles and approaches, including characteristics of various types
of group leaders and leadership styles;
c. Theories of group counseling, including commonalities, distinguishing
characteristics, and pertinent research and literature;
d. Group counseling methods, including group counselor orientations and behaviors,
ethical standards, appropriate selection criteria, and methods of evaluation of
e. Approaches used for other types of group work in counseling, including task
groups, prevention groups, support groups, and therapy groups; and
f. Ethical considerations.
Course Requirement
To be eligible for the NCC application, students must take a graduate course in each of the following areas. Each content
area must be met with no fewer than two semester hours/three quarter hours of graduate credit. In the space provided
beside each content area, please list the courses your students are required to take that will fulll each coursework area.
Please keep a copy of these pages for your records.
Degree and Track:
5. Career Counseling and Lifestyle Development
Studies in this area provide an understanding of career counseling, development, and related life
factors, including but not limited to the following:
a. Career counseling theories and decision-making models;
b. Career, avocational, educational, and labor market information resources; visual and
print media; and computer-based career information systems;
c. Career counseling program planning, organization, implementation, administration,
and evaluation;
d. Interrelationships among work, family, and other life roles and factors, including
multicultural and gender issues as related to career counseling;
e. Career and educational placement counseling, follow-up, and evaluation;
f. Assessment instruments and techniques relevant to career counseling;
g. Computer-based career development applications and strategies, including computer-
assisted career counseling systems;
h. Career counseling processes, techniques, and resources, including those applicable
to specic populations; and
i. Ethical considerations.
6. Assessment in Counseling
Studies in this area provide an understanding of individual and group approaches to assessment and
evaluation in counseling practice, including but not limited to the following:
a. Theoretical and historical bases for assessment techniques in counseling;
b. Validity, including evidence for establishing content, construct, and empirical validity;
c. Reliability, including methods of establishing stability, internal, and equivalence reliability;
d. Appraisal methods, including environmental assessment, performance assessment,
individual and group test and inventory methods, behavioral observations, and computer-
managed and computer-assisted methods;
e. Psychometric statistics, including types of assessment scores, measures of central tendency,
indices of variability, standard errors, and correlations;
f. Age, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, and cultural factors related to the use of
assessment and evaluation in counseling services;
g. Strategies for selecting, administering, interpreting, and using assessment and evaluation
instruments and techniques in counseling; and
h. Ethical considerations.
7. Research and Program Evaluation
Studies in this area provide an understanding of types of research methods, basic statistics, and
ethical and legal consideration in research, including but not limited to the following:
a. Basic types of research methods to include qualitative and quantitative research designs;
b. Basic parametric and nonparametric statistics;
c. Principles, practices, and applications of needs assessment and program evaluation;
d. Uses of computers for data management and analysis; and
e. Ethical and legal considerations.
8. Professional Orientation to Counseling
Studies in this area provide an understanding of all aspects of professional functioning, including
history, roles, organizational structures, ethics, standards, and credentialing, including but not
limited to the following:
a. History of the counseling profession, including signicant factors and events;
b. Professional roles and functions of counselors, including similarities and dierences
with other types of professionals;
c. Professional organizations (primarily ACA, its divisions, branches, and aliates),
including membership benets, activities, services to members, and current emphases;
d. Ethical standards of NBCC or ACA and related ethical and legal issues, and their
applications to various professional activities (e.g., appraisal, group work);
e. Professional counselor preparation standards, their evolution and current applications;
f. Professional counselor credentialing, including counselor certication, licensure,
and accreditation practices and standards, and the eects of public policy on these
issues; and
g. Public policy processes, including the role of the professional counselor in
advocating on behalf of the profession and its clientele.
NBCC will accept only an orientation course in professional counseling.
9. Counseling Field Experience (minimum six semester/10 quarter hours)
Studies in this area provide supervised counseling experience in an appropriate work seing.
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REVISED February 2020