5. Career Counseling and Lifestyle Development
Studies in this area provide an understanding of career counseling, development, and related life
factors, including but not limited to the following:
a. Career counseling theories and decision-making models;
b. Career, avocational, educational, and labor market information resources; visual and
print media; and computer-based career information systems;
c. Career counseling program planning, organization, implementation, administration,
and evaluation;
d. Interrelationships among work, family, and other life roles and factors, including
multicultural and gender issues as related to career counseling;
e. Career and educational placement counseling, follow-up, and evaluation;
f. Assessment instruments and techniques relevant to career counseling;
g. Computer-based career development applications and strategies, including computer-
assisted career counseling systems;
h. Career counseling processes, techniques, and resources, including those applicable
to specic populations; and
i. Ethical considerations.
6. Assessment in Counseling
Studies in this area provide an understanding of individual and group approaches to assessment and
evaluation in counseling practice, including but not limited to the following:
a. Theoretical and historical bases for assessment techniques in counseling;
b. Validity, including evidence for establishing content, construct, and empirical validity;
c. Reliability, including methods of establishing stability, internal, and equivalence reliability;
d. Appraisal methods, including environmental assessment, performance assessment,
individual and group test and inventory methods, behavioral observations, and computer-
managed and computer-assisted methods;
e. Psychometric statistics, including types of assessment scores, measures of central tendency,
indices of variability, standard errors, and correlations;
f. Age, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, and cultural factors related to the use of
assessment and evaluation in counseling services;
g. Strategies for selecting, administering, interpreting, and using assessment and evaluation
instruments and techniques in counseling; and
h. Ethical considerations.
7. Research and Program Evaluation
Studies in this area provide an understanding of types of research methods, basic statistics, and
ethical and legal consideration in research, including but not limited to the following:
a. Basic types of research methods to include qualitative and quantitative research designs;
b. Basic parametric and nonparametric statistics;
c. Principles, practices, and applications of needs assessment and program evaluation;
d. Uses of computers for data management and analysis; and
e. Ethical and legal considerations.
8. Professional Orientation to Counseling
Studies in this area provide an understanding of all aspects of professional functioning, including
history, roles, organizational structures, ethics, standards, and credentialing, including but not
limited to the following:
a. History of the counseling profession, including signicant factors and events;
b. Professional roles and functions of counselors, including similarities and dierences
with other types of professionals;
c. Professional organizations (primarily ACA, its divisions, branches, and aliates),
including membership benets, activities, services to members, and current emphases;
d. Ethical standards of NBCC or ACA and related ethical and legal issues, and their
applications to various professional activities (e.g., appraisal, group work);
e. Professional counselor preparation standards, their evolution and current applications;
f. Professional counselor credentialing, including counselor certication, licensure,
and accreditation practices and standards, and the eects of public policy on these
issues; and
g. Public policy processes, including the role of the professional counselor in
advocating on behalf of the profession and its clientele.
NBCC will accept only an orientation course in professional counseling.
9. Counseling Field Experience (minimum six semester/10 quarter hours)
Studies in this area provide supervised counseling experience in an appropriate work seing.
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REVISED February 2020