Graduate Assistantship Full-Time Workload Form (Student)
This form should be completed only for a student who enrolls in fewer than 9 semester hours and is hired as a Graduate Teaching
Assistant (GTA), Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), or Graduate Assistant (GA).
Graduate students must carry a full-time workload each term to be eligible for a Graduate Assistantship. To be considered full-time,
a GTA, GRA, or GA must register for and earn 9 credit hours, or the equivalent, each term. An equivalent full-time workload (fewer
than 9 semester hours) is defined by each graduate program and may be met through a combination of courses, work, research, or
special studies that is approved by the College/School Dean and Director of Financial Aid.
STUDENT INFORMATION (Completed by the Hiring Program or Unit)
Name: __________________________________________________ ID Number: 917 ________________________________
Program: ________________________________________________ Program Department: ___________________________
Program College/School: ____________________________________ Semester:
□ Fall □ Spring □ Summer Year: ________
Hiring Department: _________________________________________ Hiring College/School: __________________________
□ Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) □ Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) □ Graduate Assistant (GA)
Select the eligibility criteria that are applicable for this student and program of enrollment. Add brief notes, if needed.
□ Courses _______________________________________________________________________________________
□ Work _________________________________________________________________________________________
□ Research ______________________________________________________________________________________
□ Special Studies _________________________________________________________________________________
Indicate the number of semester hours in which the student is enrolled for this term: __________________________________
The signature of the student acknowledges the accuracy of the information related to this graduate assistantship.
Student ___________________________________________________________________________ Date ________________
Printed Name Signature
The signature of the Faculty Advisor verifies the accuracy of the eligibility criteria and hours of enrollment for this student.
Faculty Advisor _____________________________________________________________________ Date ________________
Printed Name Signature
APPROVALS (Completed by the Hiring Supervisor, Hiring Dean or Unit Head, and Dean of the Graduate School)
Hiring Supervisor: ____________________________________________________________________ Date _______________
Printed Name Signature
Hiring Dean or Unit Head: ______________________________________________________________ Date _______________
Printed Name Signature
Dean of the Graduate School: ___________________________________________________________ Date _______________
Printed Name Signature
Revised June 2017
Return completed form to the Graduate School, Mandeville Hall
Graduate School Distribution List: Program Department and Hiring Department
click to sign
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