Ergonomics Safety Training
Course Evaluation Form
1. Did the training present ergonomic safety information that you will be able to apply to
current and future jobs? Yes_____ No_____
2. The course material was (circle one):
Totally new to me
Mostly new to me
Somewhat new to me
Not new to me
3. Please rate the following course topic aspects (5=Very Useful through 1=Waste of Time)
PowerPoint Presentation________
Visual/Hands On________
Information Presented________
4. I feel well informed about precautions that workers can take to be best protected from
hazards on the job (circle one):
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
5. The training progressed in a smooth and easy to follow presentation of information (circle
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
6. Is there any ergonomic safety information not included that you would like to see added to
the training courses?
(Turn Over to View Back)
Timber Products Manufacturers Association
951 East Third Avenue, Spokane, WA 99202
phone (509) 535-4646 fax (509) 534-6106
7. Would you recommend this course to other companies/employees, why or why not?
Yes_____ No_____
8. What information did you find to be the most valuable within the training?
9. What could TPM do to make the course more valuable to you?
10. Please add any comments, opinions or suggestions that you may have:
11. Considering everything, how would you rate this course overall on a scale of 1 10, with 10
being the highest score): ________