ALITTA (05/21) v1.0 Edit © 2021 The American Kennel Club
Litter Registration Application
AmericAn Kennel club
The American Kennel Club reserves the right to correct or cancel for cause the registration of this litter and its descendants.
Any misrepresentation on this application is one example of for cause cancellation and may result in loss of AKC privileges.
Registration is not guaranteed. Processing fees are nonrefundable and all fees are subject to change without notice.
The listing fee will be refunded if the litter is unregisterable or if all members of the litter are already registered;
otherwise, it is nonrefundable.
By supplying your email address and/or telephone number, you consent to receive communications from AKC and third parties.
All dogs from this litter will be eligible for Online Registration unless the designated box is checked. Please note this is for co-owned
litters only and all co-owners must be in agreement.
Email AKC at info@akc.org or call 919-233-9767 to speak to an AKC Customer Service Representative, Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM –
8:00 PM. Information about the registration process and downloadable forms are available on our website: www.akc.org.
Signatures of persons other than the owners or lessees will be accepted only if a properly completed authorization form has been
led with the AKC.
• If a Dam was leased at the time of mating or birth of a litter, you must submit a Lease Notication form.
• If a Sire has sired seven (7) or more litters in his lifetime or more than three (3) litters in the calendar year, an AKC DNA prole must
be on le.
• If there are more than two (2) Dam owners, contact the AKC for an Additional Signature Form.
• Import DNA requirement: All imported dogs (male or female) registered on or after March 1, 2006 require AKC DNA proling prior to
the registration of their rst AKC-registered litter.
• Conditional Registrations: If either the sire or dam has conditional registration (registration numbers that start with a “Q”), BOTH
sire and dam must have an AKC DNA prole prior to the registration of this litter. Additional competition and breeding restrictions
apply to the offspring.
Standard Handling
Send the completed application to: The American Kennel Club, P.O. Box 900052, Raleigh, NC 27675-9052
Expedited Handling
Send the completed application to: The American Kennel Club, P.O. Box 900055, Raleigh, NC 27675-9055
General Information and Instructions
Fresh Semen: Submit an Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Articial Insemination Using Fresh Semen.
Fresh Extended Semen: Submit an Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Articial Insemination Using Fresh Extended Semen.
Frozen Semen: Submit an Application to Register a Litter Resulting from Articial Insemination Using Frozen Semen.
Use this application to register a litter of puppies born in the USA from an AKC-registered female that was mated to an AKC-
registered male of the same breed. AKC rules and regulations may be viewed on our website at: www.akc.org. Once submitted,
this application becomes the property of the American Kennel Club. Note: All forms listed below are available on our website:
Request and submit a Special Litter Registration Application instead of this form.
Litters Mated
Request a Multiple-Sire Litter Registration Application and use a Multiple-Sire Litter Registration Application form to register each
litter. The Multiple-Sire Litter Registration Application cover page contains details on fees and required DNA certication.
Expedited Handling ($35.00)
Expedited Handling available in the Continental U.S. only.
Allow 3-5 business days for delivery.
Late Fee ($65.00)
Required if it has been more than 6 months since the litter was whelped.
Processing fees are nonrefundable and all fees are subject to change without notice. A litter application fee always comprises
two parts: a processing fee ($25.00) plus a puppy fee (multiply the number of puppies by $2.00).
Additional fees are determined by circumstance:
AKC Marketplace ($35.00)
List your litter on AKC’s website for 90 days. By listing your litter you agree to provide the new owner(s) with the AKC individual
registration application. This program is designed to assist breeders with selling puppies directly to puppy buyers. The AKC
reserves the right to correct or cancel at will the listing of this litter. Any information that is added to the listing may only concern
the specic litter listed. Some listing restrictions may apply. The listing fee will be refunded if the litter is unregisterable.
Full refunds are offered within 7 days of original purchase. Otherwise it is not refundable. To receive a refund contact
AKC Customer Service at the number below. For more information, go to marketplace.akc.org.
Please note: In order to receive the instructions for your new Marketplace listing, an email address must be provided.
Note: If paying by check or money order, make payable to: The American Kennel Club.
Official AKC Litter Certificate ($25.00)
The Ofcial AKC Litter Certicate veries that a litter is ofcially registered with the AKC. This document, which is offered on
premium stock with an elegant color heading and AKC seal, contains basic litter information with a three-generation pedigree
contained in the body. The pedigree ends with the current litter (sire and dam) and contains no specic puppy information, AKC
titles, colors, DNA proles, CERF or OFA Certications. As the breeder, you will receive one frameable copy of the litter
certicate and additional copies for each puppy in the litter. The Litter Certicate Package is mailed separately.