Please sign the document by typing your name and date.
Please note that Federal law permits Landlords to complete the Tenant Application as well as the
Landlord Application, so long as the tenant signs the completed application (electronic signature
permitted) and documentation of the application is provided to the tenant by the landlord.
Have you previously applied for the TLAC Program?
o Yes
o No
1. What is the landlord’s name? ______________________________________________________
2. What is the landlord’s phone number? ______________________________________________
3. What is the landlord’s e-mail address? _______________________________________________
4. What is the landlord’s address? (Street, Unit #, City, County, and Zip)? ____________________
5. Please provide the landlord’s social security number, tax identification number or DUNS
number. _______________________________________________________________________
6. What is the address of the rental property? ___________________________________________
7. Is the rental property located in DeKalb County?
o Yes
o No
8. Is there a current lease?
o Yes
If yes, what is the expiration date of the current lease?
Please submit a copy of the lease and any documentation of payments received (including bank
statements, declared taxable income or personal ledgers) pursuant to the lease when you submit
your application. Documentation is required.
o No
9. What is the monthly rent? ________________________________________________________
10. What is the amount of past due rent owed by the tenant accrued since March 31, 2020? ______
Please sign the document by typing your name and date.
Please submit a copy of any notice of past due rent owed by the tenant.
11. If applicable, what is your Court Case number? ________________________________________
Please submit a copy of the Magistrate Court Notice if applicable.
12. Is the rent for this property subsidized in any way to the best of your knowledge? If so, please
describe the source of said subsidy and the amount of the subsidy, with a designation of any known
federal government sources of a subsidy. ___________________________________________________
Please submit a copy of any documentation of said rental assistance subsidy.
13. What is the name of the tenant? ___________________________________________________
14. What is the tenant’s date of birth? __________________________________________________
15. What is the tenant’s race? ________________________________________________________
Mark only one.
o American Indian or Alaska Native Asian
o Black or African-American
o Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White
o Other
16. What is the tenant’s ethnicity?
Mark only one.
o Hispanic/Latino
o Non-Hispanic/Latino
17. What gender does the tenant identify as?
Mark only one.
o Male
o Female
o Transgender Female to Male
o Transgender Male to Female
o Non-Conforming
18. What is the tenant’s annual household income? _______________________________________
Please submit a copy of wage statement(s), unemployment benefit statement(s), or tax return(s)
when you submit your application. Documentation is required.
19. How many total people live in the household? ________________________________________
20. How many adults live in the household? _____________________________________________
21. How many children live in the household? ____________________________________________
Please sign the document by typing your name and date.
22. Has one or more individual within the household experienced any of the following conditions
since March 31, 2020? Please check all that apply:
Been Unemployed for more than 90 days.
Qualified for unemployment benefits.
Experienced a reduction in income directly or indirectly due to COVID-19.
Incurred significant costs directly or indirectly due to COVID-19
Experienced other financial hardships directly or indirectly due to COVID-19.
None of the above apply.
Please attach documentation of the unemployment (including date of termination and name of prior
employer), approval for unemployment benefits, reduced income, and costs or other financial hardship if
you have such documentation when you submit your application.
23. Does the tenant have past due utilities?
o Yes
o No
24. If yes, list the name and contact phone number of the utility company and how much you have
accrued in arrearage since March 31, 2020 on all that apply. (If tenant pays utilities to Landlord,
put Landlord as the company name)
a. Water: Amount $ ________Company ______________ Phone _____________
Account number:_____________
b. Electricity: Amount $ ________Company ______________ Phone _____________
Account number:_____________
c. Gas: Amount $ ________Company ______________ Phone _____________
Account number:_____________
d. Sanitation: Amount $ ________Company ______________ Phone _____________
Account number:_____________
Please submit a copy of any past due and pending utility bills noted above when you submit your
1. 25. If the tenant is leaving the current property, does the tenant have a new rental
o Yes
o No
If yes, what is the name, and contact information of the new landlord? ____________________
What is the monthly rent? ________________________________________________________
Please submit a copy of any documentation of said prospective rental agreement.
Please sign the document by typing your name and date.
26. What is the Tenant’s email address? ________________________________________________
27. What is the Tenant’s phone number? _______________________________________________
27. If the Landlord or Tenant are represented by an attorney, please provide their contact
information below. ______________________________________________________________
Under the penalty of perjury, I declare the information provided in this application is true and
correct to the best of my knowledge.
All payments received from DeKalb County pursuant to this application shall be used to
satisfy their rent and utility obligations.
I hereby acknowledge that this application for rent assistance in no way guarantees a resulting
grant of assistance. I further acknowledge and agree that I voluntarily and freely submit this
application recognizing that DeKalb County is not liable for the security of any personal
information provided with this application and I waive any and all claims against DeKalb
County, it’s officials and employees, known or unknown, resulting from or related in any way
to this application and any of the personal information included with this application. To the
extent I have provided personal information for others in my household, I indemnify and hold
harmless DeKalb County and its officials and employees for any actions or claims resulting from
my submission of that information.
______________________________________ _________________________
Tenant Signature Date
______________________________________ _________________________
Landlord Signature Date
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