Troop Financial Report
Form #108 • 03/19 • page 2 of 2
Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington • www.girlscoutsosw.org • Form #108 • 03/19 • page 2 of 2
Section 3 - Troop Plans
If End of Year Balance exceeds $250, share the troop's Plan for Unused Funds (trips, summer activities, etc.).
Please describe with your best estimate (i.e. “planning for trip to Great Wolf Lodge - $500”)
Attach Bank Statement as 3rd page
Total Income (all items in first column) $
Total Expenses
(all items in second column) $
Total Income
- Total Expenses = End of Year Balance
Last Bank Statement Balance
(last statement used for report) $
(Could consist of outstanding checks or deposits. Please list below.) $
Troop #
Section 4 - Troop Signatures
Troop bank account signers are troop treasurers and have accepted the responsibility of management of girl funds in
compliance with GSOSW policies; including depositing troop funds in a timely manner, reviewing monthly statements
for appropriate transactions, avoiding overdraft and keeping accurate records of the troop’s financial history.
Name of the individual completing this Troop Financial Report _______________________________________________
Phone ___________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________
A minimum of two troop bank account signers must review and sign off on this report:
__________________________________________________________________________________ _____________
Printed Name Signature of 1st Signer Date
__________________________________________________________________________________ _____________
Printed Name Signature of 2nd Signer Date
Requesting Changes for Troop Bank Account
• If your troop has a change in leadership and/or needs to change signers on the troop bank account, contact your
service unit treasurer to request authorization paperwork.
• Troop bank account signers can be any unrelated adults in the troop. All signers must be registered for the current
Girl Scout year, complete a background check, and take online training modules including GS101, Volunteer Essentials
& Troop Safety, and Finance.
click to sign
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click to sign
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