Town of Fort Myers Beach
Supplement AA-D
Additional Required Information for Forced Relocation of a Business
(To be completed at time of intake)
Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: Date of Sufficiency:
This is the second part of a two-part application. This part requests specific information for an
Administrative Approval of a Forced Relocation of a Business. Include this form with the Request
for Administrative Action Form.
Type of Use Requested:
Location of subject property:
Street address:
Strap Number: _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - W _ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Current zoning:
Future Land Map Category:
1. Has the property owner filed a formal request for special exception or rezoning that will, if
approved, allow the proposed use on the property?
No Yes, Case Number:
2. Is the proposed use of the property a business that is being relocated due to the Town’s
economic development or redevelopment efforts or as a result of threatened or ongoing
condemnation proceedings?
No Yes, the business must be relocated because:
Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: Date of Sufficiency:
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 2 of 4
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
3. Describe the existing uses on properties surrounding the subject property.
Additional Requirements:
1. Site plan, to scale, indicating structures and easements on the property.
2. Area location map showing the subject property and uses on surrounding properties.
Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: Date of Sufficiency:
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 3 of 4
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
I, , agree to cease the proposed use within 180 days of the date
of this administrative approval unless the Town Council has rendered a final decision approving the
requested rezoning or special exception.
Date Signature of Applicant or Authorized Representative
Printed Name
Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this _____________ day of _______________,
20_______, by __________________________________________________.
Notary Public Signature
Notary Printed Name
Personally Known or Produced Identification
Type of Identification Produced: My Commission Expires: _______________
click to sign
click to edit
Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: Date of Sufficiency:
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 4 of 4
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Forced relocation of a business
The director is authorized to permit proposed uses that are not permitted on the subject property
for a period of 180 days under the following circumstances:
1. The property owner or authorized person has filed an application for a special exception or
rezoning that would allow the requested use, if approved.
2. The requested rezoning or special exception is, in the opinion of the director, clearly compatible
with the neighboring uses and zoning and is consistent with the Fort Myers Beach
Comprehensive Plan.
3. The proposed use is a business that is being relocated due to the Town’s economic
development or redevelopment efforts or as the result of threatened or ongoing condemnation
4. No new principal structures are to be constructed on the subject property.
5. The applicant agrees in writing that the proposed use will cease within 180 days unless the
requested rezoning or special exception is approved by the Town Council’s final decision.
The director may extend the date of approval for up to 90 days with good cause shown. No
approval of forced relocation excuses the property from compliance with any regulation other than
the list of permitted uses in the applicable zoning district.