4/13/2016 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 1 of 2
2523 Estero Blvd Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0591
Mechanical Beach Raking Permit Application
Business Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Business Owner Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________
Business Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Please list all additional employees conducting Mechanical Beach Raking :
1. ________________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________________________
Please list ALL locations to be Mechanically Raked (attach additional sheets if necessary):
ADDRESS Property Owner/Manager/Presiden
I, _________________________________________ do attest that the above information which I have submitted
to the Town of Fort Myers Beach is accurate and complete. Any inaccurate or incomplete
information submitted may cause the approval to void and may further void or invalidate any
permits issued based on that approval. I agree to comply with the Town of Fort Myers Beach Land
Development Code and any other applicable codes and certify that to the best of my knowledge, the
information submitted for this permit is true and correct.
SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________Date: __________________
click to sign
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