Town of Fort Myers Beach
Supplement AA-B
Additional Required Information for an Application for
Commercial Antenna (on alternative support structure)
(To be completed at time of intake)
Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: Date of Sufficiency:
This is the second part of a two-part application. This part requests specific information for an
Administrative Approval of a Commercial Antenna mounted on an alternative support structure.
Include this form with the Request for Administrative Action Form.
Location of subject property:
Street address:
Strap Number:
Current zoning:
Future Land Map Category:
Principal use(s) of structure:
Highest point of existing structure: feet above (insert datum)
Highest point of proposed antenna: feet above (insert datum)
Explain how the antenna and related structures will be concealed from view and/or designed and
maintained to blend into the surrounding environment:
Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: Date of Sufficiency:
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 2 of 2
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Additional Requirements:
1. Site plan, to scale, indicating structures on the subject property and the location of the
2. Illustrations showing how the antenna and all associated structures will be concealed from
Commercial Antenna
Commercial antennas on alternative support structures may be approved in all zoning districts
except that no commercial antenna may be permitted on a single-family or two-family structure or
any of its accessory structures.
Administrative approvals may be issued when the plan for a commercial antenna complies with the
standards of the Land Development Code.
Neither the antenna nor its supporting structure or any other ancillary structures may extend more
than 10 feet above the highest existing point of the roof.
The antenna and related structures must be concealed from view or designed and maintained to
blend into the surrounding environment, through the use of parapet walls, screening devices such
as lattice enclosures, or through painting or arrangement of elements to match the surface of the
principal structure in a way that makes them visually unobtrusive.