Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: ______ Date of Sufficiency:
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 1 of 2
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Town of Fort Myers Beach
Supplement AA-G
Additional Required Information for an Administrative
Variance (LDC Section
This is the second part of a two‐part application. This part requests specific
information for an administrative setback variance. Include this form with the
Request for Administrative Action form.
1. Section of LDC from which a setback variance is sought:
2. Intent: Explain exactly what is proposed and why the administrative
setback variance is needed.
Date Received: Case Number:
Planner: ______ Date of Sufficiency:
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 2 of 2
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
3. Justification: Explain why the administrative variance should be
approved (refer to at least one condition specified in LDC Section 34‐268)
Additional Submittal Requirements
1. Site plan, to scale, indicating buildings and easements on the property, the
proposed structure(s) or addition(s) for which the variance is sought, and
any adjacent structures that could be affected. The location of the variance
must be clearly indicated on the site plan.
2. An original copy of a survey must be submitted showing the setbacks of
existing structures on the subject property.
3. (optional) Photographs of the subject property, copies of applicable
permits or other approvals, affidavits from adjacent owners expressing
no objection.