Case #
Date Received
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 1 of 6
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Town of Fort Myers Beach
Supplement PH‐A
Information for
Special Exception
This is the second part of a two‐part application. This part requests specific
information for a special exception. Include this form with the Request for Public
Hearing form.
Project Name:
Authorized Applicant:
LeePA STRAP Number(s):
Current Property Status:
Current Zoning:
Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Category:
Platted Overlay? yes no FLUM Density Range:
Requested Action:
[ ] Use of premises in the EC (Environmentally Critical) zoning district for:
[ ] Use of premises in the
zoning district for:
Case #
Date Received
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 2 of 6
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Narrative Statements
A. Request for: (indicate the proposed use that requires a special exception)
B. Reasons for request: (state how the property qualifies for a special exception
and what impact granting the request could have on surrounding properties.
Direct these statements toward the guidelines in LDC Section 34‐88)
The property qualifies for a Special Exception because:
Case #
Date Received
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 3 of 6
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Granting the requested Special Exception could impact surrounding properties
as follows:
All applications for a special exception must submit fourteen (14) copies of this
application form and all applicable exhibits.
Required Items
Public Hearing Request Form
Supplemental form PH‐A
Site Plan (to scale) including the current use of all existing structures on
the site, and those on adjacent properties within 100 feet of the perimeter;
all proposed structures and uses for the site; and any proposed fencing
and screening.
For New Communication Towers:
a. Lee County Application for Communication Tower
b. Shared‐Use Plan Agreement
Case #
Date Received
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 4 of 6
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
For Consumption of Alcholic Beverages (COP) license approval:
a. Notarized authorization from the Property Owner to apply for permit
b. A statement indicating the type of establishment, the type of state
license to be acquired, and the planned hours of operation. Also indicate
if the request includes outdoor seating areas and indicate the seating areas
and capacity on the site plan.
c. A map showing the locations of other properties within 500 feet of the
request where
uses are already in operation.
d. The site plan must include the public entrances and exits to the
building, the floor area and proposed seating capacity, and floor area and
seating capacity of any areas within the building subdivided between
restaurant and bar/lounge areas. The site plan should also indicate the
parking area, including the spacing and the locations of entrances and
For transit terminals:
The site plan must indicate the location of the bus stalls;
parking areas, if provided; taxi waiting stalls; circulation pattern for buses
including the entrances and exits; and the location of any building(s)
housing the terminal and waiting areas.
For use of the EC zoning district:
a. If the location of the request is in the portion of the EC zoning district
between Estero Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico, provide a survey
meeting the requirements of Chapter 62B‐33.0081 of the Florida
Administrative Code, also including the precise location of the (1978)
Coastal Construction Setback Line for Estero Island recorded in Plat Book
33, Page 3, of the Official Records of Lee County, Florida.
b. The site plan must indicate the precise location of the request on the
subject property and any related details of the existing conditions or
planned improvements to the subject property. For areas in the EC
zoning district between Estero Boulevard and the Gulf of Mexico, the
precise location of the request in relation to the (1978) Coastal
Construction Setback Line must be shown on the site plan.
Case #
Date Received
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 5 of 6
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Guide to Filing Supplement PH‐A for Special Exceptions
Case Number will be inserted by Community Development staff.
Project Name must be the same as the name used on the Request for Public
Hearing form.
Authorized Applicant must be the same as on the Request for Public Hearing
STRAP numbers must be the same as on the Request for Public Hearing form.
Current status of property must be the same as on the Request for Public
Hearing form.
Requested Action: Indicate the nature of the request and include the current
zoning of the property.
Part 1 Narrative Statements:
“Request for…”
Indicate the nature of the request that requires a special exception, and explain
why it requires a special exception. Describe the relationship of the requested
use to any existing use(s) of the property, if applicable.
“The property qualifies for a special exception because…”
Explain why the request and the subject property qualify for a special exception.
Address the standards for decisionmaking for special exceptions that are
provided in the Land Development Code, as follows:
Whether there exist changed or changing conditions which make approval
of the request appropriate.
Whether the request is consistent with the goals, objectives, policies, and
intent of the Fort Myers Beach Comprehensive Plan.
Whether the request meets or exceeds all performance and locational
standards for the proposed use.
Whether the request will protect, conserve, or preserve environmentally
critical areas and natural resources.
Case #
Date Received
Revised 1/6/2017 Town of Fort Myers Beach Page 6 of 6
2525 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931
Phone: 239-765-0202 Fax: 239-765-0909
Whether the request will be compatible with existing or planned uses ad
not cause damage, hazard, nuisance, or other detriment to persons or
Whether a requested use will be in compliance with the applicable general
zoning provisions and supplemental regulations set forth in Chapter 34 of
the Land Development Code.
“Granting the requested special exception could impact surrounding
properties as follows…”
Explain how this request, if granted for the subject property, could affect the
surrounding properties and the existing or planned uses on those properties.
Part 2 Submittal Requirements
Public Hearing Application Form. Applications for special exception consist of
the Public Hearing form and the supplemental form PH‐A. Both parts of the
application form must be completed and submitted.
Site Plan. The site plan should be to scale and should indicate the location of the
request on the property. Existing buildings and other improvements (such as
swimming pools, fences, decks, or parking lots) should also be shown on the site
plan. The site plan should also indicate the existing uses on adjacent properties.
Also include any additional relevant detail related to the specific request.