VPS 105596 89604 (10/2019)
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Collecting your personal information
We (RBC Life Insurance Company) may from time to time collect information about you such as:
§ information establishing your identity (for example, name, address, phone number, date of birth, etc.) and your personal background;
§ information related to or arising from your relationship with and through us;
§ information you provide through the application and claim process for any of our insurance products and services; and
§ information for the provision of products and services.
We may collect information from you, either directly or through representatives. We may collect and conrm this information during the
course of our relationship. We may also obtain this information from a variety of sources including hospitals, doctors and other health care
providers, the MIB, Inc., the government (including government health insurance plans) and other governmental agencies, other insurance
companies, nancial institutions, motor vehicle reports, and your employer.
Using your personal information
This information may be used from time to time for the following purposes:
§ to verify your identity and investigate your personal background;
§ to issue and maintain insurance products and services you may request;
§ to evaluate insurance risk and manage claims;
§ to better understand your insurance situation;
§ to determine your eligibility for insurance products and services we offer;
§ to help us better understand the current and future needs of our clients;
§ to communicate to you any benet, feature and other information about products and services you have with us;
§ to help us better manage our business and your relationship with us; and
§ as required or permitted by law.
For these purposes, we may make this information available to our employees, our agents and service providers, and third parties, who
are required to maintain the condentiality of this information.
In the event our service provider is located outside Canada, the service provider is bound by, and the information may be disclosed in
accordance with, the laws of the jurisdiction in which the service provider is located. Third parties may include other insurance companies,
the MIB, Inc. and nancial institutions.
We may also use this information and share it with RBC
companies (i) to manage our risks and operations and those of RBC companies,
(ii) to comply with valid requests for information about you from regulators, government agencies, public bodies or other entities who have
a right to issue such requests, and (iii) to let RBC companies know your choices under “Other uses of your personal information” for the
sole purpose of honouring your choices.
If we have your social insurance number, we may use it for tax related purposes and share it with the appropriate government
Please note that this paragraph is not applicable if this form is submitted by an independent representative or a representative that is
attached to a rm other than RBC Insurance
Other uses of your personal information
We may use this information to promote our products and services, and promote products and services of third parties we select, which
may be of interest to you. We may communicate with you through various channels, including telephone, computer or mail, using the
contact information you have provided.
We may also, where not prohibited by law, share this information with RBC companies for the purpose of referring you to them or
promoting to you products and services which may be of interest to you. We and RBC companies may communicate with you through
various channels, including telephone, computer or mail, using the contact information you have provided. You acknowledge that as a
result of such sharing they may advise us of those products or services provided.
If you also deal with RBC companies, we may, where not prohibited by law, consolidate this information with information they have about
you to allow us and any of them to manage your relationship with RBC companies and our business.
You understand that we and RBC companies are separate, afliated corporations. RBC companies include our afliates which are
engaged in the business of providing any one or more of the following services to the public: deposits, loans and other personal nancial
services; credit, charge and payment card services; trust and custodial services; securities and brokerage services; and insurance
You may choose not to have this information shared or used for any of these “Other uses” by contacting us as set out below,
and in this event, you will not be refused insurance products or services just for that reason. We will never use or share your
health information for these purposes. We will respect your choices and, as mentioned above, we may share your choices with
RBC companies for the sole purpose of honouring your choices regarding “Other uses of your personal information.”