Claim Categories
Applications must be filled out in full to receive consideration. The Financial Aid Committee will verify the receipts appended to
the application. Only documented expenses for which receipts are included shall be considered. While the committee has the
authority to fund or deny any application, the following criteria express the committee's preferences.
Unlikely to be funded: Petcare expenses / Passport fees, Visa applications or permanent residency fees / Vehicle expenses / UHIP
expenses / Textbook purchases, tuition fees / Technology purchases, unless these can be explicitly justified / Conference fees or
fees / Any other expenses that does not qualify as "unexpected need".
1)Medical Emergencies (maximum $500 per term)
This category covers all the unexpected medical expenses. You may also claim for a dependent, such as a child, spouse or
parent. These include emergency medical or dental bills, including bills incurred outside Canada.
Please ensure you have applied for and exhausted your eligible SOGS health plan and PSAC 610 EHP benefits. If the expense was
not covered by SOGS, then put "0" in the "covered by SOGS" column. However, you need to explain and provide document proof
why it was not covered by SOGS. If your receipt is covered by SOGS and you have not yet applied for reimbursement then you
must first apply to SOGS.
This category covers any expenses related to the care of a dependent (children, spouse, common-law-partner) including medical
expenses and day care costs. If dependent is not a child, spouse, or common- law-partner, please provide sufficient proof such as
a tax return where he/she is declared as a dependent.
2)Personal Emergencies (maximum $500 per term)
This category covers all unexpected expenses other than regular household costs. To apply in this category, the applicant must
provide substantial documents to support their claim. The application will be reviewed by the committee on the basis of what is
submitted. Please ensure you include receipts and a rationale for the emergency.
Examples of eligible funding include but are not limited to: bereavement travel expenses, financial difficulties related to
separating from a spouse or partner and the loss of property due to an unforeseen catastrophe (house fire, flood, etc.) Know that
the Financial Aid Committee values your privacy. Any personal information shared with the committee is kept confidential.
3)Academic/Conference Travel (maximum $300 per academic year)
This category covers expenses related to academic work and/or conferences for applicants who are not fully funded for the
by another source. Please provide supporting documents, such as a letter from supervisor/department or proof of funding of that
was sought but not approved. The applicant must also provide documentation of their conference
registration, travel and lodging
expenses, and proof of participation as a presenter such as an itinerary of conference. We strongly encourage you at also apply
for the SOGS Travel Subsidy.
Child Care Subsidy (maximum $500 per academic year)
This category covers expenses related to child care costs. Please enclose the appropriate documentation and receipts with your
application. Only receipts from licensed childcare providers and programs will be considered for the subsidy. For a list of licensed
child care providers, go to http://www.iaccess.gov.on.ca/LCCWWeb/childcare/search.xhtml. Members are also encouraged to
apply to SOGS Child Care Subsidy.