Facility Access Exception Request
Complete this form to request student (including student employees) access to a college
facility outside of normal business hours (after 5:00 p.m.) or spaces normally kept locked at
all times. The request must be submitted through your department dean or director and be
approved by the President or a Vice President.
It is the responsibility of the student's supervisor to clearly communicate any and all expectations
associated with allowing access to the college facility outside of normal business hours, including
emergency procedures and contacts. Students on state or federal work study may not work
Requested by:
To (dean or director):
I am requesting building access be granted to the following student for the reasons indicated.
Name: Student ID number:
Building(s)working in:
Room(s)working in:
Start Date:
End Date:
Will the student need access after-hours (after 5:00 p.m.)? Yes
Does the student need a key card for access to spaces normally kept locked at all times? Yes No
Have you had a key card in the past? Yes No
Approximate days and times the student will be in the space:
Approved: Not Approved:
Dean/director signature:________________________________
Student's duties or other reason for needing access:
Facility Access
Exception Request
President or V.P. signature:______________________________
My supervisor has clearly communicated the expectations associated with unsupervised access to
college facilities outside of normal busi
ness hours, including emergency procedures and contacts.
Student signature____________________________________________
Revised 6/2019
Students will call 509.682.6911 prior to arrival on campus after business hours and on weekends.
Initials(student)_____ Initials(instructor)_____
*Approval subject to access and supervision requirements.