By signing below, you agree to the following:
Harding’s PA program can access your grades and test scores (ACT/SAT) through Pipeline.
You have read the requirements for acceptance into this program and what is required to remain in this
Harding’s PA program can inquire with Student Services that you have remained in good ethical standing
during your time with the University.
You agree to remain in timely communication with your advisor, the pre-PA advisor and the PA admissions
director as needed.
You will submit a completed application through CASPA by August 15
of your application year. If you have
met the criteria of EAI, the supplemental application fee will be waived and you will be guaranteed an
interview. The interview date will be at our discretion.
If you no longer meet the outlined requirements, you may still apply to HUPA through CASPA and your
application will be given fair consideration.
Electronic Signature: Date:
Checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to all of the above.