Instructions: Fill in all information required, date and sign the form and return to Harding University Northwest
Arkansas if you want the University to release reference information as specified in this authorization.
Student Reference Request and FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) Release Request
I, (Student Name) ______________________________, request the Cannon-Clary College of Education at Harding
University to serve as reference for me. The purpose(s) of the reference are: (initial all selected purposes)
_____application for employment
_____all forms of scholarship or honorary award
_____admission to another education institution
The reference may be given in the following form(s): (initial one or both spaces)
_____written _____oral
I authorize the Cannon-Clary College of Education at Harding University to provide references, release information and
education records, and provide an evaluation about any and all information from my education at Harding University and
at other institutions I have previously attended which are part of my education records at Harding University. (initial all
applicable spaces)
1._____ all prospective employers OR _____ specific employers
(list on reverse side)
2._____ all educational institutions OR _____ specific educational institutions
to which I seek admission (list on reverse side)
3._____ all organizations considering OR _____ specific organizations
me for an award or scholarship (list on reverse side)
I understand I have the right to consent to the release of my education records and I have a right to receive a copy of any
written reference upon request. This consent shall remain in effect until revoked by me, in writing, and delivered to the
Cannon-Clary College of Education at Harding University, Searcy, White County, Arkansas, but that any such
revocation shall not affect disclosures previously made by Harding University prior to receipt of any such written
revocation. I have reviewed the above information and understand this is the information to be released should my
references be checked. In consideration and return for the Cannon-Clary College of Education issuing the information
authorized under this authorization, I release the Cannon-Clary College of Education, Harding University and its
governing board, employees and agents from any and all liabilities, claims and actions that may arise pursuant to this
release, disclosure pursuant to this release, and any consequences of such disclosure. I understand that this authorization
covers liability claims and actions caused entirely or in part by the acts or failures to act of the Cannon-Clary College of
Education, Harding University or its governing board, employees or agents, including but not limited to negligence,
mistake or failure or other conduct.
Student’s Signature__________________________________ Date_______________________________
Harding ID# ________________________
Form B
901 S. 52nd Street Rogers, AR 72758
Updated 03.30.2020 phone: 479.268.5813, fax: 479.268.5818 3