The Summer Academic Institute at Harding University is hosted by the
Honors College. Each program seeks to give an opportunity to students to
embark on a life-changing journey together for the purpose of growing
spiritually and academically.
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Type of Surgery Hospital Year
Recent (or significant) Hospitalizations or ER visits
Reason for Hospitalization
Medical Release Statement
I ___________________________ (print name) consent to the above-named student to participate in
Harding’s Summer Academic Institute. I further authorize the Summer Academic Institute personnel to
sign documents permitting the performance of medical assistance as deemed necessary by legally
licensed medical personnel at the time of illness or injury to the above student and will accept the
financial responsibility for said medical assistance.
Signature of parent/guardian: Date:
Students will not be permitted to attend the Summer Academic Institute if both pages of this
medical release form are not completed in full.
Signature of Student: Date:
click to sign
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click to sign
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