State of Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions
Registration of Tradename/Trademark
Per Chapter 132 Wisconsin Statutes
1.This is a:
first time registration renewal registration
If renewal, enter
original Registration ID
2. Name of applicant (organization or individual)
3. Business address
4. Certificate email address (to be used to send the registration certificate)
5. Certificate mailing address (if different from business address)
6. If Tradename: Enter name (or phrase) to be registered.
If Trademark: Provide a description using detailed language so that a person would be able to get a good image of the design
without actually seeing the design. If more space is needed, include an additional page for the description.
7.Date of
8. Classification of goods or service. See instructions on page 2.
Classification Code:
9. I, the undersigned, swear or affirm that I am
the registrant or a duly authorized representative,
the information on this registration is true and
correct, the registrant has the right to use the
subject registration, no other person or entity
has such a right either in identical form or near
resemblance, and any attachments filed with this
registration are correct.
10. Affix notary seal or stamp
Signature (to be signed in the presence of a Notary)
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this date/state/county
Printed Name
Notary Signature
Commission Expiration Date
11. Contact person
This document may be made available in alternate formats, upon request, to qualifying individuals with disabilities.
Mail to:
Tradename/Trademark Section
Department of Financial Institutions
PO Box 7847
Madison WI 53707-7847
4822 Madison Yards Way, North Tower
Madison WI 53705
Contact Information:
Phone: 608-266-8915
Fax: 608-264-7965
TTY: 711
Registration expires after 10 years
unless cancelled or revoked.
iling fee is $15.00 Make checks
payable to WDFI.
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Choose the class code
Tradename/Trademark Registration Instructions
The name of a business, product, label, logo, or form of advertisement, are some examples of items that may be registered with the
Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions. The registration is not required, but is a good way to notify the public of the use of a
certain name or mark. Search the internet and our website
, to be sure that the name you intend to register is not
already in use.
1. Check the appropriate box to indicate if this is a new registration or a renewal of an unexpired tradename/trademark.
Renewals: If this is a renewal, enter the Registration ID of the previously filed application. You can find this
number when you search for your Tradename/Trademark on our website If you cannot
find the number, you may leave this field blank.
2. Enter the name of the applicant (sole proprietor, corporation, LLC, partnership, etc.) that is registering the
Tradename/Trademark. Example: John Johnson (Sole Proprietor) or Smith & Roberts (Partnership)
3. Enter the business address of the applicant registering the Tradename/Trademark.
4. Optional - Enter the Certificate email address and/or phone number. If you want the Certificate mailed, leave #4 blank.
5. Optional - If the certificate should be mailed to a location that is different from the business address in #3, enter the mailing
6. Enter the Tradename you will be operating under OR a description of the design of the Trademark you want to register.
a. If the name entered on line 6 has an entity ending (Company, Co., Limited, Ltd., Corp., Inc., LLC, LLP, etc.), the
name on line 6 must be the same as line 2.
b. If a design is being registered, a written description must be entered and a sample of the design must be included.
Describe, using detailed language, so that a person would be able to get a good image of the design without
actually seeing the design.
c. A separate application and $15 fee are required for each Tradename/Trademark registered or renewed.
7. Enter the date of first use of the Tradename or Trademark. Future dates are only allowed up to 30 days into the future.
8. Enter the classification code and abbreviated classification name. A complete list is found
1. Chemicals
2. Paints
3. Soaps
4. Oil
5. Pharmaceuticals
6. Metal
7. Machines
8. Tools
9. Scientifics
10. Medical Device
11. HVAC
12. Vehicles
13. Firearms
14. Jewels
15. Musical instruments
16. Paper
17. Rubber
18. Leather
19. Building supplies
20. Furniture and Materials
21. Household utensils
22. Rope and Canvass
23. Thread
24. Textiles
25. Clothing
26. Lace and decorations
27. Carpet
28. Playthings
29. Meat, Dairy, Preserves
30. Coffee and Baking Goods
31. Plant Produce
32. Beverages and Beer
33. Liquor and Wine
34. Tobacco goods
35. Advertising and Business Management
36. Insurance and Financial Services
37. Construction Services
38. Telecommunications
39. Transport Services
40. Material Finishing
41. Educational Services
42. Technology Services
43. Food Service
44. Medical Services
45. Legal Services
9. Sign ONLY in the presence of a notary. Print your name and title, in relation to the business.
10. A Notary must complete this section in its entirety.
11. Provide the contact information for the person who will respond to correspondence regarding this registration.
12. The filing fee is $15 for each Tradename/Trademark registered and is payable to WDFI. The registration expires after
10 years unless cancelled and may be renewed up to six months before the date of expiration.
13. If applying for multiple Tradenames/Trademarks, submit a separate application for each Tradename/Trademark. The fee is
$15 per application. One combined payment for multiple applications is acceptable.
14. When the application is processed, a Tradename/Trademark Certificate and confirmation will be emailed or mailed and the
information will be posted on our website
Email: Phone: 608-266-8915
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