Customer Indentification Form.
© 2020 Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714. WBCCID001 0220 Page 8 of 10
Our reporting obligations.
We are required to identify tax residents of a country(ies) other than Australia in order to meet account information
reporting requirements under local and international laws.
If at any time after account opening, information in our possession suggests that you, the entity and/or any individual
who holds ownership and/or control in the entity of 25% or more (controlling person/beneficial owner) may be a tax
resident of a country(ies) other than Australia, you may be contacted to provide further information on your foreign tax
status and/or the foreign tax status of the entity and/or any controlling person/beneficial owner. Failure to respond may
lead to certain reporting requirements applying to the account.
By completing this application you certify that if at any time there is a change to the foreign tax status details for you,
the entity and/or any controlling person/beneficial owner, you will inform the bank. You will also certify that at any time
there is a change of a controlling person/s/beneficial owner/s in your entity you will inform the bank.
A controlling person/beneficial owner refers to the individuals(s) that directly or indirectly owns a legal interest in the
entity of 25% or more and/or exercises actual eective control over the entity, whether from an economic or other
perspective such as through voting rights. In addition, in the case of a trust, a controlling person/beneficial owner
includes the settlor(s), trustee(s), appointer(s), protector(s), beneficiary(ies), or classes of beneficiaries and in the case
of an entity other than a trust, the term includes person in equivalent or similar positions.
Categories of acceptable certifiers.
In Australia.
1. A person who, under a law in force in a State or
Territory, is currently licensed or registered to practise
in one of the following occupations:
ν Chiropractor
ν Dentist
ν Legal practitioner
ν Medical practitioner
ν Nurse
ν Optometrist
ν Patent attorney
ν Pharmacist
ν Physiotherapist
ν Psychologist
ν Trade marks attorney
ν Veterinary surgeon
2. A person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme
Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of
Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described)
3. Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is
in charge of an oce supplying postal services to
4. Australian Consular Ocer or Australian Diplomatic
Ocer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees
5. Baili
6. Bank ocer with 2 or more continuous years of
7. Building society ocer with 2 or more years of
continuous service
8. Chief executive ocer of a Commonwealth court
9. Clerk of a court
10. Commissioner for Adavits
11. Commissioner for Declarations
12. Credit union ocer with 2 or more years of continuous
13. Employee of the Australian Trade and Investment
Commission who is:
ν in a country or place outside of Australia; and
ν authorised under paragraph 3(d) of the Consular
Fees Act1955; and
ν exercising his or her function at that place
14. Employee of the Commonwealth who is:
ν in a country or place outside Australia; and
ν authorised under paragraph 3(c) of the Consular
Fees Act1955; and
ν exercising his or her function in that place
15. Fellow of the National Tax Accountants’ Association
16. Finance company ocer with 2 or more years of
continuous service
17. Holder of a statutory oce not specified elsewhere in
18. Judge of a court
19. Justice of the Peace
20. Magistrate
21. Marriage celebrant registered under Subdivision C of
Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961
22. Master of a court
23. Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia
24. Member of Engineers Australia, other than at the
grade ofstudent
25. Member of the Association of Taxation and
Management Accountants
26. Member of the Australian Defence Force who is:
ν an ocer; or
ν a non-commissioned ocer within the meaning of
the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 2 or more
years of continuous service; or
ν a warrant ocer within the meaning of that Act
27. Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising
Accountants or the Institute of Public Accountants