OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 07/31/2015)
SP-80 Monitoring - 91.230
Describe the standards and procedures that the jurisdiction will use to monitor activities
carried out in furtherance of the plan and will use to ensure long-term compliance with
requirements of the programs involved, including minority business outreach and the
comprehensive planning requirements
The City of Bremerton Block Grant staff conduct annual desk and on-site subrecipient monitoring of
eligibility, performance, compliance, regulations and accomplishments as well as tracking financial data.
The City and County together have established clear policies and procedures for carrying out this
responsibility. Kitsap County is responsible for monitoring eligibility, performance, compliance,
regulations, and accomplishments as well as tracking financial data for HOME Consortium funds. The
City is responsible for City CDBG funds.
Each sub-recipient must sign a contract with the City outlining roles and obligations of the City and sub-
recipient and laying out the framework for the monitoring requirements. All contracts contain timelines
and scope of work to promote timeliness of expenditures and compliance with specific goals and
requirements. The project manager is responsible for clearly conveying the requirements described in
the agreement to the sub-recipients.
Throughout the year, sub-recipients are responsible for submitting quarterly reports, quarterly
demographics, budget reconciliation forms, and each voucher is accompanies by a summary of
appropriate back-up copies of original receipts and checks. Questions of capacity and expertise are
reviewed through this process, and supported where necessary by technical assistance, resource
referral, or guidance. Information collected throughout the year is used to provide direction for on-site
monitoring at least once a year. Quarterly reports are used to determine funding eligibility and
timeliness of expenditures.
In addition to monitoring specific projects under contractual agreements, Block Grant staff provides
resource material, information, instruction, guidance and referrals proactively to organizations in need
of support.
Each program year, Block Grant staff conducts an initial desk-monitoring, followed by an on-side sub-
recipient review of project and program records related to grant performance and fiscal accountability.
The purpose of the review is to assess performance against the agreement, and to verify all federal state
and local regulations are satisfied. Where required, monitoring for affordability is also performed on
site. Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspections are performed consistent with HUD requirements by
qualified inspectors and reviewed or completed by Block Grant project managers. Each on-site
monitoring follows specific procedures and a written checklist that is maintained in the files. Letters of
findings with a specific timeline for resolution are written to each contract sub-recipient. Sub-recipients
are monitored in a timely manner for compliance with these written requests, and given assistance or
guidance where necessary.