Customer Signature
City of Banning
Residential Central Air Conditioning
Rebate Application
First Name
Last Name
Address City State Zip Code
Day Time Phone
Electric Account Number Purchase Date
Old System
Size___________ S.E.E.R.___________
(Tonnage) (Rating)
Model #__________________
Qualifying System
Size____________ S.E.E.R.__________
(Tonnage) (Rating)
Evap Coil Model #
(Circle one of the following)
Split System or Packaged Unit
Condenser Model #
Serial #___________________________________
ARI Reference #_______________________
***Must attach a copy of AHRI Certificate and copy of JOB CARD/Permit to application***
I understand and agree that the choice of improvements, the selection of contractors, the purchase of items and
acceptance of materials used and work performed, and the payments thereof, is my responsibility. I
understand that the City of Banning does not endorse, recommend or make any representations as to specific
brands, products, contractors or dealers; nor does it guarantee material or workmanship. I also agree to allow the
City of Banning Public Utilities to access my premises for verification purposes. Rebates of $500.00 or less will
be applied to the customer’s electric account. Customers receiving $501.00, or more, in rebates will receive a
rebate check.
Authorization for payment:___________________
(Public Benefits Coordinator)
(Public Benefits Program Manager)
For office use only:
Audit Completed______________________Date___________________Cycle____________
City of Banning, Public Benefits, 176 E. Lincoln St., Banning, CA 92220 (951) 922-3260 Banningca.gov
Email Address: PublicBenefits@banningca.gov
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Email Address
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City of Banning Public Benefits Program Guidelines
Energy Efficient Central Air Conditioning Purchase Rebate
Program Description:
This program is designed to provide monetary incentives for the purchase of a new
central air conditioner and/or heat pump unit, replacing an existing air conditioning and/or
heat pump, with an ENERGY STAR rated unit. Proposed incentives, based on the
energy efficiency and size of the unit (tonnage), range from $200.00 to $600.00 per ton.
Incentive table for the purchase of a new central Air Conditioner
Split System or
Packaged Unit
Rebates for Purchases
After March 1, 2019
Air Conditioners
Heat Pump Units
15.0 to 15.9
16.0 to 16.9
17.0 to 17.9
18.0 or greater
$200 per ton
$300 per ton
$400 per ton
$600 per ton
Program Guidelines:
This program is available to the City of Banning electric customers.
Applicant must be a City of Banning electric customer. If the applicant is a renter, the
property owner must sign the rebate application prior to its submission.
Rebates are available for the purchase of a brand new ENERGY STAR rated central electric air
conditioner and/or electric heat pump.
Program participation requires systems to be installed at the service address.
Only new high energy efficient equipment that replaces an existing system qualifies for a
rebate. New and replacement systems must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Split system and packaged units must have a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) equal
to or greater than 15.
2. Heat Pumps must be listed in the Energy Star website. www.energystar.gov
3. A matching evaporator coil must be installed for systems that are replaced. By requiring the
replacement of both the condenser and the evaporative coil, the customer and the utility
receive maximum energy efficiency.
Installation must be completed by the applicant, or a California licensed contractor with the
proper specialty code. The applicant is responsible for checking with the state, county, city, and
building owner regarding local conditions, restrictions, codes, ordinances, rules and regulations prior
to installation.
Revised 4/2/2020 Page 3 of 3
Following the installation of the new high efficiency system, complete and return
the application and supporting documentation to: City of Banning,
Public Benefits Department, 176 E. Lincoln Street, Banning, CA 92220
or Email PublicBenefits@banningca.gov
A copy of the original, dated invoice or sales receipt must be provided,
along with a copy of the yellow ENERGY GUIDE tag must be attached to the
The invoice must have the following information: Name, address, &
phone number of store or contractor. Also, Make & Manufacturer,
Tonnage (Size), Model number, SEER or EER Rating, BTU on Heat Units,
and Serial Number on the new unit.
An original AHRI Certificate of Product Ratings including the reference
number, along with a copy of the City of Banning JOB CARD/PERMIT must
be attached to the application.
The application and supporting documentation must be submitted within 180 days
of purchasing the product in order to qualify for a rebate.
Rebates will be paid to the electric customer of record only. The name on the invoice
must match the name on the electric customer account.
Rebates of $500.00 or less will be applied to the customer’s electric account. Customers
receiving a rebate of more than $501 will be issued a rebate check.
Rebates will be given to all qualified applicants submitting proper paperwork.
To qualify for a rebate, products must be within guidelines in Table-1 shown on page 2.
Rebates will be issued within 6 to 8 weeks after verification of submitted paperwork.
A home audit will be conducted within 24 months after the application has been
processed. Disparities discovered during the home audit may result in a rebate reversal.
The limit is one Split System/Packaged Unit rebate per customer account. (One Rebate
every 10 years).
Program will continue provided funds are available.
Visit our website at: Banningca.gov