City of Banning
Level Pay Plan Program
The Level Pay Plan provides a method of billing utility
customers in equal monthly installments based on their average
annual billing. Customers may choose to utilize the Level Pay
Plan in order to equalize the effects of increased utility bills that
arise during periods of peak consumption. This allows
customers to budget better because they know what their
monthly payment will be.
This program is provided as an example of the City's
overall mission to provide excellent customer service to the
citizens of Banning. To enroll in the Level Pay Plan, please
complete the attached Level Pay Plan Program application and
return it to the City of Banning Utility Billing Department,
which is located at 99 East Ramsey Street, Banning, CA 92220.
Participation in the plan is subject to the terms and
conditions set below.
Terms and Conditions:
Eligibility: Residential customers must have had Utility service in their name with the City of
Banning for at least 13 months. Their account must currently be in good standing. Customers must
have an acceptable payment history, for example:
Utility account must be paid in full before enrollment in the Level Pay Plan.
No more than one delinquency within the past 12 months.
No delinquencies in the last three months.
No returned checks in the past 12 months.
No disconnects for unpaid bills in the past 12 months.
Customers on a "cash only'' basis are not eligible for the Level Pay Plan.
Level Pay Plan: The customer's total current charges for the previous 12 months are divided by
11. This amount becomes the Level Pay Plan payment amount for the next 11 months. Any
adjustments to the account will be in addition to the Level Pay Plan amount and are due in the
period billed. In the 12th month of the plan, the difference between the actual monthly utility costs
and the amounts paid under the Level Pay Plan will be calculated, and a settlement bill will be
generated. This settlement statement will show either payment due or a credit on the account.
Customers will automatically continue on the Level Pay Plan at the successful completion of the
prior 12-month period. At renewal, a new Level Pay Plan amount will be calculated as described
below (Level Pay Plan Amount Adjustment).
Level Pay Plan Amount Adjustment: Due to yearly fluctuations in usage patterns, the Level Pay
Plan amount may require periodic adjustment to avoid unduly large credit or debit settlement
charges in the 12
month. Manual adjustments may be required in cases where the City of Banning
City of Banning
Utility Billing Department
99 E Ramsey Street
PO Box 985
Banning, CA 92220
Tel: (951) 922-3185
Fax: (951) 922-3165
has made changes to the customer's services, such as adding, deleting or adjusting metered or non-
metered services. All Level Pay Plan accounts will be automatically reviewed in the 6
and 12
months using the method of calculation described in the Level Pay Plan. If the newly calculated
amount is 15% higher or lower than the current Level Pay Plan amount or if the customer is
beginning a new 12-month period, the new amount will be used.
Customer Termination of Level Pay Plan: The customer may choose to terminate participation
in the Level Pay Plan at any time by submitting a dis-enrollment form to the City's Utility Billing
department. At the next billing cycle, the customer's account will be placed on regular monthly
billing. The difference between the actual monthly utility costs and the Level Pay Plan amounts to
date will be determined. A settlement amount of either a debit or a credit will be added to (or
subtracted from) the customer's current charges and will be due and payable at the same time as
the customer's current charges. If the customer moves or discontinues service with the City of
Banning, a closing settlement bill will be produced showing an amount due or credit. Final billing
credit amounts are processed in accordance with established Utility Billing procedures. A customer
terminating participation in the Level Pay Plan may re-enroll after six months of regular monthly
Termination for Cause from the Level Pay Plan: A customer will be terminated from the Level
Pay Plan by the City of Banning if:
The account becomes delinquent (customer has not paid the Level Pay Plan amount in
accordance with existing Utility payment requirements).
A check submitted for payment is returned, unless documentation in writing as a bank error
is provided.
In addition to the aforementioned causes, the City reserves the right to cancel, at any time, the
Level Pay Plan in its entirety at its discretion. After termination, at the next billing cycle the
customer will be returned to regular monthly billing. The difference between the actual monthly
utility costs and the Level Pay Plan amounts to date will be determined. A settlement amount of
either a debit or a credit will be added to (or subtracted from) the customer's current charges and
will be due and payable at the same time as the customer's current charges. If the customer has a
debit or credit balance upon termination from the Level Pay Plan, the debit or credit will be applied
to the customer's account.
The customer will be ineligible for re-enrollment to the Level Pay Plan for a period of 12
Reconnection of Utility Services for Level Pay Plan Customers: If a customer has been
disconnected for nonpayment of Level Pay Plan amounts or for a returned check, the settlement
amount due plus any reconnection charges must be paid before service is reconnected. Upon
reconnection, the customer will be placed on regular monthly billing.
Dear Customer,
Before you can be enrolled in our Level Pay Plan Program, your utility account must be
paid in full and the form below must be filled out and signed. Please be sure to read the
information carefully, and if you agree with the terms and conditions previously listed, submit
this form to the Utility Billing Department either in person or by mail to the following address:
City of Banning
Attn: Utility Billing Department
99 East Ramsey Street
Banning, CA 92220
Please keep the Level Pay Plan Program terms and conditions for your records and to use
as reference. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Utility Billing
Department at (951) 922-3185. We are here to serve you Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. Thank you.
Level Pay Plan Program Application
99 East Ramsey Street, PO Box 985, Banning, CA 92220
Tel: (951) 922-3185 Fax: (951) 922-3165
Please print clearly
Account Number: ___________ - ___________
Customer Name (s): _______________________________________________________
Service Address: __________________________________________________________
Home Phone Number: (_____) _____________
Work Phone Number: (_____) _____________
E-mail Address (Optional): ______________________________________________
By signing below, I certify that I have read the Level Pay Plan Program information and
that I agree to the terms and conditions outlined therein. I authorize the City of Banning Utility
Billing Department to bill my account in accordance with the Level Pay Plan terms and conditions.
Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____ / ____ / ____
Office Use Only:
Date Received: ____ / ____ / ____ Date Processed: ____ / ____ / ____
Calculated LPP Amount: $ ________ Processed By: _______________
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