Welcome to Good News Club® Home Edition!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are excited your child is joining us for our new Good News Club Home Edition program, an
exciting 40-minute weekly Bible club online. Your child will enjoy interactive and engaging
activities such as singing, Scripture memorization, missionary stories, competitive review games
and teaching from God’s Word, the Bible. In light of the current pandemic, we are conducting
our regular Good News Club program via ZOOM for the safety of the children and CEF staff and
volunteers. The first series of lessons is six weeks. Here is some important information regarding
the Good News Club Home Edition program which will be held each
TO REGISTER: Visit greater-baltimore.cefmaryland.org/resources and click the registration
When logging into ZOOM for the club, please make sure the name in your Zoom box
ow you are identified on Zoom) is your child’s name. This is a security measure to only
admit registered families into the club. It also allows us to call your child by name.
No one who is not registered will have access to the Zoom link. PLEASE do not share th
k with anyone. Encourage family and friends to contact us to request registration
Your video must always be on during the club so we can be certain that only registered
families are admitted to the club.
Please do not mute yourselves. Allow the CEF club leaders to mute and unmute your
Please try to minimize distractions in your home when possible during club time (pets
running around, background talking, etc.)
***We will use the same Zoom link every week the club meets, so please don’t delete the
invitation email.
We are looking forward to an exciting six weeks and beyond! If you have any questions, do not
hesitate to contact:
Team Leader:
For Ages
5 - 12!