2801 N.E. 50th Street· Oklahoma City, OK 73111
(405) 424-5266 (405) 424-3855 www.usasoftball.com
Team Name Division or Classification of Championship Play
(men or women; boys or girls; slow, fast, 16 inch or modified pitch; age or divisions group)
Instructions: Complete all the above information and attach to your team roster. Mail a copy to the tournament director and reserve a copy for your local commissioner and a copy
for your records. If necessary, you may hand carry this form along with your team roster to the tournament and present to the tournament director upon arrival. No pick-up players
will be allowed to participate if this form is not presented with your team roster to the tournament director for inspection.
Print or Type Player’s Name
Adult Player’s Signature
Bonafide Residence Address
Birth Date
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature
From which team was player picked up?
This certifies that the above listed player meets the requirement of Article 303 of the USA Softball Code. See reverse side for Article 303.
Manager’s Signature Date Manager’s Name (Print or Type) Manger’s Address (Print or Type)
Local Association Commissioner Signature (or Designee) Date Cell Phone # Local Association USA Softball Region Number
Original Team’s Local Association Commissioner’s Date Cell Phone # Local Association USA Softball Region Number
Signature (or Designee)
NOTE. For Junior Olympic divisions, verification of birth date for each player must be attached (i.e. birth certificate, baptismal certificate, hospital certificate may be used). Legible photocopies will be accepted. By signing this form,
player or guardian agree to be bound by all terms and conditions contained on the USA Softball Official Championship Roster as previously signed.
I release, discharge and agree not to sue the team and/or league designated below or any owner or leasee of fields on which softball is played or practiced by my team or USA Softball, or their owners, officers, umpires, agents,
servants, associations, employees, or any person or entity connected with the team, league, field or USA Softball for any claim, damages, cost or cause of action which I have or may in the future have as a result of injuries or
damages sustained or incurred by me from whatever cause including, but not limited to the negligence, breach of contract or wrongful conduct of these parties hereby released. I further agree that I shall hold harmless and fully
indemnify the parties hereby released from any claims, damages, costs including attorney fees, and cause of action which may arise from any claim or cause of action made by me, through me or on my behalf even if the damages,
injuries or death are caused in whole or in part by any of the parties or entities hereby released.
I also hereby give permission to the team manager, indicated on this page, to obtain medical treatment for the minor player, which I am either parent or guardian, in the event I am not available and medical treatment is required.
I also hereby give permission to USA Softball and its local associations to use, in any and all publications that they may desire, all pictures taken of minor players in their publicizing the game of softball. I hereby subscribe my name
in the column for signature and by doing so certify that I have read this statement and that information supplied on this roster is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Revision Date: 2/4/19
Article 303 PICK-UP PLAYERS.
A. General Rule. All teams are permitted to pick up three players as follows:
01. The team adding pick-up players must select eligible roster members from USA Softball registered teams.
02. Pick-up players must have played for a USA Softball-registered team during the current season.
EXCEPTION: Senior Slow Pitch and Junior Olympic (JO) Fast Pitch
03. (JO ONLY) Pick-up players must be registered during the current season. Players must be registered seven (7) days prior to the start of a National Championship Final.
04. Pick-up players must be selected only from USA Softball registered teams no longer eligible for championship play.
EXCEPTION: A player that has been released from a team’s championship roster prior in accordance with the Player Release form.
05. Pick-up players must be from the teams same or lower classification. (Adult Slow Pitch Only) A player who is individually classified may be picked up by a team with the same classification. Said
classified players may only play one class lower than their current team’s classification. For those players who are not individually classified, their current team’s classification
EXCEPTION: Players who are age-eligible may be picked up by a lower age classification team.
CLARIFICATION: In Junior Olympic play there are two types of classifications, one type of classification is Gold, Class A and Class B; the other type of classification is age classification, 18-Under, 16-Under, 14-Under, 12-Under and 10-Under.
Therefore as an example, a player who has competed on a Junior Olympic Girls’ Fast Pitch 16-Under team is an eligible pick-up player for any team below the 16-Under age classification if she meets that age classification
criteria. Another example, once a player participates on a Class A team, they are not eligible to participate in Class B even if moving up in the age classification.
CLARIFICATION: A player who has competed in any Junior Olympic Girls’ Fast Pitch National Championship Finals is an eligible pick-up player in a higher classification. Therefore, as an example, a player who participates in a Western
Championship Final is an eligible pick-up player for any team at the USA Softball National Championship Final.
06. Players (Adult and Junior Olympic) whose teams have qualified to compete in the highest level tournaments within a classification shall not be eligible pick-up players.
CLARIFICATION: A player who has competed in any Junior Olympic Girls’ Fast Pitch National Championship Finals is not an eligible pick-up player for any other Junior Olympic Girls’ National Championship Finals.
EXCEPTION: A player who has competed in the Mens 23-Under championship play is eligible to participate in other adult championship play during the same season as a pick-up player.
07. No player may be picked up for National Gold Qualifying tournaments.
08. In adult divisions of play, a pick-up player may be substituted for after participation.
09. In Junior Olympic divisions of play, a pick-up player may not be substituted for after participation.
10. A player may play as a pick-up player with only one team other than their rostered USA Softball registered team within a division in a season.
11. Teams adding pick-up players must submit a completed official USA Softball pick-up player form attached to the official roster before the team plays in the tournament.
B. Fast Pitch, Modified Pitch, and Slow Pitch Pick-up Players. A player may be picked up at any level of championship play prior to the National Championship Final as follows:
01. If players are picked up prior to the local association championship, they must be governed by their local association rules.
02. If players are picked up after their local association championship, the pick-up player(s) must be governed by Article 303 of this Code.
Note: Men’s Modified Pitch pick-up players may come from the teams’ respective region or the associations bordering state(s).