California Small Group
(New Group)
Company name Federal tax ID (EIN) number
To be completed by your Kaiser Permanente-appointed agent/broker after completion of this form. If you’re a broker who hasn’t
registered as a firm or agent with Kaiser Permanente, please call Broker Sales at 800-789-4661. If any information has changed, please call
Broker Compensation at 800-440-2323.
Agent name License number
Contact email Contact phone
( ) -
Firm Name Kaiser Permanente broker firm ID
By submitting and signing this request:
• I, for the undersigned group, hereby request to designate the agent/broker named above as our authorized agent/broker for Kaiser
Foundation Health Plans.
• I authorize our designated agent/broker to complete, sign and submit forms on behalf of the group without the need for a signature from
the group. I agree to be bound by transactions performed by the agent/broker on our behalf. This includes our agent/broker submitting an
Employer Application form to contract with Kaiser Permanente for Small Group health care coverage.
I authorize you to discuss and provide group specic information to our designated agent/broker. This information includes, but not limited to, our
group plan agreement, rates, benet, payment information and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, protected health information (PHI).
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If my authorized agent/broker submits an Employer Application for Kaiser Permanente Small Group coverage, as a company principal/
corporate ofcer, having authority to contract with KFHP and KPIC, I agree that:
Prepaid monthly premiums will be posted to Kaiser Permanente’s account by the due date on the Kaiser Permanente billing statement.
My company will use employee enrollment application forms provided or approved by KFHP and KPIC for new employees.
The eligibility data provided by my company to Kaiser Permanente will include coverage effective dates for my company’s employees that
correctly account for eligibility in compliance with the waiting period requirement in the Affordable Care Act and federal regulations, which
require that waiting periods not exceed 90 days. My company acknowledges that the effective date of coverage for new employees and their
eligible family dependents will be on the 1st of the month and won’t exceed the waiting period established by my company.
My company will abide by the contract provisions.
I have read, understood, and agreed to Kaiser Permanente’s Small Business Guidelines, which may be included with my rate quote or, if not
included, is available at
I attest that my company meets the denition of “small employer” as dened by applicable federal and state law. I have a minimum of 1 W-2
employee (excluding the owner, spouse, or legal domestic partner) and I will comply with the health plan’s participation requirement.
I attest that my company isn’t participating in a large group trust and agree not to participate while enrolled under Kaiser Permanente small
business coverage.
I understand that a Summary of Benets and Coverage (SBC) for each of my medical plans is available at
I agree to provide my eligible employees with SBCs for any plan(s) I have chosen or change to in the future.
I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all of the responses given are true, correct, and complete. I understand that if I performed an act or
practice constituting fraud or made an intentional misrepresentation of material fact, any coverage approved by KFHP or KPIC may be canceled
or the applicable premiums/rates may be adjusted.
I understand that if KFHP or KPIC intends to rescind or terminate my coverage, I’ll be sent a notice via regular certied mail at least 30 days
prior to the effective date of the rescission or termination explaining the reasons for the intended rescission or termination and notifying me of
my right to appeal that decision to the Department of Managed Health Care director or the Department of Insurance commissioner. I understand
that after 24 months following the issuance of my KFHP health plan contract/KPIC health insurance policy, KFHP/KPIC shall not rescind my
plan contract/policy for any reason, and shall not cancel my plan contract/policy, limit any of the provisions of my plan contract/policy, or raise
premiums on my plan contract/policy due to any omissions, misrepresentations, or inaccuracies in the application form, whether willful or not.
I understand that (except for Small Claims Court cases, claims subject to a Medicare appeals procedure or the ERISA claims
procedure regulation, and any other claims that cannot be subject to binding arbitration under governing law) any dispute between
myself, my heirs, relatives, or other associated parties on the one hand and Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. (KFHP), any
contracted health care providers, administrators, or other associated parties on the other hand, for alleged violation of any duty
arising out of or related to membership in KFHP, including any claim for medical or hospital malpractice (a claim that medical
services were unnecessary or unauthorized or were improperly, negligently, or incompetently rendered), for premises liability, or
relating to the coverage for, or delivery of, services or items, irrespective of legal theory, must be decided by binding arbitration
under California law and not by lawsuit or resort to court process, except as applicable law provides for judicial review of arbitration
proceedings. I agree to give up our right to a jury trial and accept the use of binding arbitration. I understand that the full arbitration
provision is contained in the Evidence of Coverage.
Authorized contract signer (please print name) Company title (please print)
Signature Date
*Disputes arising from the following fully insured Kaiser Permanente Insurance Company coverages aren’t subject to binding arbitration: 1) the
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and the Out-of-Network portion of the Point-of-Service (POS) plans; 2) Preferred Provider Organization
(PPO) plans; 3) Out-of-Area Indemnity (OOA) plans; and 4) KPIC Dental plans.
Small Business
611701821 January 2021
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