mailing addresses. The required one-third low income resident(s) or elected representative(s) must be
annotated on the list.
Low-Income Input
Submit a formal, written process for low income, program beneficiaries to advise the organization in all of
its decisions regarding the design, siting, development, and management of affordable housing projects, as
well as, written procedures as to how the formal process will be implemented (public hearings, flyers,
media, etc.). Submit the organization’s bylaws, with written procedures approved by the governing board
as documentation of a low-income input policy; or a resolution, with written procedures approved by the
governing board; or a written statement describing the operating procedures approved by the governing
body. The statement must be on letterhead, signed by the Executive Director and evidenced with the date
of governing body approval. Include copies of all actions that have been taken, dates for marketing outreach
and/or planned neighborhood meetings.
Please note: Under the HOME Program, “Low income” is defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) as an annual income that does not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the median
income for the area, with adjustments for family size.
CHDO Charter
A CHDO may be chartered by a state or local government, but the following restrictions apply:
1. The state or local government may not appoint more than one-third of the membership of the
organization’s governing body;
2. The board members appointed by the state or local government may not, in turn, appoint the
remaining two-thirds of the board members; and,
3. No more than one-third of the governing board members are public officials including employees
of the Participating Jurisdiction or state recipients, elected officials, appointed public officials, and
individuals appointed by public official. Elected officials include, but are not limited to, state
legislators or any other statewide elected officials. Appointed public officials include, but are not
limited to, members of any regulatory and/or advisory boards or commissions that are appointed
by a state official. Public officials who themselves are low-income residents or representatives do
not count toward the one-third minimum requirement of community representatives.
Submit the organizational document (Charter, By Laws or Articles of Incorporation) that evidences the Act
the organization is organized under. Label the portion of the organizational document (Charter, By Laws or
Articles of Incorporation) that states the composition of the Board.
CHDO Sponsor
The for-profit entity may not appoint more than one-third of the membership of the CHDO’s board. The
board members appointed by the for-profit entity cannot appoint the remaining two-thirds of the board
members of the board. The CHDO must own the property prior to the development phase of the project.
The CHDO Sponsor must select the nonprofit that will obtain ownership of the property prior to the
commitment of HOME funds. Submit a written statement identifying and naming the nonprofit. The
nonprofit organization must be financially and legally separate from the CHDO Sponsor. Submit
documentation, such as a legally binding agreement, evidencing that the nonprofit is financially and legally
separate from the CHDO Sponsor. Label the portion of the document that states the board composition.
Attachment H – Religious or Faith Based Organization Certification
HOME funds may not be used for the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of structures if those
structures are used for inherently religious activities. Sanctuaries, chapels, or other rooms which a faith-
based CHDO uses as its principal place of worship are always ineligible for HOME-funded improvements.