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Wrien refund requests must be submied within 60 days of permit issuance and construcon must not have
commenced. The applicant will receive a refund of 50% of the original permit fees (not including radon and
landscaping fees, which are non-refundable). Refunds are not issued for fees $100 or less, with the excepon
of clerical errors resulng in overpayment. Clerical errors are eligible for a refund of 100% of the overpayment
amount. Wrien request must submied within one year from the date of the occurrence. Please send an
email to kindredl@HCFLGov.net if you have quesons concerning permit refunds.
If you are requesng refund of impact fees, please call: 813-276-8305.
A copy of the receipt (plus credit card receipt if paid by credit card, copy of check/money order if paid by
cashier’s check or money order, or copy of canceled check if paid by personal or business check) must be
aached to this form to receive a refund. The refund will only be issued to the business or person that issued
the original check (or the authorized user named on the credit card).
Name of Business or Individual Account on which Check was Drawn or Authorized Credit Card User:
Business Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________ State ________________________ ZIP____________________
Business Phone_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Reason for requesng the refund: ____________________________________________________________________________
Permit Number _____________________________________________ Receipt Number _______________________________
Examinaon Fee_____________________________________________ License Fee ____________________________________
Signature of Applicant _______________________________________ Date ___________________________________________
Accounng String: ________________________________________________________________Amount: ______________
Accounng String: ________________________________________________________________Amount: ______________
Accounng String: ________________________________________________________________Amount: ______________
Accounng String: ________________________________________________________________Amount: ______________
Accounng String: ________________________________________________________________Amount: ______________
Total Refund: ______________
Secon Manager Approval: _______________________________________________________Date: _________________
Department Director Approval: ___________________________________________________Date: __________________
cc: Team Leader, Structural Review Intake Team, Pa English
Building Services | 19th Floor | P.O. Box 1110 | Tampa, FL 33601
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