City of Wildwood, Florida
Development Services Department
100 N. Main St., Wildwood, FL 34785
Tel: 352.330.1334 Fax: 352.330.1338
Revised 12/2016
Staff Use Only
Case No.:
Fee Paid:
Receipt No.:
Application for Preliminary Concurrency Determination
Applicant Name: Phone:
Address: E-mail:
Owner Name: Phone:
Address: E-mail:
Engineer Name: Phone:
Address: E-mail:
Property Information:
*A project name is required for all submissions. Please choose a unique name for your project.
Property Address:
List Parcel Number(s):
Use of Property:
Size of Property (Acres or Square Feet):
Do you currently have City utilities?
Project Buildout Information:
Phasing Schedule:
Residential Units:
Retail SF:
Office SF:
Institutional SF:
Industrial SF:
Phase 1: _______
Project Demand on Facilities:
Phasing Schedule: Phase 1: _______
Sewer (Avg GPD):
Water (Avg GPD):
Parks (Acreage):
Refuse (cy/day):
Phase 2: _______
Phase 2: _______
Phase 3: _______
Phase 3: _______
Phase 4: _______
Phase 4: _______
Total: _______
Total: _______
Signature: Date:
If application is being submitted by any person other than the legal owner(s) of the property, the applicant must provide a notarized Authorized Agent
form(available on the City's Website) from the owner to submit application.
click to sign
click to edit